November 2009 BROAD TOWN NEWS Published by Christ Church
Sponsored this month by the Social Club
Sunday Nov 1
Benefice Communion
All Saints
Remembering in Hope
Wednesday Nov 4
Holy Communion
Sunday Nov 8
Clyffe Pypard
Communion + Remembrance
Act of remembrance
Act of remembrance
War Memorial
Broad Town
Communion + Remembrance
C Green / G May
J Wallis
Mrs Drury
Sunday Nov 15
Broad Town
Said Communion
K Griffin / S Richards
C Green
C Green
2nd Sunday before
Family Communion
Family Service
Clyffe Pypard
Sunday Nov 22
Broad Town
Benefice Communion
Mrs Marshall / Mrs Richardson
D Marshall
D Marshall
Christ the King
Sunday Nov 29
Clyffe Pypard
Benefice Communion
Advent Sunday
Advent Carol Service
In the Church year, November brings a time for remembering and reflection. It is also a time of recognizing God’s kingdom all around us and Christ as King. Finally it ends with returning to the beginning with the start of the new Church year on Advent Sunday (29th November), as our thoughts turn to preparation for the coming of the Christ child this Christmas. To reflect this, our worship pattern has been enriched with opportunities to explore this journey together.
On 1st November – All Saints Day, we will hold a benefice communion at 10:30am in St Laurence’s, Hilmarton. That evening at 6pm in St Giles’, Tockenham, we will be holding our annual commemoration of the departed called “Remembering in Hope”.
During the morning of Remembrance Sunday - November 8th, there will be an act of remembrance and worship in each parish across the benefice, as follows.
· 7:45am Said Communion with an act of Remembrance at St Peter’s, Clyffe Pypard
· 9am Remembrance Service at St Laurence’s, Hilmarton
· 10am Remembrance Service at the war memorial at Tockenham Corner – the Bishop of Ramsbury will be in attendance.
· 10:50am Holy Communion with an act of Remembrance at Christ Church Broad Town, led by the Bishop of Ramsbury.
On November 15th, there will be four services across the benefice exploring God’s kingdom with us now.
· 8am Said Communion at Christ Church, Broad Town
· 9:15am Family Communion at St Giles’, Tockenham
· 11:00am Family Service at St Laurence’s, Hilmarton
· 6:00pm Evensong at St Peter’s, Clyffe Pypard led by Neil Harding
On November 22nd – we will celebrate the end of the church year, the feast of ‘Christ the King’ with a benefice communion. This is the patronal festival for Christ Church Broad Town and will take place there at 10:30am. Then the new Church year begins on Advent Sunday (November 29th) with a benefice communion at 10:30am at St Peter’s Clyffe Pypard and then a special evening service with music and readings for Advent at 6pm at St Laurence’s, Hilmarton entitled ‘Watching and waiting’ – a great way to start again.
Looking a bit beyond this, on Saturday June 12th 2010 at 3pm, there will be the annual confirmation service for our Deanery led by the Bishop of Salisbury, which will be held in the Oldbury benefice this year. Confirmation marks the point in the Christian journey at which young people and adults take on a faith commitment for themselves and become full members of the Church. If you would like to prepare for confirmation, I will be running a monthly preparation course between January and June 2010. Attending this course does not have to be as a lead in to confirmation, but could be done as a refresher or to dig a bit deeper. Please let me know if you are interested in attending this by 20th December 2009.
With love in Christ, Alison Way
Rev’d Alison Way – 01793 739044 –
Priest in charge of the benefice of Woodhill, The Vicarage, Wood Street Clyffe Pypard, Wilts, SN4 7PY
We are very pleased to welcome Bishop Stephen to our Remembrance Service on Nov 8th at 10.50 and we look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
Please note that the service will start l0 minutes early to allow us to observe the 2 minutes silence at the correct time before the normal service of the day continues.
This is run by Kim Gough in Tockenham Village Hall from 9.15am - 10.15am. The dates between now and Christmas are:-
November 8th, November 22nd, December 6th - Family Communion - the giving of Christmas books to Sunday School children is part of this service.
December 13th, Christingle followed by tea in the village hall.
To contact Kim her phone number is 01793 849878.
November 2nd School TD day
November 7th 1) Curry Night at the Trotting Horse, Bushton.
November 8th 2) Remembrance Service 10.50am
November 9th 3) Big Gig AGM
November 18th 4) Broad Town WI – Herbs & Medicine
November 20th 5) Broad Town Social Club – Quiz Night
November 26th 6) Chocoholics Party at the Trotting Horse, Bushton.
December 5th 7) Christmas coffee morning at the Church
December 9th School cake stall at Wootton Bassett Market
December 17th 8) Broad Town Church Carol Service
June 11th 2010 9) Concert at Church
June 12th + 13th 2010 9) Scarecrow competition with extras
Have you got your tickets yet? The Christmas raffle tickets are now available – first prize £50 – from any member of the PCC. or by phoning Sara on 731114.
The draw will take place at the Christmas coffee morning in the village Church. Other interesting prizes.
