Linda Roberts BA (Hons) PGCAP FHEA FILCM
Interim Parish Clerk and RFO,
44 Westlands Lane, Beanacre, Melksham, Wiltshire SN12 7QE
Tel: 07794056594
3 July 2017
To: Councillor J E Jordan - Chairman
Councillor S J Billis
Councillor S G Hartley
Councillor M A Holland
Councillor B Joyce
Councillor R Pearce
Councillor C J Rendell
Dear Councillors
In accordance with the Local Government Act (LGA) 1972, Sch 12 paras 10 (2) (b) you are summoned to attend the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council. The meeting will be held in the Village Hall on Monday 10th July 2017 commencing at 6.30pm. (LGA 1972 sch.12 para 10(2)(a). A period of public participation will take place prior to the formal opening of the meeting. The Press and Public are welcome to attend this meeting.
Yours sincerely

Mrs L A Roberts
Interim Parish Clerk and RFO
Council Meeting Monday 10 July 2017
Public Participation
1. Apologies
To receive apologies for absence.
2. Declarations of Interest
In accordance with the Parish Council’s Code of Conduct, all Members are required to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other registrable interests which have not already been declared in the Council’s Register of Interests. Members may however, also decide, in the interests of clarity and transparency, to declare at this point in the meeting, any such disclosable pecuniary interests which they have already declared in the Register, as well as any other registerable interests.
3. Minutes
To approve, by resolution, the minutes of the Extra Ordinary Meeting held on Monday
26 June 2017.
4. Finance
4.1 Internal Auditor – Recommendations and Responses
To note the progress being made and to agree to send details of that progress to the Internal Auditor.
4.2 To Approve Invoices for payment: (Ex VAT)
4.2.1 WALC – Membership Fees £193.06
4.2.2 Auditing Solutions - Internal Audit fees £150.00
4.2.3 FS4S – Printing of Leaflets for Parish Meeting - £ 4.00
Order no: 001/2017 refers.
4.2.4 Zurich Insurance £243.50
5. Neighbourhood Area Modification Consent – Neighbourhood Designation for Broad Town.
5.1 To discuss all the advice received regarding Broad Town’s position in relation to the designation of the New-V area. Members will need to decide by resolution whether to designate Broad Town as a Neighbourhood Area which will in effect remove Broad Town from the New-V designation. This is in line with the advice received from Victoria Burvill of Wiltshire Council. Email correspondence attached.
5.2 Members will also need to decide whether to sign the consent form (previously circulated to members), releasing Clyffe Pypard and Tockenham from the New-V designation. The signing of their release will be conditional on Broad Town being released from the New-V designation at the same time as Clyffe Pypard and Tockenham.
6. Parish Steward Scheme
To agree a time and date to meet with Martin Cook, Highways Engineer for Wiltshire Council so that the Parish Steward Scheme can be discussed directly with Members.
7. Issue over Hedge Maintenance reported by a resident
For discussion and decision on a course of action to try and resolve the issue. Extract of email received from resident:
Re; Hedges along Pye lane.
Where the road runs past Whiteways and on towards Thornhill it is badly over grown. I have for many years tried to get the hedges cut back complaining to the Parish Council and they in turn to Wiltshire Council.
Nothing happens, drivers are forced to drive off the road causing potholes, that Wiltshire Council come and fill, the result is the road is moving eastwards towards my land.
At one point, I stopped cutting my hedge the result was an almost impassable road, at which point I was asked to cut my hedge, which I did, but the other (western side) wasn't.
This situation needs addressing, and if the parish council cannot get the offending owners to cut their hedge, Wiltshire Council should.
I have offered to cut them back, and that offer is still available to the owners or Wiltshire Council if they seek to enforce the cutting.
Many thanks, in expectation of some action!
8. Information Leaflet – Broad Town Village
The Chairman, Councillor Jordan will advise council of the printing costs. Members will then need to agree those costs and request the Interim Parish Clerk to approach Broad Town Motors to confirm or otherwise their agreement to sponsorship.
9. Update from Councillors Billis and Pearce into their Research into the costs of the purchase and maintenance of a Speed Indicator Device
10. Planning
10.1 Correspondence Received from Wiltshire Council regarding the future of paper copies of planning applications for noting.
10.2 Applications Received
Application Number: 17/05164/FUL
Site Location: Binknoll House Chaddington Lane Royal Wootton Bassett SN4 8QR
Applicant: Fiona Laffan
Grid Ref: 410628 179763
Applicant Address: Binknoll House Chaddington Lane Royal Wootton Bassett SN4 8QR
Proposal: Proposed children's treehouse with walkway and slide, supported on split proof
100mm poles
Case Officer: Alla Hassan Direct Line: 01249 706234
Registration Date: 21/06/2017
Comments to be received by: 19/07/2017
10.3 Applications Determined for noting
Application Number: 17/04177/CLE Site Location: Kiwi Cottage Lower Ham Farm Thornhill Swindon Wootton Bassett SN4 7RZ
Grid Ref: 407807 179840
Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for the use of Kiwi Cottage as a self-contained dwelling
Case Officer: Alex Smith Direct Line: 01249 706672
Registration Date: 17/05/2017
Certificate of Lawfulness – Exist Use Approved Decision Date: 22/06/2017
11. Confirmation from Pension Regulator
Correspondence attached from Pension Regulator that Parish Council has complied with its enrolment duties. Item for noting.
12. AW Services – Grass Cutting Contract
For Members’ information and discussion.
13. Parish Clerk Vacancy
13.1 Update on applications to date.
13.2 Contract of Employment – Members may wish to finalise the details for the contract at the meeting or delegate authority to the Appointments Panel to complete this task.
Future Items for Consideration:
Review of Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct
Progress with Transparency Code Funding application
Publication Scheme
Data Protection Act (new law comes into force 28.5.18)