ParishCouncilEditorAccount posted on August 10, 2009 16:22
Present: Cllr R. Bourton, Chairman. Cllrs S. Billis, J. Brain, N. Crocker, J Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs J. Newman.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2009 were signed as being a true record.
2. Idovers, Broad Town Road. Change of description noted.
3. It was agreed to donate £25 to the Citizens Advice Bureau.
4. Clerk reported that most documents were now being sent by electronic means. The cost of printing these off was becoming higher due to the very large increase in the cost of printer ink cartridges. He requested that, as in the case of photocopying, which has saved the PC half of the petty cash budget in the past year, he be allowed to claim 5p per sheet if these docoments ned to be circulated. Agreed.
5. Contents noted.
Parish Matters
6. Redhills. Clerk reported that the procedure for establishing a bye-law was very involved and must be instituted by County. In his conversation with the Legal Department at County Hall it was felt that any rule could not be enforced unless the area was regularly patrolled. The Police have other powers which could be used, if necessary. Clerk agreed to obtain more advice, but considered that the erection of a sign at the play area might have some effect. It was agreed to defer a decision about the erection of a fence around the children's play area until the result of the Steering Group questionnaire was known.
7. Signs. At least two of the signs in the Village had become illegible, and need refurbishing. Futher, there is concern that there are not enough 30 mph repeater signs. Clerk will notify Wilts Highways.
8. The road-side gullies are blocked again. Clerk will notify WC
9. Grips need cutting at Thornhill. Highways will be notified for listing for next Lengthsman visit.
(Signed) R.J.DAVEY, Clerk
11th Aug.09