Roy Davey posted on December 09, 2015 09:54
There will be a meeting of the Parish Council on Monday 14th December 2015 in the Village Hall at 18.30 hrs. The agenda will be:
Declarations of Interest.
1. To sign the minutes of the meeting held on 9th November 2015 as being a true record.
2. Planning. As required
3. Finance
a. To note invoice paid. AW Services. £650 for grass cutting on the playing field.
b. To consider invoice received from VHMC for VH rental; (£98 - normally £20), together with the annual donation (Normally £450)
c. To consider annual donation to Christ Church to help in the cost of the 'News'. (normally £180)
4. Precept. The Clerk will present the summary of spending for the present financial year, with a suggested precept the next financial year.
5. Election. Update from Clerk
6. Reports. to discuss and decide, where necessary:
a. Neighbourhood Planning.
b. Area Board and CATG.
d. Community Speedwatch.
7. Communications Protocol.
8. Parish Matters.
a. Playing Field.
a. Clearing of larger branches