HELD ON MONDAY 11th MAY 2009(Draft)
Present; Cllr Mrs V. Stubbings, Chairman. Cllrs S. Billis, R. Bourton, N. Crocker, J. Pullen
Apologies were received from Cllr. J. Brain.
Election of Chairman.
1. In accordance with Standing Orders, Cllr Pullen, as Vice-Chairman, was offered the post of Chairman, but declined. Proposed by Cllr Mrs Stubbings, Seconded by Cllr Pullen, that Cllr R. Bourton be elected Chairman. Carried.
Other Appointments.
2. Vice-Chairman. Cllr J. Pullen
3. Highways. Cllr N. Crocker
4. Footpaths. Cllr R. Bourton
5. Representative on the Wootton Bassett and Cricklade Area Board. Cllr Mrs V. Stubbings.
6. The minutes of the meeting held on 6th April 2009 were signed as being a true record.
Standing Orders.
7. Standing Orders, and Financial Regulaqtions, were approved.
8. App'n 09/00611. Building at Broad Town Road Farm. Conversion of Farm Building to Dwelling. It was agreed that a building on this site would tidy up the area, but that:
a. It would be preferable to build new, but if the present plan was adopted, the wall of concrete blocks facing the road should be clad, in the interest of visual amenity.
b. Care must be taken with the design of the exit onto the main road, as it is between two bends.
9. App'n 09/00672/S73A. 25 Broad Town Road. Erection of Conservatory (Retrospective). No objections.
10. App'n 09/00690. The Grange, Broad Town Road. Two storey extension at rear. No objections.
11. The acounts for 2008/09 were approved.
12. The Annual Governance Statement was completed.
13. The Clerk's salary, i.a.w. NALC guidelines, Scale 15, SCP 15, was approved.
14. Mrs K. Orton was approved as Internal Auditor.
15. The Council's insurance with Zurich, through Community First, was renewed, and a cheque for £235.86 raised.
Wilts Assn of Local Councils
16. Membership for the coming year was approved, and a cheque for £173.93 raised.
17. Contents noted
Parish Matters.
18. Play Area, Redhills. On an inspection carried out by Cllr Pullen on 7th May 2009 it was noted that a gate and footpath had been installed, but that the gate was already in need of attention. Further, the hole in the fencing had still not been repaired. Clerk will action.
19. Dog fouling. A large dog ws being allowed to run on the Playing Field at Redhills, and fouling it. Clerk will put another note in the 'News', and look into the legal aspects.
20. Replacement of road sign to Thornhill pointing down Pye Lane. It was agreed that the replacement sign should be in wood, as was the original.
The meeting closed at 21.25 hrs.
Signed. R.J. Davey, Clerk