Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr S. Billis, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Brain, N. Crocker, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

One member of the public

Apologies: Mrs J. Newman

Declarations of Interest: Cllrs Crocker and Stubbings declared an interest in item 2 as members of the Village Hall Committee.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th January 2011 were signed as being as true record.


2. A cheque for £25, payable to the Village Hall for rent,was raised.

3. Clerk noted that £387 had been received from the Area Board as a donation towards the cost of refurbishing the goal posts.

Parish Plan Steering Group

4. As the PC representative on the PPSG, Cllr Stubbings read a report progress. In essence, the Parish Plan is proceeding and it is hoped to have a draft available in March. Once the Parish Plan is completed, a Village Design Statement wouls appear to be the next step. The full report of the PPSG will be held with the official record of the minutes.

Identity Gates.

5. As this is part of traffic calming measures in the Village, it was agreed to seek guidance from Wilts Council Highways Dept regarding any regulations on positioning and approval of identity gates. The actual position could then be decided. Some costings are available from other village insyallations, but a firm estimate for the proposed gates could only be decided once the actual positions had been approved.

Area Board.

6. As representative on the Area Board etc, Cllr Stubbings gace a resume of the proceedings of three meetings she hade attended recebtly. The full report will be held with the official record of the minutes.

a. Highways. Grit bins and potholes. Community Speedwatch is proceeding.

b. Area Board. Parish Plans, Emegency Planning and Police Authority Presentation.

c. Northern Area Community Partnership. It had been agreed that after dispersal of residual funds, NCAP would be disbanded.


Contents noted.


Parish Matters

7. The Clerk has yet to determine the cost of a new notice board for Thornhill. He will buck up. There may be a grant available.

8. Grit Bins

9. Footpaths

a. Thornhill. Clerk had received a complaint about the re-routing of a footpath at Thornhill. This will mbe logged and investigated.

b. A letter concerning a footpath at Cotmarsh would be logged and investigated.

(signed) R.J.Davey, Clerk

20 Feb 11

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