Parish Council Documents

Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman

         Cllrs R. Bourton, M. Nailon, Mrs D Ponting and Mrs. V. Stubbings.

9 members of the public.

The Chairman invited questions from thr public. The representative of CLPG had been asked to bring before the PC that the wording used in the minutes concerning the draft neighbourhood planning report was incorrect, and the agenda item for the meeting could not stand. The Chairman defered answereing thiese items until they were reached during the meeting.

1. Minutes. Cllr Stubbings considered that the minutes of the meeting were incorrwect in the wording used. She proposed that the wording in item 3 '...consultation of thre planning report...' should read '.... consultation of the draft Neighbourhood Plan.' And in item 5 the wording 'The draft CLPG report.........' should read 'The draft Neighbourhood Plan......'. Approved unanimously.

2. Finance.

    a The Clerk noted that the precept had been set at £3800

    b. The Clerk's salary and allowance for Oct-Dec "237.24 had been paid by bank transfer

    c. A cheque had been raised for £50.60 payable to HMRC for PAYE.

      d. Clerk noted that an intermediate audit had been carried out .

        e. Balances.  Business- £471.04.  Instant Access- £3777.69.  Treasurers - £5000.

3. Communications Protocol. This is still in the process of being updated.

4. Election. Clerk noted that,as no candidates had offered themselves for the election planned for 21st Januarty 2016, it had been cancelled. As 10 people had requested an election, the process will continue until an election is held. There is no option to co-opt.

5. Reports.

     a. Neighbourhood Planning. As noted in public comments, it was felt that the incorrect wording  the Clerk had used in the minutes of the December meeting could affect the validity of any decision made. The Chairman closed the meeting at 18.50hrs to enable public participation. The CLPG representative had already indicated that she would not be happy to proceed with the agenda item with the errors in the wording. After some discussion the Council agreed that this item be adjourned. The Chairman re-opened the meeting.

    b. CATG. The request for a Metrocount has been refused.

7. Parish Matters.

    a. Tree trimming. Cllr Bourton had spoken to the resident at Redhills who was prepared to trim the larger branches from the trees surrounding the playing field.

     b. It had been noted that, at some points to the north of the playing field, fences of some adjoining propertied had encroached onto the field.

    c. Cllr Stubbings noted that an Emergency Procedures plan had not been completed, as suggested by the Area Board. The Clerk acknowledged that he had yet to     prepare it,  but would do so.

    d. The Chairman noted that had had completed a request to Community First for funding, which had been acknowledged, but had received no further information.


The meeting closed at 19.15

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