MINUTES OF A MEETING HELD ON MONDAY 12th January 2009 (*Draft)
Present. Cllr Mrs V. Stubbings, Chairman, Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Brain, N. Crocker, Mrs H. Kingston, J. Pullen.
Apologies were received from Cllr M. Harris
1. The minutes of the meeting of 8th December 2008 were signed as being a true record
2. Retrospective application 02462/S73A. 5 Ham Cottages. This application had been submitted after it was noted that the building was not in accordance with the previous plans submitted. This retrospective application was viewed with great disapproval as the building, already completed, was significantly different from the plans originally submitted.
3. 08/01976/FUL. Little Cotmarsh Farm. No objections.
The following items were brought onto the agenda as the time scale for response to NWDC was insufficient. It was agreed to consider these applications, but to place a notice on the Notice Board giving details, and if there was sufficient public objection an extraordinary meeting would be convened. They are all for Manor Farm. Cllr Bourton declared a personal interest as a neighbour of the property. He took part in the discussions.
4. 08/0219/FUL, 08/02820/FUL and 08/02825/FUL. These are concerned with the diversification of the existing farm, to include an equestrian business. Demolition of redundant farm building etc, and conversion of others. A new access to the farm from the main road, in the interests of safety, and the building of a tennis court. It was agreed that the whole project had been carefully researched, and could be of benefit to the Village, but there were some concerns. They are:
a. The implications of change of use from agricultural to parkland
b. No details of staff accomodation.
c. It would be of benefit to know the number of horses expected to be on site.
d. Note should be taken that the farm borders an AONB.
e. There appeared to be insufficient details concerning drainage.
5. A cheque for £164.22 payable to Sodexho for grass cutting at Redhills was raised.
6. A donation of £100 to Christ Church to assist with the production of the 'News' was agreed. A cheque was raised.
7. Attendance at a Parish Councillor training Session. Cllr Stubbings will attend on Tuesday 10th February 2009. Clerk will notify NWDC.
8. Other correspondence noted.
Parish Matters
9. Dog fouling in the Village. This was once again causing a nuisance. Clerk will put a suitably worded notice in the 'News,.
10 Badgers at Thornhill. The road signs are still there but there is no sign of the badgers. Clerk will attempt to find out what is going on.
11. An e-mail from Cllr Groom noted that funding was available for gates to footpaths to allow access to the disabled. Clerk will look at the present state of those in the Parish and add them to the list for Lydiard Millicent.
12. Cllr Helen Kingston informed the Council that she was resigning as a Councillor as pressure of work was preventing her from attending meetings and taking part in the work of the Council, This was accepted, with regret.
The next meeting will be on 9th February 2009, unless an extraordinary planning meeting is required in the meantime.
(signed) Roy Davey, Clerk