Parish Council Documents



Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Vice-Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

One member of the public

Apologies: Cllr Mrs J. Newman

In the absence of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman took the meeting.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 14th May 2012 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning.

12/01352/FUL. Land behind 36 Broad Town Road. Erection of pair of semi-detached houses. No objection to the proposed development, but it was noted that a letter of objection contained a misleading statement. Clerk

b. 12/01032/FUL. Binknoll Cottage. Dormer windows. No objection. Clerk.

3. Finance.

a. Internal audit. Now complete. Small errors had been found and corrected.

b. Clerk noted a report on Section 106 agreements. A sum of money was available for use at the Playing Field, but there was uncertainty about a second sum shown. Clerk will clarify with Wilts Council. Clerk

4. Reports.

Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group. There is an increasing problem with dog fouling throughout the area. A task group will be set up. Cllr Bourton agreed to act as PC representative. Cllr Bourton

5. Playing Field.

a. A report to the Clerk that the grass had not been cut recently. Sodexho were contacted and will investigate.

b. A request that the seat be replaced.

c. Dofg fouling. Dogs are not allowed on the playing field. Clerk will ensure notices are in place. (But see item 4)

Parish Matters.

a. Clerk noted that the Parish now has control of the Redhills Playing Field. It was also noted that the Parish Council does not have the right to dispose of any of the land; it must be kept for the use of the Village as a whole. A request received could not, therefore, be agreed to. Clerk will action. Clerk

b. Road through Thornhill. The hedge on the boundary of No 4 Thotnhill, and the field opposite were now so overgrown that the width of the road had been considerably reduced. There have been several attempts to have this sorted out, to no effect. Clerk will write to Highways again. Clerk

c. The badgers may have become active again at Whiteways, and the road is showing signs of sinking. Clerk will report to Highways. Clerk

d. The British Telecom manhole on the pavement at the lay-by by East Farm has once again started to run with water, and recent rainfall has led to a marked increase in the flow rate across the pavement. With the soil being washed out the surface is now very slippery. The previous problem was resolved by Highways acting with BT. Clerk will notify Highways.

The meeting close at 20.27.

(Signed) R.J.Davey, Clerk

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