Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr R. Bourton, Cllrs S. Billis, J Brain, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.

The minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 209 were signed as being a true record.


1. Planning permission was noted for;

a. 01547/FUL 61 Hill View, Broad Town Road. Garage

b. Idovers, Broad Town Road. New dwelling in lieu of old.

2. Retrospective applications 01833 and 01834. 5 Ham Cottages. It was agreed that there were no objections in principle to the extensions, but note was made that it has taken a long time to have plans produced which were a true representation of the building work actually carried out.


3. The backdated increase in the Clerk's salary, as in the NALC guidelines, was accepted.

4. Note was taken of the date by which the precept for 2010/11 was required. Clerk will produce a financial summary for consideration at the next meeting, at which the decision must be made.

5. A cheque for £180 was raised, payable to Mr C. Bailey, for grass cutting.


6. Contents noted.

Parish Matters

7. Thornhill. The signs on the verge where the badger has been digging are still in place, making cutting of the grass impossible.

8. Clerk was reminded that a brief giving the condition of footpaths and bridle paths in the Village was required for the NCAP AGM  on 12th November 2009.

9. A core strategy exhibition will be held in the Civic Centre on 30th November 2009 between 13.00 and 19.00 hrs, and a workshop between 19.00 and 21.00 hrs. Two attendees from the PC requested; Cllr Stubbings will be one.

10. The next Area Board meeting will be on 2nd December 2009.

11.NOTE. The next planned Parish Council meeting on 14th December 2009 will start at 19.45 hrs to allow a previous meeting to clear.

(signed) R.J.DAVEY, Clerk

10th November 2009

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