Parish Council Documents

Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman

         Cllrs J. Bayliffe, R. Bourton, Mrs D. Ponting, and Mrs V. Stubbings          

Guest: Cllr R. Thomas, Chairman of Purton PC and Chairman of the NEW-V Steering Group.

10 members of the public.

The Chairman opened the meeting by inviting questions from the public. A long discussion followed concerning the next step in the neighbourhood planning process. Cllr Thomas covered many of the concerns, the pros and cons of completing the report prepared by the CLPG, the likely outcome of withdrawing from the process, and the public consultation. Cllr Thomas was thanked for his input.

The Chairman opened the formal meeting at 19.15hrs.

Apologies were received from Cllr Nailon. Absent on duty

Declaration of Interest. As secretary of the Village Hall Management Committee and the Parochial Church Council, Cllr Stubbings declared an interest in items 2b and c.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 9th November 2015 were signed as being a true record.

2. Finance.

   a. The Clerk noted that an invoice from AW Services for grass cutting on the playing field, £650, had been paid by bank transfer.

   b. An invoice from VHMC for rental of the Village Hall for PC meetings was discussed. In the past the PC had donated £450 to the committee, and paid a nominal rent of £20. As this sum had been budgeted for it was agreed that the total of £470 be paid, covering the rent and contribution.

   c. A donation of £180 to Christ Church was agreed, to help in production of the 'NEWS'.

3. Precept. The Clerk produced a summary of this years spending compared to the budget. There will be several unplanned items before April 2016, including the cost of the by-election (estimated at £600) and the cost of the consultation of the planning report (as yet unknown, but sources of funding will be investigated). The Clerk will update the summary in time for the January meeting, at which the precept must be det, but suggested an increase of up to 5% to cover the rise in salary of a new Clerk, and an allowance for future elections.

4. Election. The formal notification had been received. The 21st December 2015 is the last date for nominations to be received and 5th January 2016 as the last date to register to vote. The date for the election has been set for 21st January 2016. The Clerk has full details, or they can be found on the Wiltshire Council website.

5 Reports.

   a. Neighbourhood Planning. The CLPG report has been accepted as fit for purpose by Wilts Council, and other than the correction of typo errors, will be circulated. It will also be put on the website. It was agreed that a small group  be set up to organise and oversee the public consultation, and Cllr Bayliffe volunteered to take on this responsibility. It was agreed that due to the short time scale consideration be given to producing a flyer, and that a basic cost should be established to enable possible funding to be sought. So that the report can be viewed in its final form, the formal acceptance will be an agenda item at the next meeting.

   b. Area Board and CATG. The report by Cllr Stubbings was noted. Although a reduction of traffic speeds at the north end of the Village had been noted it was suggested that a metrocount should now be requested to confirm.                                                                           Clerk

6. Communications Protocol. In the absence of Cllr Nailon on duty, the Chairman postponed this item until the January meeting.

7. Parish Matters.

   a. Playing Field. Cllr Bourton said that a local resident was prepared to cut down some of the thicker branches around the playing field to tidy the area, and use the timber. The Council had no objection, but it was to be at personal risk.

   b. The Clerk noted that Good Energy had designated the solar farm at Goldborough as Rook Wood to avoid confusion with other sites. He had altered the name on the application rules.

   c. The recent heavy rians had once again showed that the grips at Thornhill needed clearing.                                        Clerk

   d. It was agreed that a personal memento be given to John Pullen to mark his many years of service as a Councillor. Cllr Bayliffe agreed to look into this.

The meeting was closed at 19.38hrs.


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