Parish Council Documents

Present; Cllr Mrs D. Ponting, Vice-Chairman

         Cllrs J. Bayliffe, R. Bourton, M.Nailon and Mrs V. Stubbings.

Apologies were received from Cllr S. Hinson

There were no Declarations of Interest

The Chairman called the meeting to set the precept for 2016/2017 as the meeting of 11th January 2016 had been cancelled and the deadline was imminent.

1. The Clerk confirmed the income and expenditure for the year 2015/16 put forward at the December meeting, and noted that there were several items of expenditure which had not been budgeted for, leading to an estimated overspend of come £1250. The sum of £1190 in VAT will be reclaimed at the end of this financial year, which will reduce this deficit to a manageable sum.

2. The budget for the coming year will have to be increased to cover election costs, the cost of the Neighbourhood Plan informal consultation, and a possible increase in the salary of a new Clerk. The Clerk suggested an increase over the budget for the present year of £175 to £3800. Whilst accepting that this should be higher, he noted that all councils were being urged to limit their increases and reduce their expenditure, and felt there was sufficient room for this figure to be sufficient.

3. This was accepted and the precept of £3800 was set by unanimous vote.

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