Present: Cllr S. Billis, Chairman
Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, Mrs J Newman, J. Pullen & Mrs V. Stubbings
Also present: Cllr Mollie Groom, PCSO Andy Singfield, Alison Sullivan and 8 members of the public.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th August were signed as being a true record.
2. Planning.
a. There had been no objections to the application for an extension at No 3 Pye Lane
b. Clerk noted that the application 11/02780 for annex and extension at 5 Ham Cottages had been shown as 'Declined to Determine' on the County website.
c. App'n 02765. Land at Broad Town Farm. Change of use and erection of stables, and appl'n 02887, 27 Broad Town Road, Erection of rear extension. Both were received too late for consideration. They will be circulated, and notices placed on the notice boards.
d. Cllr Stubbings noted that an application for a pond at Manor Farm, Thornhill, although in Cliffe Pypard area, was on the border of this Parish, but we had not been included in the distribution list for the plan. As this involves yet more digging in an area plagued by flooding due to this type of development we should have been. Cllr Groom noted this.
3. Finance
a. Clerk gave a short briefing on the problems associated with the present method of paying his salary because of the timescale required by HMRC. It was agreed that the Clerk would be paid on a quarterly basis, at 13 week intervals, on the recommended NALC salary scale. Clerk's Contract of Employment will be amended to reflect this change.
b. A cheque would be raised at the appropriate time for payment of salary for the second quarter, of £181.82 (salary for June of £165.12 was an underpayment of £8.36, plus expenses nof £35, totalling 216.82, and a cheque payable to HMRC for PAYE of £46.69 (covering an underpayment of £3.33).
4. Parish Plan. Two areas required immediate cover. Chairman will take on housing strategy, and wilol offer responsibility for footpaths to Cllr Bourton. Other areas will be considered at the next meeting..
5. Neighbourhood Plan. It was agreed to hold any discussion of this over until Cllr Doylr had spoken.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 19.35 hrs so that Cllr Peter Doyle couod brief on the Neighborhood Plans. Refreshments were served.
Cllr Doyle gave an outline of progress so far on the inteoduction of neighborhood plans, followed by a question and answer session. Main thrust was that the consultation document was availble on the website and Councils able to comment if necessary. This will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
The Chairman reopebed the meeting at 20.45 hrs
7. Funding from 106 Agreements. Chairman reported that he had received an e-mail indicating that there was no funding available from this source. As a complete list of developments carried out in the Village over the last five years had been submitted to Wilts Council, this is hard to believe. He will pursue.
8. Paris Matters.
a. On his resignation, Cllr Pullen wished to place on record the valuable work done by Cllr Brain. Agreed. Chairman will send a letter of thanks. Chairman.
b. Cllr Billis noted that, after his presentation on our plan to improve road safety in the Village, some funding was available from the Area Board subject to their approval at the next meeting, and the availbility of matching funds. It was suggested that the Big Gig should be approached to help with this. Clerk is to write a suitable letter to the Chairman of the Committee. Clerk
Speedwatch. PCSO Singfield acknowledge the good work done by the Community Speedwatch team. Matthew Nailon presented a report (attached to moriginal copy of these minutes) giving the statistics for the first months work.
d. It was noted that some motorists, who obviouly felt they were above the law, had made offensive remarks to members of the Speedwatch team. The Clerk will take this is hand. Clerk
e. Freehold of Redhills. Chairman felt that recent information gave hope that this is being actively considered.
f. The poor state of the tarmac footpaths was noted. Although no funding is available for the maintenance of these, Clerk will indicate our concern to Wiltshire Highways. Clerk
g. Cllr Stubbings noted that there was a meeting of the Lyneham Steering Group on Thursday 15th September, which she will attend, but it clashed with a tea and chat meeting of the Area Board. Chairman will attend this. Cllr Stubbings/ Chairman
The meeting close at 21.15 hrs.
(signed) R.J.Davey, Clerk
14 Sept 11