Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr Mrs J. Newman, Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, S. Hinson, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

Also, one member of the public. Cllr M. Groom attended for a short time.

All Councillors signed the Declaration ofr Acceptance of Office.

1. Election of Chairman. It was proposed by Cllr Newman that Cllr S. Hinson be elcted Chairman. Carried unanimously.

2. Election of Vice-Chairman. Proposed by Cllr Stubbings that Cllr Newman be elected Vice-Chairman. Carried unanimously.

3. Appointment of Parish Council Representatives.

a. Cllr Stubbings agreed to remain the representative on the Area Board, and Neighbourhood Planning Group.

b. Cllr Hinson agreed to remain the representative on the Community Led Planning Group.

4. Councillors with Specific Responsibilities.

a. Highways. Cllr Crocker agreed to continue.

b. Rights of Way. Cllr Ponting.

c. Playing Field. Cllr Pullen agreed to continue.

5. Standing Orders. The following addition to Standing Orders was recommended by the Clerk, and proposed by Cllr Newman. ' Electronic means of communication may be used for distributing the agenda and minutes and all communications received by the Clerk for Councillors. Councillors may use electronic means for discussion, but not for decision making; these must be made in open debate, except when held 'in camera' after a vote.' The proposal was carried. The Standing Orders were then approved.

6. Financial Regulations were approved.

a. The following regular payments were approved

i. Sodexho. For grass cutting at the playing field. Quarterly.

ii Clerk's salary and PAYE. Quarterly.

iii. Clerks allowance for heating, lighting and use of home computer. Quarterly.

iv. Village Hall rental.

b. The following annual payments are subject to approval:

i. WALC annual membership subs

ii. Council insurance.

iii. Christ Church. As secretary, Cllr Stubbings did not vote.

iv. Village Hall Management Committee. As secretary, Cllr Stubbings did not vote.

v. White Horse Preservation Society.

vi. Mr Bailey, grass cutting.

7. Clerks Contract of Employment. It was proposed by Cllr Hinson that the Clerks hours of work be increased to 10 hours per calender month.

8. Planning Policy. The policy agreed at the meeting on 12th November 2012 was re-affirmed.

9. The minutes of the meeting held on 1th April2013 were signed as being a true record.

10. Finance.

a. It was proposed by Cllr Stubbings that the accounts and audit report for 2012/2013 be passed. Carried.

b. It was agreed to renew the Council insurance. A cheque for £192.99 was raised.

c. It was agreed to renew membership of Wilts Assn of Local Councils. A cheque for £200.96 was raised.

d. It was noted that the VAT rebate from had been completed and returned to HMRC.

11. Reports

a. Neighbourhood planning. There is confusion over the area designation. This will, hopefully, be resolved at the next meeting.

b. CLP. It was accepted that closer links with the CLP were desirable.

c. Community Speedwatch. The latest report was noted. It was agreed that this group had been successful overall, but little could be done to stop some inconsiderate drivers.

12. Parish Matters.

a. Wind Turbine. Although a full planning application has not been made, and the Parish Council had not been formally approached, it had been brought to its attention that a few properties in the Village had received a flier proposing that a 77 metre high wind turbine to be built on land at Marston Farm. A communication had been received from  Area of  Outstanding Natural Beauty. After much discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council are opposed in principle to this proposal in that it is a very open position and that, being on the edge of the AONB, would be out of place. As the flier had been given little circulation in the Village, although it would be obvious from anywhere in the area, it was agreed to give it a wider circulation, and a copy placed on the notice board.

b. Road Safety. An email from a resident expressing concern over speed limits at the northern end of the Village had been received by the Clerk. It will be forwarded to Wilts highways.

(signed) R.J.Davey, Clerk to the Council.

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