Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr J. Newman, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, S. Hinson, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

Cllr M. Groom attended. There were no members of the public.

The meetint opened at 19.30 hrs

1. The minutes of the meeting of the meeting held on 9th July 2012 were discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Stubbings that at item 5c the sentence "There ios a problem......season" should be removed. Carried. The minutes were then signed as being a true record. The minutes for 11th June 2012 and 25th June were duly signed, having been approved at the meeting on 9th July 2012.

The meeting was closed at 1935 to allow Cllr Groom to update the Council on

a. Flooding - a new booklet

b. Neighbourhood Plan - time to get going, with Broad Town in the lead.

c. Viridor Credits (old landfill tax) donations available for sports facilities etc.

d. Cycle paths - being updated and improved.

The meeting reopened at 1945

2. Planning.

N/12/01380/FUL. Hambrook Farm. Removal of Farm Buildings. Erection of Stables. No objection

3. Finance

a. The final report from the external auditors had been received. There were no major comments.

b. A cheque for £144.00 payable to Mazars for audit fees was raised.

4. Reports

a. Neighbourhood Plan.

I. Proposed by Cllr Bourton, seconded by Cllr Pullen that ' Our Parish wishes to be included in the neighbourhood area application for the RWB & C Area Neighbourhood Area'. The application was duly signed by the Chairman.

ii. It was agreed that Cllr Stubbings should contact the group with a view to starting the consultation process.

iii. The publicity for the group will by official press release; salient points will be placed on the Broad Town official website.

b. Community Led Planning Group. It was agreed that any questions from the group addressed to the Parish Council should be passed in writing to Cllr Hinson as the PC representative, to be formally included in the agenda for the next meeting.

c. Community Speedwatch.

i. Metrocount has been requested

ii If the gates and CSW have had little or no effect on the speed of traffic it will be time to move forward and look into other speed control measures

d. CATG. The 'C' road review should be completed by March 2013. Meantime the PC needs to comment on the 30/40 mph split to Steve Hinds

5. Housing Survey.. It was agreed that Cllr Newman would write the introduction to the Housing Survey Report, and would circulate it once drafted.

5. Parish Matters.

a. Bonfires on sunny afternoons are an abomination. Clerk's Clippings

b. Clerk will write to Mr Towson about the positioning of the seat in the play area.

c. Village Information Leaflet. Broad Town Cars have agreed to sponsor the leaflet again this year, subject to certain cosmetic changes. Clerk will pursue.

d. It was agreed that the PC is satisfied that the installation of the gates at the south end of the village are in accordance with the plan previously agreed. No further action required.

e. Highways.

i. Hedges cutting, Thornhill. Only one side of the road has been cut, forcing vehicles to drive off of the paved surface. One has already hit the power pole and it now has a lean

iiDrains on Broad Town Hill. Two drains towards the top of the hill need resetting; there is quite a sizeable dip around each one, which is difficult to avoid.

iii. The dip in the road at Whiteways, Thornhill caused by badger activity appears to be getting deeper.

f. Parking on Horns and Chapel Lanes. Poor parking is making access difficult.  Clerk's Clippings.

g. There is the possibility of grant money available for developing sports facilities and playing fields. This needs a group of interested people to take this forward. Other Pparishes have received grant money and have developed their playing fields, so there is lots of advice and support for anyone in Broad Town who would like to improve the recreation area here.

(signed) R.J.Davey, Clerk. 

26 Aug 12

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