Roy Davey posted on October 08, 2015 10:07
Present; Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman. Cllrs R. Bourton, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings
Apologies were received from Cllrs Nailon, Bayliffe.and Mrs M. Groom
Also present: 13 members of the public.
During public questions the Clerk was obliged to leave the meeting due to health issues. The meeting continued with the Chairman taking minutes.
The formal meeting started at 19.09 hrs.
Declarations of Interest: None
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th August 2015 were signed as being a true record.
2. Planning.
a. 15/70994/TCA. Tree surgery at Hurstbridge House, Pye Lane. Tree preservation in place. No objections or comments.
b. 15/08655/PCNOU. Marston Farm Buildings. Change of use from agricultural buildings to a dwelling house. No objections or Comments.
3. Finance.
a. Cheque raised and signed for increased insurance cover on play area. Required due to extension of play equipment.
b. Financial Regulations. Extension required due to Good Energy income from solar farm at Goldborough and corresponding amendment to audit rules. Approved.
c. Submission of request for S106 funds to pay for new play equipment. Postponed until Clerk can update the Parish Council on progress with this matter.
d. Balances. Postponed until Clerk can update the Parish Council on progress with this matter.
4. Reports.
a. Neighbourhood Watch. The latest suggestion by Wiltshire Council is that the parish-specific poll by each village to approve their chapter of the draft Neighbourhood Plan is dropped in the interests of time and expense. There was some resistance to this in the public gallery and among the Councillors, but it may yet be imposed on Broad Town due to the time this progress has taken thus far.
b. Area Board and CATG. No CATG meeting since July.
c. CLPG. See (a)
d. Community Speedwatch. No recent activity other than some new volunteers. The value of a continued supply of new Speedwatch data to feed into the Neighbourhood Plan process was noted.
5. Communique. an invitation for any contributions to Clerk's Clippings was issued.
6. Parish Matters.
a.Information received regarding insurance cover for volunteers (sg. White Horse restoration) Postponed until Clerk can update the Parish Council on progress wioth this matter.
b. Village Information Leaflet. Clerk is in process of updating the leaflet which is two years out of date. Organisations have been asked to supply details. Broad Town Cars will be approached to see if they wish to continue their sponsorship of the leaflets production.
c. Big Gig. Chairman proposed an official message of thanks to the Big Gig Committee for their tirelesss work in organising a massive event which is an excellent advertisement for Broad Town and is enjoyed by many from Broad Town and some from further afield.
d. A complaint has been received from a Pye Lane resident about the Broad Town Farmhouse hedge. This now obliges passing large vehicles to mount the verge opposite.
e. Play Area. It was proposed that an official letter of thanks be passwed to the resident who has been responsible for the new play area equipment, and that the area should be renamed in her honour. Clerk to make this an agenda item at the next meeting.
f. Chapel Lane sign. Someone has repainted the street sign at the junction of Broad Town Road and Chapel Lane, and has done an excellent job in doing so. The culprit has yet to come forward to admit their responsibility for this.