Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman,
Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.
One member of the public
There were no Declarations of Interest.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 9th December 2013 were signed as being a true record.
2. Planning. 13/066134. 66 Chapel Lane. Demolish garage and erect ancillary accomodation. The Council had two concerns:
a. That it is a separate dwelling, despite being noted as ancillary, and a condition should be placed on it to ensure that it remains so and does not become a separate dwelling.s an obstruction
b. The house is on a narrow lane, and parking on the street causes an obsruction. There must be adequate parking on site.
Clerk to pass comments to Wilts Council.
3. Finance.
a. Clerk noted that two cheques had been raised;
R.J.Davey. Salary and expenses Oct-Dec - £254.31
HMRC. PAYE. £54.60
b. Funds now remaining:
Business Acct. £263.45
Instant Access. £4319.67
c. The Clerk proposed that, as the budget for 2014/15 would contain some increases the precept for 2014/15 should be set at £3525, an increase of £75 over the present year, well within the rate of inflation. Agreed unanimously.
d. Clerk noted that he had receiced another invoice from Sodexo. He has reminded them that they have cancelled the contract.
4. Grass Cutting Contract. Despite putting out feelers to all local parishes, the Clerk had received only one quotation, and although higher than the previous company had charged, the quote included items that the previous company did not carry out. It was noted that Mr C. Bailey had done a good job in keeping the play area very neat and tidy for many years, and the Council were reluctant to dispense with his services, byt in view of the fact that the new contract will include cutting around the area, it felt bound to do so. The Council wish to place on record their appreciation. Clerk will writs to Mr Bailey, thanking him for his past work, to ask that he conmtinues with his other work on the verges, and that he keeps an eye on the area to ensure that it is kept tidy.
Proposed by Cllr Stubbings, seconded by Cllr Bourton, that the quotation from A.W.Services of £1040 pa be accepted. Carried by a majority.5. Reports.
a. Neighbourhood Planning. There is a workshop in February in Trowbridge. Cllr Stubbings has asked that two places be reserved.
b. With regard to the Neighbourhood Plan, it would appear that future action will depend on the report, soon to be published.
c. Area Board & CATG. Dog fouling group will meet in February to finalise the report to be submitted to the Area Board.
6. Communique. The contents of the next report was agreed.
7. Donations. The frequent requests for donations to various charities was becoming a burden which the Council were unable to budget for. It was agreed that only those organisations local to the Parish should, in principle, be supported.
8. Parish Matters.
a. Dog fouling is still a problem
b. An application for the solar farm at Goldborough Farm is in the pipeline, but details are not yet to hand.