Present: Cllr S. Billis, Chairman
Cllrs J. Brain, N. Crocker, J. Pullen & Mrs V, Stubbings.
Onr member of the public.
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs J. Newman and R, Bourton
There were no Declarations of Interest.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 11th July 2011 were signed as being a true record.
2. Planning.
a. Application 11/01522, The Stables, Broad Town Road. Additional stables and tackroom. No objections.
b. An application for an extension at No 3 Pye Lane is on the County website.
3. Finance
a. Auditors report from Mazars has been received. There were no comments.
b. A cheque for £60 was raised in payment of the invoice from Mazars.
4. Parish Action Plan. Chairman has written a resume of replies to the questionnaire sent to Councillors. The main items remain footpaths and housing. He will circulate this for consideration at the next meeting, when responsibilties will be allocated.
5. Road Markings Cllr Stubbings noted that the items of road safety the Council had been pursuing with the Area Transport Group was now back on the agenda. Cllr Billis had produced a presentation laying out requirements and costing of work which is deemed to be important, with a note of possible sources of funding. He will give this to the next meeting of the Group. Chairman.
6. Localism Bill It was agreed to accept Cllr Doyle's offer to give a presentation on Localism and Neighbourhood plans to the Council at the meeting on 12th September. The Council agreed to start the meeting at 19.00, and for the presentation to start at 20.00 hrs. Light refreshments will be made available. Clerk will ensure publicity for the change of time of ther meeting, and ther later briefing. Chairman/Clerk
7. Parish Matters
a. RAF Lyneham. The Lyneham Steering Group has welcomed the government announcement that RAF Lyneham will become a Defence Technical Training Change Programme Centre from 2013, making the future secure for the foreseeable future.
b. There will be a 'Rubbish Roadshow' in Boroughfields carpark, Wootton Bassett on 16th August from 10.00-14.00. Clerk is to publicise. Clerk
c. The state of the road and hedges through Thornhill is a disgrace. Clerk is to write a letter to Wilts Council yet again indicating our concern.
d. A collision between two cars at the junction of Chapel Lane has caused some concern over hedges reducing visibility for cars turning from Pye Lane and Chapel lane onto the main road. Chairman will make an approach to landowners. Chairman
e. A member of the public was intersted in setting up a website for selling/trading etc. He was advised to look at the area board website, which gives information on how to apply for funding, and business plan requirements.
f. Community Speedwatch. Speedwatch is now up and running. There is an indication of success in that the proportion of drivers exceeding the speed limit appears to have dropped.
(signed) R.J.Davey. Clerk. 14 Aug 2011