Present: Cllr Mrs V. Stubbings, Chairman
Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Brain, N. Crocker, J. Pullen.
Two members of the public.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 9th February 2009 were signed as being a true record.
Casual Elections.
2. The co-option of two new members had ben approved by Wiltshire Electoral Services. One proposed candidate had ben unable to accept the offer. Further nominations will be considered at the next meeting.
3. Amendments and approval of applications 02819 and 02820 - Manor Farm, were noted.
4. Approval of applications 00117 and 00118 - Lower Cotmarsh Farm was noted.
5. Proposed amendment to 02825/FUL - Manor Farm. Repositioning of Entrance etc. was discussed. It was considered that leaving the gateway in the present position and merely widening it, was unsafe, particularly as it was on a bend and any heavy vehicle entering or leaving the site would pose a definite risk to traffic on the road. Clerk will write to NWDC.
6. A cheque for £198, payable to the Clerk for salary and expenses Dec-Mar, was approved.
Grass Cutting - Redhills.
7. Renewal of the contract with Sodexho for grass cutting at Redhills was discussed. It was agreed that the three year option was the most suitable and economic, and was accepted. Clerk will action.
8. A questionnaire from North Wilts Community Partnership was circulated for completion and return.
Parish Matters.
9. It had been reported that stadium lighting was being used at the riding arena at Church Farm, although the appliction for this had been refused. This had been passed to NWDC, but it would appear that it was only 'temporary', although no time limit had been stipulated. Further use would be monitored.
10. Fence at Redhills. The wire fencing had been broken and was considered a danger to young children using the area. Clerk will notify NWDC.
11. It had been reported that dogs from a property on Broad Town Road had been running loose and were considered a danger to pedestrians and traffic. Advice had been given to notify NWDC of any future problems, although it was felt that dogs running loose on a main road might be a matter for the Police.
12. Chairman noted that the rules for consideration of planning aplications had been changed although the PC was not aware, and was not consulted. Clerk will write to Cllr Groom expressing concern that, once again, lip service had ben paid to consultation.
Planned April Meeting.
13. It was noted that the next planned Parish Council meeting would normally be held on Monday 13th April, but as this was Easter Monday it was agreed to bring it forward to 6th April 2009. This would also be the Anual Parish Meeting, and Clerk will give this maximum publicity so that any Village organisation wishing to report to the parishioners would be welcome to do so. The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be on Monday 11th May 2009.
The meeting closed at 20.15 hrs.