Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr S  Billis, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, J. Brain. N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

One member of the public.

Also in attendance:

Cllr Mollie Groom, who gave a briefing on the Flood Working Group. The information will be circulated to Councillors for their perusal

PC Steve Porter and PCSO Andy Singfield, who gave a rundown of recent local policing initiatives, including speeding and thefts, and reported that Community Speedwatch is progressing.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th February 2011 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning.

Stables at 6 acre paddock, Thornhill. It was noted that, although there is evidence that the work was started outside of the three year limit, Wilts Council felt that there was little point in taking enforcement action.

3. Finance

a. It was noted that an invoice for goal nets from The Soccer Store for £95 has been paid.

b. A cheque for £200.22 was raised for Cllerk's salary and expenses Jan-Mar.

4. Registration

Clerk noted that the Parish Council was now required to register with HMRC for PAYE & NI.

5. Steering Group

The draft report is now to hand, and will be circulated to all Councillors for debate at the April meeting.

6. Letters

Contents noted.

7. Parish Matters

a. Chairman siad that he felt that the footpath network is an essential part of the Village, and had produced a draft letter to be sent to Villagers acknowledging their their reports of blockage of footpaths.

b. Gates. Chairman has written a letter to Wilts Council requesting information, and required permissions, for the placing of white gates on the verges at the entances to the Village.

c. Painted Gates. It was felt that the painted red road markings (gates) near the school should also have been put on Broad Town Hill.

d. Drains. The road surface surrounding several road drains on the inside of the bend at the top of Broad Town Hill had broken up badly, forcing vehicles tp move out to the centre of the road on a very dangerous bend. Clerk will report it to Highways (again).

e. Bushton Road. The road at Rayners was continually wet, possible with run-off from the scrap yard. Clerk will ask Highways to look into it.

f. Footpaths.

            Boundary at BTOW/CYPY11. Wire across the path.

            BTOW04 at top of hill. Barbed wire, partly buried.

8. Annual Parish Meeting

Clerk noted that the meeting on 11th April 2011 will be the Annual Parish Meeting, at which parishioners can have their say, followed by the normal monthly meeting. Clerk will put a note in the 'News' and notices on the notice boards.

(signd) R.J.Davey, Clerk

26th March 2011

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