Linda Roberts BA (Hons) PGCAP FHEA FILCM
Interim Parish Clerk and RFO
44 Westlands Lane
SN12 7QE
Tel: 07794056594
7th August 2017
To: Councillor J E Jordan - Chairman
Councillor S J Billis
Councillor S G Hartley
Councillor M A Holland
Councillor B Joyce
Councillor R Pearce
Councillor C J Rendell
Dear Councillors
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Sch 12 paras 10 (2) (b) you are summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council. The meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 14th August 2017 commencing at 6.30pm. (LGA 1972 sch.12 para 10(2)(a). A period of public participation will take place prior to the formal opening of the meeting. The Press and Public are welcome to attend this meeting.
Yours sincerely

Mrs L A Roberts
Interim Parish Clerk and RFO
Parish Council Meeting - Monday 14 August 2017
Public Participation
1. Apologies
To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct, all Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registerable interests.
3. Minutes
To confirm as a true record the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday
10 July 2017.
5. Application of Broad Town Neighbourhood Area
To note the approval.
6. Draft Wiltshire Housing Sites Allocation Plan – Formal Pre-Submission Consultation on the Draft Plan
Members will need to agree and decide on Broad Town’s response to this consultation. Including whether to make comments regarding Broad Town’s classification as a small village in the current Core Strategy. Available on line at:
7. Recommendation from Internal Audit Report – Continuity of Service in the event of the Clerk’s resignation or long-term absence. Details to be recorded in the risk register.
Members are required to decide how the Parish Council would deal with the above scenario.
8. Parish Steward
Councillors Mrs Hartley and Joyce to give a verbal report following their meeting with Martin Cook, Highways Engineer, Wiltshire Council.
9. To Establish a Footpath Improvement and Maintenance Working Group
Members are asked to decide to set up a working group. The working group must have at least three members and terms of reference agreed by the Parish Council. A working group cannot make decisions on behalf of the Parish Council but it can make recommendations for consideration by the Parish Council.
10. Accounts for Payment
A resolution to approve the following payments:
10.1 £35.00 – Information Commissioner, registration fee
10.2 £1560.00 - AW Services, Grass Cutting services 2016 and for 8 cuts in 2017 (8 cuts left this year totalling £520.00 payable in November).
10.3 RoSPA – Redhills Play Area, yearly inspection due in September £66.50 (ex vat)
10.2 Budget and Expenditure to Date
Councillor Joyce has updated the budget with the balances from 2016/2017 and expenditure to date. Members are requested to note the financial position.
11. Parish Clerk Vacancy
11.1 Appointment of Parish Clerk
To resolve to approve the appointment of the new Parish Clerk following the interview panel’s recommendation.
11.2 Contract of Employment
To agree on a home-working allowance for the new Clerk and once agreed approve the contract of employment. Information Sheet on homeworking produced by the Society of Local Council Clerks attached for information.
12. Planning Applications Received
Application Number: 17/06596/FUL
Site Location: Garden Cottage Horns Lane Broad Town Wiltshire SN4 7RH
Applicant: Mr & Mrs Kingsbury
Grid Ref: 409344 177578
Applicant Address: Garden Cottage Horns Lane Broad Town SN4 7RH
Proposal: Replace existing 1st floor rear windows with patio doors leading out onto a proposed
balcony and adding a front porch. Create extra parking to the front of the property.
Case Officer: Richard Sewell
Direct Line: 01249 706689
Registration Date: 25/07/2017
Please send your comments by: 22/08/2017
13. Items for Information
13.1 Police - A new community Co-ordinator has been appointed for RWB, Cricklade and Malmesbury, his name is Stuart Welch.
13.2 Invitation to meet and chat with Senior Leaders from Wiltshire Police
‘On Wednesday 9th August 2017, our community (you) have the chance to engage with one of our Senior Leaders from Wiltshire Police - ACC Pritchard.
The ACC has organized a drop-in session from 1230 - 1430 at RWB Memorial Hall, for the community to be able to access our Senior Leaders and ask them any questions you may have, sing our praises ;) raise any concerns you may have with regards to Community Policing in your area etc’.
13.3 Invitation from Wiltshire Council to attend an event to discuss, Helping Wiltshire Council Meet the Challenges Ahead (details below)
Invitation to voice your views at interactive public meetings
You are invited to attend one of a series of meetings that Wiltshire Council is hosting to discuss the challenges that the council is facing and the impact that these could have.
The council currently spends around £900m each year on more than 300 services and has recently agreed a plan to deliver an ambitious programme of work over the next 10 years.
The council’s vision is to create strong communities, prioritising growing the economy, protecting those who are most vulnerable, and working with partners in an innovative and effective way.
Changing demographics and the continuing reduction in funding from central government mean we have to continue to find substantial savings and work even more closely with local communities to encourage and support them to do more for themselves.
The council’s cabinet members will be attending the meetings to discuss the challenges and to invite and listen to your views and suggestions on how these can be best managed.
Details of the informative and interactive meetings are set out below.
We look forward to seeing you and hope that you will be able to join us. It would be extremely helpful if you could confirm your attendance by emailing
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