Community Coffee Mornings


Carolyn is taking a break from organising the cake rota (a big thank you for all your hard work on this Carolyn!), and Margaret Manley will be taking over. If you enjoy baking cakes and would like to join the rota, please email Margaret: or phone her on 731564. If we could add just six more names to the rota, all the bakers would only need to make a cake twice a year. We already have some youngsters and some men on our baking rota too, so please volunteer today to ensure the supply of delicious cakes for your community coffee mornings! All ages welcome, and you don’t have to be a ‘star baker’ either, just someone who is able to produce an edible cake that they are happy to donate to the cause! A huge thank you to everyone who attended our fundraising coffee morning for Prostate Cancer UK on March 27th. It was very well supported, and a very busy morning saw a fantastic total of £250 being raised. This has been sent to the charity and a letter of thanks has been received, they are extremely grateful for our support. Kelly Hillier, one of our local Police Community Support Officers, visited our coffee morning on April 10th. We are very grateful to Kelly for coming along and spending time chatting to us, answering some queries and for bringing along some leaflets and posters to take away.

Our May coffee mornings will be on Wednesdays May 8th and 22nd . Coffee mornings are always on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, from 10 – 12 noon in the village hall, so come along to enjoy delicious homemade cakes, sausage rolls, coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Everyone welcome, and if you’re new to the village, it’s a great way to meet some friendly faces, so please come along.

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