Present.: Chairman: Cllr Mrs J. Newman,
Cllrs R. Bourton, S. Hinson, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.
One Member of the public.
Declarations of Interest. Cllr Stubbings declared an interest in item 5 a&b as Secretary to both organisations.
1. Election of Chairman. It was proposed by Cllr Pullen, seconded by Cllr V. Stubbings, that Cllr Mrs J. Newman be elected Chairman for the coming year. Carried.
2. It was further proposed by Cllr Pullen, seconded by Cllr Bourton, that Cllr S. Hinson be elected as Vice-Chairman. Carried.
3. It was proposed by Cllr Stubbings that the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations be renewed. Carried.
4. It was agreed that the following regular payments were in order:
a. Sodexho. Quarterly, for grass cutting at the Playing Field
b. Clerks salary and PAYE. Quarterly. Salary scale as published by NALC
c. Clerks allowance for light, heating, use os computor etc. Quarterly. £140 per annum
d. Village Hall rental. Annuak
e. WALC Annual subscription.
5. The following annual payments are subject to approval onn an individual basis:
a. Christ Church
b. Village Hall Management Committee.
c. White Horse Preservation Society
d. Municipal Insurance
e. Mr Bailey. Grass cutting.
6. Annual Audit. The completed annual audit report was presented by the Clerk, and the Annual Governance Report approved. The documents were signed by the Chairman.
7. Finance.
a. WALC Membership. Continuing membership was agreed and a cheque for £197.72 was raised.
b. Renewal of Municipal Insurance was agreed, and a cheque for £192.89 raised.
c. A cheque for £39 in payment of Clerks course on PAYE, previously agreed, was raised.
d. Returns. Clerk noted that the annual VAT rebate return had been completed and posted, and the PAYE annual return submitted by internet.
8. With the increase in the receipt of official papers by electronic means, the system of the Clerk recording and being paid for each individual sheet he printed off was very inefficient. In order to overcome this, the Clerk was willing to donate a fully functional Printer/Scanner/Copier to the PC provided that the cost of cartridges and paper was covered by the council. This was agreed and a cheque for £46.06, payable to the Clerk, was raised.
9. Cllr Pullen thought that a review of the Clerk's working hours was in order. It will be an agenda item for the next meeting.
10. Broad Town Community Led Planning Group. It was acknowledged that the report submitted by Mike Broomfild was very constructive. The Chairman noted that the PC welcomes any input from the Group, and hoped that the BTCLPG's position will be complimentary to that of the PC, namely that further consultation is needed on housing to reinforce the wide consultation carried out and adopted as the Parish Plan and Action Plan. It was proposed by Cllr Bourton that Cllr Hinson be appointed as Council liaison within the Group. Carried.
11. Rural Housing Needs Survey. It was agreed that the questionnaire was a fit-all, and was too narrow, particularly with regard to the future, aging population etc. It was agreed to go with the questionnaire as it is, as there is sufficient room to refine it later. It was hoped that the questionnaire would be ready to be delivered with the 'News' allowing for it to be returned in the pre-paid envelope by 22nd June. Cllr Stubbings will contact the organiser to arrange delivery to the Parish, and speak to Mrs Green about delivery around the Village.
The meeting closed at 20.35 hrs.
(signed) R.J. Davey. Clerk to the Council