Roy Davey posted on July 26, 2015 10:03

Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman. Cllrs J. Bayliffe, R. Bourton, Mrs d. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings
12 members of the public
Apologies were received from Cllr M. Nailon and Mrs M. Groom, Wilts Council.
There were no Declarations of Interest.
Bob Clarke of the White Horse Preservation Group, briefed the meeting on the inability of the group to carry on with their valuable work due to the many constraints i.e. poor access to the deteriorating site. no insurance to cover volunteers etc. Clerk will look into solutions.
Members of thr public raised questions on the proposed Communications Protocol, road safety measures, and the state of the access track behind Redhills. Covered in Parish Matters.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th June 2015 were signed as being a true record.
2. Finance. The following cheques were raised:
R.J.Davey Salary and Allowances Apr-Jun £237.44
HMRC. PAYE £50.40
3. Website. Clerk reported that the websiter in its present form was not now fir for paurpose, and has to be updated. The webmaster had requested £17 to help with the cost of the upgrade. This was approved and a cheque for this amount raised.
4. Solar Farm. Good Energy had submitted a draft contract for consideration. It was agreed the contract was straitforward and the Chairman was authorised to sign it on behalf of the PC. Clerk is to arrange. Once signes, arrangements for the payment of the first instalment can be finalised.
5. Playing Field. The Council discussed the proposal put forward by Mrs Annette Moore for improvements to the play area at Redhills. It is well thought out, comes within budget and should be supported. It was agreed that a great deal of effort had been put into this, and Mrs Moore is to be congratulated. Clerk is to follow up.
6. Reports.
a. Neighbourhood Planning. Next meting 12th August.
b. Area Board. Next meeting 22nd July.
c. CATG. Next meeting 28th JUly.
d. CLPG. Awaiting report from Carolyn Gibson of Wilts Counil
e. Community Speedwatch still needs volunteers.
7. Communique. To include notes on
Good Energy
Play Area.
White Horse.
8. Parish Matters.
a. Playing Field. Cllr Bourton will obtain an eatimated cost of cutting the hedges around ther playing field.
b. Planning going well for the Big Gig on 5th September.
c. Grips at Thornhill. Clerk to report to Ailts Highways that they need re-cutting.
d. Cllr Bourton commented on the neat look of the Village.
e. A question raised by a member of the public concerning the disappointment at the road safety measures improvements carried out, which were not as anticipated. It was explained that the difference in the layout between Broad Town and Hook was the width of the road; at Hook the road is wider and the markings could be brought out further into the road.
f. Poor state of the hedges on the lane behind the properties at Redhills is preventing access by lorries. Clerk will report, again, to the Housing Association, Green Square.
The meeting closed at 19.20