Parish Plan now Issued

The Parish Plan is now issued.  Copies have been delivered along with the Parish Newsletter.

Download a pdf copy here

Download the Presentation from Friday 26 March 2010

Presentation slides of the results of the Parish Plan Questionnaire as shown at the Presentation Evening.  These are in a Microsoft Powerpoint Presentation format.  If you don't have Powerpoint on your computer then you can download the (free) Powerpoint Viewer here. 

Download the Questionnaire Results click here (3Mb - be patient).

Broad Town web site has taken reasonable precautions and belives these files to be safe and virus free.  Final responsibility remains with the user and the web site does not accept responsibility for loss or damage.

What Happens Next

For those of you who were unable to join us at the Presentation evening, we'll explain what happens next.

The Steering Group will now start compiling the Parish Plan, which, when printed, will be adopted by Broad Town Parish Council and Wiltshire Council.

It will contain an action plan covering how the issues raised may be carried out over the next 10 years. This requires community involvement to ensure its success. We can't do this without you. Therefore we are setting up Special Interest Groups to look at specific issues in greater detail. It is a plan for the future of the Parish, so these groups will continue to look after these issues after the Plan is completed.

Due to the overwhelming number of traffic related comments we received from the Questionnaire, we have already had some success with the traffic speed issue, (metro count and community speed watch). With that in mind, we are hoping that many more of you will join those members of our community who have already signed up to a Special Interest Group. The form below will give you more information and instructions on how to return it to us.

We hope you will give it serious thought. Let's make Broad Town Parish one to be proud of!

Join a Special Interest Group - SIG

Start (or Join) a Special Interest Group.  Fill in and return the form below - where to return is on the bottom of the form.  This form is in a Microsoft Word Document format.  If you don't have Microsoft Word on your computer then you can download a free viewer by clicking here.

Download form by clicking here.

Broad Town web site has taken reasonable precautions and belives these files to be safe and virus free.  Final responsibility remains with the user and the web site does not accept responsibility for loss or damage.

Post Presentation Q and A session - 26 March 2010

Observation. The questionnaire failed to explain how the information gathered would be used at higher levels in planning of development within the village. Concern was expressed that a statistic showing that 34% of respondents felt that additional housing was necessary might provide the opportunity for WCC to impose housing development, despite the fact that the majority (52%) felt that there was no need for additional housing; allegedly, this had happened as the result of a parish plan published in Hampshire. It was considered that people may have not realised the significance of the answers they were providing.

Answer. The presentation was only feeding back the opinions of those consulted and did not constitute a plan. There was scope for further investigation into housing requirements should anyone wish to volunteer. The parish plan did not allow planning procedures to be circumvented.

Observation. The Redhills footpath is in appalling condition and despite a petition being presented, no action had been taken. If direct action by residents had had no effect, what would be the value of including similar sentiments in the Parish Plan?

Answer. Footpaths would be included in the Parish Plan which would be adopted in turn by the Parish Council; however, the PPSG could not itself guarantee action on the plan it presented.

Question. What is the timeline for the Parish Plan and for Special Interest Groups?

Answer. The intention is to publish the Parish Plan by September; however, as a living document intended to provide a vision for the next 10 years, there would probably be future updates. Special Interest Groups have no set timeline however those that provide data to feedback into the Parish Plan would need to match the September timeline.

Question. How will the plan be published?

Answer. Probably by a leaflet provided to every household but with an electronic copy available to all on line. Hard copies of the full document would be held for review by those unable to access the internet.

Observation. The Metrocount was supported but power supplies would be required for any speed activated signs.

Answer. Renewable energy sources might provide the solution.

Observation. Speed measurement (ie Metrocount) should be taken in the lower Village where speeding is probably more prevalent. Speeding traffic tends to slow down in the Upper Village due to the known risk of mobile speed cameras.

Answer. The location of the count had already been decided.


Observation. The results of the questionnaire could be skewed by children providing answers to questions of which they had little or on knowledge.

Answer. An audit trail of the demography of those filling in questionnaires should avoid this situation.

Observation. The absence of a school in the village would have a big impact in the character of the village and therefore there is good reason to sustain the school. One of the factors is the local take up of school places and there is a critical mass below which the school ceases to be viable. Sustainment of the school is linked to development of the Parish and should form part of parish planning but as an issue, may lie beyond the remit of the PPSG.

Answer. Noted.

Question. How does the Parish Plan relate to other plans, eg county planning?

Answer. Councils developing strategic plans must take note of parish plans.

Question. With the conclusion of funding for the PPSG, will activity on the Plan cease in September? It has been pointed out that the plan is a living document and should therefore receive periodic reviews and updates.

Answer. The Parish plan will be adopted by the PC who will then be responsible for the review of progress against plan. It should be noted that the PPSG funding was only intended to cover the costs of producing a plan, not for its execution.

Question. PPSG funding was provided to cover activities for a finite period of time which has now passed. Is there a risk of funding being removed?

Answer. No, funding is secure.

Question. If someone wished to initiate a Specials Interest Group, do they need to wait the publication of the Plan before taking action?

Answer. No, there is no requirement for the SIG to await publication, indeed SIGs providing information to the Parish Plan will need to report before Parish Plan publication.

Question. Why was the Parish Hall not considered to be of sufficient importance to merit a Special Interest Group?

Answer. A Village Hall committee already exists.

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