Present; Cllr S. Billis, Chairman, Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Brain, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman. J Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.
Declarations of Interest. Cllr Bourton declared a personal interest in the item on footpaths.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 9th August 2010 were signed as being a true record.
2. The result of the audit was noted.
3. The payment of the invoice for £58.75, from Mazars for audit fees was noted.
4. The payment of £200.22 to the Clerk for salary and expenses June-Sept was approved and a cheque raised.
5. There was considerable debate about the introduction of Speedwatch in the Village. Now that the speed cameras and vans are no longer in use, there will be little available to keep a check on the speed of traffic through the Village, which is aften used as a rat-run. Speedfwatch could be an asset in these circumstances. The basic requirement is for 6 villagers to be trained by the police. As funding is available at present, it was proposed by Cllr Stubbings that the Parish Council indicate a willingness to take part, and obtain more information before making a final decision. This was carried by a vote of 5 for, 2 against. Clerk is to notify Alison Sullivan, Community Area Manager, of this decision. Contact will be made with with villages using the scheme to discover any draqbacks.
6. Contents noted.
Parish Matters.
7. Bonfires. With the autumn upon us, the bonfire season, Clerk is to put a note in the 'News' reminding residents to be more considerate when lighting fires.
8. Dogs. Several complaints have been received concerning incessant barking of dogs in the centre of the Village. An approach will be made to the owners, but advice was given that the Dog Warden should be notified if the nuisance continues.
9. Footpaths. Complaints had been received that a sign indicating that it should not be used had been put on at least one footpath. It was agreed that Councillors and Clerk would walk the paths to be certain that the law had been broken before notifying Wiltshire council.
10. Lengthsman. It was noted that the rules concerning the 'lengthsman' had been changed. However, despite the indication that he will be responsible for what is to be done, a watching brief will still be kept by Cllr Crocker.
11. Churchyard. Cllr Pullen commented that considerable effort had been made by volunteers to keep the churchyard neat and tidy, and it was a credit to the Village. Clerk will write to the PCC congratulating them on their efforts.
(signed) R.J.Davey, Clerk
14th September 2010