Roy Davey posted on August 19, 2015 15:11
Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman
Cllrs J Bayliffe. R. Bourton, Mrs D, Ponting, J Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.
Apologies were received from Cllr M. Nailon and Cllr Mrs M. Groom
There were no Declarations of Interest.
A member of the public noted the omission of an answer to his previous question from the minutes for July.Chairman noted that the whole subject of the Communications Protocol was listed as being an agenda item for the September meeting. Further the Clerk noted that a new Transparency Code for Smaller Councils has been recieved, but the effect on the protocol has yet to be studied.
The meeting opened at 18.30 hrs.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2015 were signed as being a true record.
2. Planning.
a. 15/07566 Broad Oak Cottage. Single Storey Extension to Rear. No objections from PC. Clerk will await any comment from the public before answering WC
b. The result of previous applications was noted:
i. 83 Horns Lane. Extension. Approved with conditions
ii Cotmarsh. Arena Lighting. Change from Temporary to Permanent approved.
3. Finance.
a. Invoices from AW Services for grass cutting the Redhills playing field, £260, had been payed by direct bank transfer.
b. Clerk noted that as he is now able to pay invoices due to the Council without the previously required two cheque signatories an irregular internal audit will be instituted, which he will present as an amendment to the financial regulations. An amendment will also be required now that the contract has been signed for the community fund payment from Good Energy.
c. The additions to the childrens playground should start in September. As the payment from Wilts Couincil will not be available until completeion of the work the Clerk has received the offer of an interest-free loan to cover the period.
d. Bank Balances. Business - £369. Instant Access - £6594. Treasurers - £100.
4. Community Fund. This fund is to enable grants to be made which are for the benefit of the Parish. It will be run by the Parish Council, which will be responsible to the energy company for its use. The income will be limited, and will be dependent on the power output from the solar farm. The fund will therefore be for those projects which require grant funding, but it is not to be used for ongoing projects, maintenance or any other expenditure for which the Council has statuary responsibility.
5. Reports.
a. Neighbourhood Planning. Nothing to report.
b. Area Board. There seems to be a change of titling going on.
c. CATG. Next meeting not until October.
d. Community Speedwatch. There have been more volunteers.
e. Neighbourhood Watch. Clerk will circulate the notes from the latest meeting.
f. White Horse. A report from Bob Clarke gave a resume of progress, particularly that the use of weed-killer seems to have had some success.
6. Road Signs. Single track road signs for Thornhill. Wilts Highways have offered a choice of two signs, but the most appropriate would indicate the one that indicates a narrow road ahead, and this was accepted. Positioning of the sign at the Broad Town Road end is difficult; there is already a clutter of signs and poles on the corner property, but the Clerk is to write to the owner of the property to obtain his view. However, it was felt that a more appropriate place would be at the end of the properties where the road begins to narrow.
7. Parish Matters.
a. Road surface cracking on Bushton road from Broad Town intersection.
The meeting closed at 19.10 hrs