Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman, Cllrs R. Bourton, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman, J. Pullen & Mrs V. Stubbings.
Cllr Mrs M. Groom also attended
One member of the public.
Apologies were received from Cllr Mrs D. Ponting.
1. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th February 2014 were signed as being a true record.
2. Planning
a. 14/01108/FUL. Barnhill Farm House. Two storey side extension and single storey rear extension. No objection
b. 14/01229/FUL. Farmarsh House, Cotmarsh. Garage with hobbies room over. No objections.
Further applications were received too late for the agenda; they will be circulated.
c. 14/02194/OUT. Land at 67 Chapel Lane. Outline planning for erection of a dwelling.
d. 14/01229/FUL. The Stables, Broad Town Road. New stable block for 8 stables, Tack Room and Rest Room. (Re-submission of 13/03547/FUL)
Finance. Cler noted end of year bank balances as:
Business £5.00
Instant Access £4267
- At 19.05hrs the Chairman closed the meeting to allow Cllr Groom to update the PC, and as her comments had a diect effect on the next item, it remained closed for the first part of the next item to enable a fuller discussion.
4. Reports
Neighbourhood Planning. Two items were before the PC, and were discussed in open forum.
a. To decide whether or not to withdraw from NEW-V, or remain with qualifications.
b. The responsibility for the completion of the SWOT analysis.
- At 19.20hrs the Chairman re-opened the meeting to enble the PC to decide on the preferred course of action, and hold a vote.a. It was felt that the PC should remain fully engaged for the time being, with the option that withdrawal at a later date was always possible. Further, funding of any future project would be out of reach of the PC without a considerable increase in the precept. Cllr Stubbings preposed that the PC remain fully engaged for the time being. Passed by a majority vte of five for and one abstention.
b. In the event that the CPLG decide to withdraw from NEW-V, the responsibility for completing the SWOT analysis would probably devolve to the PC. However, as there are several problems with this further information and guidance would be sought.There were no other reports to discuss
5. Road Safety Measures.
Cllr Stubbings brieled on the meeting held with Steve Hinds, Wilts Council, to plan future measures to decrease speeding through the Village. The most cost effective method would appear to be the removal of cente-lines on the C415, to mark the road edges with white lines to accentuate the narrowness of the road, and to improve the visibility of the road sidns. His actual estimate is not to hand, but his initial thoughts on cost would be between £4000 to £5000. The funding would be awarded by the Community Area Transport Group, with a contribution from the PC. To this end it was proposed by Cllr Stubbings that a sum of up to £750 be set aside for the project in the event that the CATG would need this assurance before the next PC meeting. Passed unanimously.
Mr Hinds will also check that the frequency of all speed limit signs is in accordance with the regulations. This shouil;d come as a cost to the PC.
The completion on the footpath from opposite the Village Hall to Broad Town Farmhouse was also covered as it has road safety implications. This will depend on land ownership and cost.
6. Date of Next Meeting
The planned date of the next meeting, 14th April 2014, conflicts with another important meeting. To enable PC representatives to attend it was propoised that the meeting be brought forward to 7th April. This was agreed. It was also agreed that,. as there is a previous booking, the meeting will start at 18.00 hrs.
7. Communique. The contents of the next was agreed.
8. Parish Matters.
a. Road Signs put in place for the recent road works were a shambles, and caused great confusion. Several complaints to Wilts Couhcil have resulted in a very apologetic email from the Chief Engineer accepting that it was poorly done by the contractor. In view of this the PC decided not to pursue the matter.
b. In view of the recent road re-surfacing on Broad Town Hill and the likelihood that the cracking will re-appear before long. Cllr Bourton suggested that the PC request that a weight limit be placed on through traffic. Clerk will make this an issue with the Area Board. Clerk
c. c. Many road signs in the Village are broken, missing and some in a very poor state. Clerk
d. Dog Fouling. It was brought to the attention of the PC that dog faeces can lead to a severe condition that can cause abortions in cattle. It is important that owners clean up after their dogs in fields as well as on the road. To be included in the next Communique.
e. The state of the C119 through Thronhill. This has been reported by several people, paticularly as thew hamlet will be iosolted if the potholes get much worse, It is understood that the roas engineers will be inspecting 'soon'.
f. The Clerk suggested that, with his advancing years, thought should be given to an understudy!
The meeting closed at 20.00hrs