Present: Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings
Also present; Two members of the public
In the absence of the Chairman, and there being no Vice-Chairman, it was proposed by Cllr Stubbings, seconded by Cllr Pullen, that Cllr Bourton chsir the meeting.Agreed.
Apologies were received from Cllr Billis, and Clklr Groom.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 12th September 2011 were signed as being a true record.
2. Election of a Vice-Chairman. Cllr Newman volunteered for the post. In the absence of any other offer, this was accepted unanimously.
3. Planning.
App'n 11/01522. The Stables, Broad Town. New Stabled and Tack room. No objections.
4. Finance.
a. Clerk noted that the followng invoices had been paid:
Sodexho. Grass cutting, Redhills. £181.20
` RoSPA. Equipment inspection, Redhills £ 75.60
b. The following chques had ben raised as per minutes of 12th Septmber 2011
R.J.Davey. Clewrks salary & Expenses Jun-Sept £216.92
HMRC for PAYE £ 46.69
5. White Horse Preservation Group. It was agreed that the White Horse was of importance to the character ogf the Village, and must be supported. Clerk gave a resume of the financial position, particularly with regard to ring-fenced funds and contribution required for the road safety work being planned. He suggested an initial donation of £250, and a similar donation made annually to assist with future planning. It was proposed by Cllr Stubbings, seconded by Cllr Newman, that the sum of £250 be donated, and an annual donation made. Agreed. Clerk will also notify the group of funds available from the Area Board and NCAP. Clerk
6. Parish Plan. A road safety representative is required. It was agreed that as the Chairman was running successfully with the present planning, this could be held over to a later meeting.
7. Neighborhood Plan.
a. The Clerk reported that the Chairman had commented to thim that this would be an onerous task, and would require the most strictly laid down mandate. Cllr Stubbings agreed to be the PC representative, provided that the mandate gave full support to her when instant and difficult decisions had to be made. This was accepted. Clerk agreed to compile draft rules, and to offer them to an extraordinary meeting of the PC to be held before the end of October. Clerk
b. Some confusion had arisen over representation from Village organisations. Cllr Newman, in her capacity as Chairman of the group when it was disbanded, had been asked to write to members. The Chairman had subsequently written independently, without the knowledge of the remainder of the PC, after correspondence with the Area Board Manager. Since writing her letter Cllr Newman had heard from James Harvey-Samuel, who was a member of a special interest group who wishes to volunteer. The only caveat was when, where and how often. It was agreed that Cllr Newman should talk to the person concerned. Cllr Newman.
8. RoSPA Report. Report on Redhills was satisfactory, but some worn areas need attention. Cllr Bourton and Clerk will take a bucket and spade to sort it out. Cllr Bourton.
9. Parish Matters.
a. Cllr Bourton noted that he had walked some of the footpaths, and noted problems. A working group is required to take things forward.
b. Cllr Crocker noted that some of the netting on the goalposts at Redhills was coming adrift.
c. Roads.
Chevrons at the top of Broad Town Hill damaged by traffic accidents still not replaced.
Road through Whiteways/Thrnhill to Bushton Road in veryu poor state.
d. Speedwatch. Some concern had been expressed about the positioning of the Speedwatch teams. The Chairman closed the meeting at 20.35hrs to take advice from a member of the public who is on the Speedwatch team. He reported that the position the teams take up when working were laid down by the police, and were not at the discretion of the teams.
The Chairman reopened the meeting. After a short discusion these comments were noted.
The meeting closed at 20.40hrs
[signed] R.J.Davey, Clerk
21 Oct 11