Parish Council Documents

There will be a meeting of the Paris Council on Monday 14th March 2016 in the Village Hall at 18.30 hrs. The agenda will be:


Declarations of Interest

To invite Mr S Billis to sign the Declaration of Acceptance of Offoice as a member of the PC.

1. To rectify the omission of Item 1 in the minutes of the meeting held on 8th February 2016 by the addition of " The minutes of the extraordinary meeting held on 15th January 2016 ans the meeting held on 18th January 2016, were signed as being a true record"

2. Planning.

a. 16/01316/FUL. Land at Lower Wootton Farm. Siting of timber cabin for use as a rurak workers dwelling.

b. 16/01666/FUL 2 Yew Tree Drive. Extensions to front and side.

c. 16/02053/CLE. Land at 2 Whiteways. Certiuficate of \lawful use for exisiting use as General Storage Building.

3. Finance.

a. Community Fund

b. Bank activity and balances

4. Amendments. To consider the following amendments.

a. Standing Orders. To delete from order No 10 the sentence  " The Chairman will be elected for two years, subject to annual re-election and acceptace in that office"

b. Financial Regulations. To approve addition of:

Order No 7. To amend heading to 'Salary and Pension'. To add " If so requested by an employee, to set in place a pension a pension, subject to the regulations in the annex to this order"

5.Reports.To discus and decide where necessary

a. Area Board and CATG

b. Community Speedwatch

6 Communique

7. Parish Matters





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