Present: Cllr Mrs J. Newman, Chairman,
Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, S. Hinson, Mrs D. Ponting and Mrs V. Stubbings.
Also attending:- Cllr Gromm, PCSO A. Singfield, and thre members of the public.
Apologies were received from Cllr J. Pullen
There were no Declarations of Interest..
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 11th February 2013 were signed as being a true record.
2. Planning. No new applications received.
3. Finance. A cheque for £42, payable to WALC for Clerk's course on PAYE, was raised.
4. Reports.
a. Neighbourhood Planning . It was noted that the report on the Village consultation by Common Places had become immediately before the meeting. As it was 29 pages long, and covered all meetings held in the area at that time, Clerk will print off those pages relevant to Broad Town.
b. North East Wiltshire - Villages. Information available on www.new-v.co.uk
c. Area Board.
d. Community Speedwatch. The latest report showed som progress; the number of repeat offenders had dropped markedly.
5. Real Time PAYE Reporting. Clerk gave a brief account of the course he had attended, run by HMRC. The present system of paying the Clerk nay have to be amended; he will produce a proposed change to the Financial Regulations in time for the May meeting.
6. Local Elections. The election for County and Parish Councillors will be held on Thursday 2nd May 2013. The Clerk will put the official notification on the notice boards on 15th March 2013, as required by regulation.
7. Use of Electronic Communication. The use of electronic communications for all council business has become the norm. Consequently the Clerk considers that Standing orders should be amended to lay down restrictions on such usage by the Parish \Council. He will produce a draft of a suggested amendment to be considered at the May meeting at the annual approval of the orders.
8. Parish Matters.
a. Speeding through Thornhill. The police are aware of dangerous driving through Thornhill
b. Funding from 106 agreements. Clerk had asked County for guidance on the allowable uses of funding of this funding. He had received no reply. He will chase. Clerk
c. Poor state of pavements. Letter to County. Clerk
d. Road drains blocked. Clerk will notify Highways Clerk
e. Road at Thornhill between the pumping station and Common Farm is in a dreadful state. Clerk will notify Highways. Clerk
f. Original Parish map. Cllr Bourton will arrange for a wooden case to be made.
(signed) R.J.Davey, Clerk to the Council