Our speaker at November’s meeting was Polly Fouracres, our local Yoga teacher. She gave us a one hour taster session of Hatha yoga, explaining some of the techniques. We then had the opportunity to try some breathing exercises and seated postures and then some floor work on our mats. The session was accompanied by very gentle, relaxing background music and we all felt refreshed and reinvigorated at the end.
Our November Barn dance was a great success. The hall was decorated with hay bales, bunting, candles, flowers and an assortment of chickens (not live ones). Thank you to all who helped. Everyone enjoyed the band and threw themselves enthusiastically into the dancing. We will definitely be having another in the future. £251 was raised to replenish WI funds.

..."Grab your partners by the hand".......Everybody was in full swing enjoying the Barn Dance at Broad Town Village Hall.

What a fantastic home made spread. There was plenty of food and drink for those who needed a break in between dances.
Our meeting on 11th December at 7.30pm is entitled ’A taste of Christmas’. We will be singing seasonal songs with the Swindon Scratch Choir followed by nibbles and drinks. All members are invited to bring a guest (no charge).
On 15th January our meeting ‘Resolutions and Puddings’ is for members only.
We have an Open Meeting on Wednesday 19th February at 7.30pm at Broad Town Village Hall. It is entitled ‘Dementia, Diagnosis and Treatment’. Our speaker will be Dr Simon Manchip, a Consultant in Old Age Psychiatry for Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership. He is also a National Dementia Advisor for the Order of St John’s Care Home Trust. This will be a very informative meeting and anyone is welcome to come. (Non-members £3 donation to cover speaker and tea and cakes)
We are a very friendly bunch and always welcome new members, so don’t be shy, why not come along to a meeting. For more information contact Jane on 01793 731105.