Parish Clerk posted on December 07, 2016 17:28

MINUTES of the Extra Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday, 30th November 2016 at 6.30pm in Broad Town Village Hall.
PRESENT : Cllrs Stuart Hinson (Chairman), Donna Ponting, Veronica Stubbings. Mrs Deborah Bourne (clerk).
Also Present : Mrs Vicky Burvill, Spatial Planning Officer, Wiltshire Council.
064 Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from Cllrs Simon Billis and Ray Bourton.
065 Declarations of Interest
There were no Declarations of Interest made by any Councillor for this agenda.
066 NEW-V Neighbourhood Plan Area Designations
Following a number of changes to the membership of the North East Wiltshire Villages (NEW-V) Neighbourhood Plan, Wiltshire Council have requested that each Parish Council involved considers a specifically worded resolution.
Mrs Vicky Burvill, Spatial Planning Officer, Wiltshire Council attended the meeting to answer any questions members had concerning the resolution.
RESOLVED that Broad Town Parish Council consent to the modification of the North East Wiltshire Villages (NEW-V) neighbourhood area as originally designated on 14th May 2013 reflecting the application submitted by Purton Parish Council to designate Purton Parish as a neighbourhood area. The modified NEW-V neighbourhood area is shown on the accompanying Plan A and would consist of the parishes of Broad Town, Clyffe Pypard, Lydiard Millicent, Lydiard Tregoz, Lyneham & Bradenstoke and Tockenham.
FURTHER RESOLVED, in addition to the above and in the event that the above modification is approved by Wiltshire Council; Broad Town Parish Council will consent to the further modification of the North East Wiltshire Villages (NEW-V) neighbourhood area as shown on the accompanying Plan B that would consist of the parishes of Broad Town, Clyffe Pypard, Lydiard Millicent, Lydiard Tregoz and Tockenham, reflecting the application submitted by Lyneham & Bradenstoke Parish Council to designated Lyneham & Bradenstoke Parish as a neighbourhood area.
067 Future NEW-V Neighbourhood Plan Area Designations
Whilst minute 066 above allows for both Purton and Lyneham & Bradenstoke to remove themselves fro the group it does not allow for the removal of Lydiard Tregoz or Lydiard Millicent. Spatial Planners at Wiltshire Council have advised that further resolutions will be needed in the next month or so and have requested that an individual councillor be given authority to agree these changes.
The Clerk advised that individual Councillors, including the Chairman, do not have authority to make decisions on behalf of the Council (LGA 1972 s 101) but it can delegate authority to a committee, sub-committee, or an Officer of the Council. At present Broad Town Parish Council has not delegated any authority to its Proper Officer and decisions must be made at Full Council meetings.
RESOLVED to delegate authority to the Clerk, in consultation with the Parish Councillor representative on the NEW-V group, to agree any future area designation requests in accordance with Council policy and previous resolutions made in April 2016 and June 2016. The Clerk will inform the Council of any decisions made at the earliest opportunity.
068 Close of Meeting
The Chairman thanked Vicky Burvill for her attendance at the meeting and answering the various questions members had.
The meeting closed at 6.41pm
Cllr Stuart Hinson