We started our March meeting with a very enjoyable t’ai chi session run by Faith Smith.
Following refreshments we continued the evening with our AGM. Rosie Law stood down as President after three very successful years at the helm. Jane Rowe also handed over the position as secretary and Kate Galea left the committee after several years’ service. A new committee was formed with Jenni Cable as President and task of Secretary shared between and Michelle Sanders and Kate Orton. The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the outgoing President.
In April we will be revisiting the subject of dementia with a workshop session with Allison Bucknell from Dementia Friends. She will be helping us to manage our responses to suffers of dementia. The meeting is at 7.30pm at Broad Town Village Hall.
We are a friendly group and welcome new members. Our meetings are generally held on the third Wednesday of the month at the village hall. If you are interested visiting us please contact Jane on 01793 731105 or look at our information on the Broad Town village website.