Curry Night – Saturday 7th November all you can eat for only £14ph. One sitting only at 8pm. Limited spaces for this very popular night. Call 01793 731338 to make your booking.
Thursday 26th November – Chocoholics Party from 8pm in the dining room. Come along & stock up on goodies for Christmas, there will be a wide selection of chocolates & gifts.
If you wish to ensure you get what you want catalogues are available now at the pub so you can place your order. These orders will be here on the night for your collection & payment. Also available on the night will be a selection of framed locally taken photographs for sale.
Christmas Menu’s now available. Only £19ph for 3 courses. Organise a party of 10+ and the organiser gets to eat for FREE. Christmas menu only available for bookings only from 1st ~ 22nd December, Tues ~ Sat evenings only. Finger & Hot buffets also available prices start at £5.50ph.
Call 01793 731338 for inquiries and bookings.
Before you forget the Big Gig for another year, could we remind you that this year’s AGM is on Monday 9th November 2009, 8pm in Broad Town Village Hall. At this meeting the current chairman, secretary and treasurer will report on this year’s event, they will stand down and a new committee will be up for (re)election; discussions about next year’s village show / big gig will follow.
Could you spare an evening a month from Jan to June, would you like to get to know people in the Village, would you like to be part of an event that is great fun? Of course you do!
If so please phone and have a ‘no commitment’ chat – Marcus Galea 731816 or come to the AGM and have a ‘no commitment’ drink. We really do need new interest if the Big Gig is to continue. Thank you again for your support of the event.
On 20th November Broad Town Social Club will be running a quiz night in aid of Children in Need. Pudsey does Halloween. 5 per team max. £10 per team. All team money and raffle profit to Children in Need. We would welcome any donated raffle prizes. Doors open at 7:30pm, start at 8:00pm. For more information or to book a table, please ring Trevor or Tina on 01793 731699
Come and start the festive season with a tea/coffee and mince pie among convivial company for a good chat. The Christmas raffle will be drawn, there will be cakes and Christmas goodies on sale. Mr Male will have photographs for sale and Phoenix cards will also have a stall. The café will be open at the usual time of 10am – 12noon. We hope to see many of you there.
The whole village is welcome to truly bring in the last few days of Christmas with a rousing sing of the favourite carols. End the service with a good chat over mince pies and drinks to wish your neighbours the best of the season.
We said there would be extras and a few are already arranged.
We have a concert in the village on June 11th 2010 and on the Saturday there will be a roving market with stalls in some of the open gardens. We are still hoping to persuade more of the gardeners of the village to open their gardens to the public at the same time. We know that there are some lovely gardens in the village of all shapes and sizes. We do not know who you all are personally, so please do not be shy. If you are willing to open your garden that weekend please contact Margaret Green on 731511.
The School are collecting the Times Books for Schools Tokens again. Any donations from the village would be gratefully received and put to good use. Thank you in anticipation.
Our thanks to those who brought their cars to be cleaned, so far the school has raised over £600 towards equipment for their link school in South Africa. If anyone could not bring their car and wishes to donate money to this cause, please contact the school.
Do you send Christmas cards to any one in the area of Swindon, Wroughton, Cricklade, Ashton Keynes, Wootton Bassett, Purton, Highworth or Chiseldon? Would you like to save money and send to them for just 18p? Scout post stamps are on sale from November 1st till December 12th 2009. The last collection is on December 14th 2009 from the special GREEN boxes. One box will be found at RADWAY’S SHOE MENDERS in Wootton Bassett. Stamps are on sale there or from CLIVE GREEN on 01793 731511
It has now come to the attention of the Parish Council that children, some as young as 13 years of age, are drinking Vodka and engaging in sexual activity on the Redhills playing field. This is outside the powers of the Council to deal with; it is a matter for the Police. Your Community Police Officer is aware but can do little without the cooperation of those who witness this behaviour. PC Steve Porter can be contacted on 0845 408 7000 Ext. 730823 or leave a message with the operator.
Broad Town WI hosted ‘An Evening with Richard Angwin’ on Saturday 10th October. The event was to raise funds for the Swindon Family Mediation Service, 5–18 Counselling Project. Miranda Marsh from Family Mediation briefly described how important the funding is for children whose parents have separated or divorced and need help in coming to terms with the changes in their lives. Richard Angwin, the Weatherman for BBC Points West, then took to the stage and gave an excellent and enjoyable history of weather. He also ran a question and answer session at the end. The WI then presented a cheque for £1,000 to Miranda Marsh. The general consensus was that an excellent evening had been had by all.

"Miranda Marsh from Family Mediation Service accepting
the Broad Town WI cheque from Richard Angwin"
On Wed 21st October at 7.30pm Broad Town WI met for its monthly meeting to discuss various items of business including the National Women's Institute's preparations for the next years campaigns and resolutions, some social events such as a flower arranging demonstration, cooking with young children, choral singing in Salisbury Cathedral and the skittles team. The members then listened to an interesting talk by Caroline Metz on the history and wide ranging healing properties of Aloe Vera. Some of the braver audience tasted the purified drink form with differing views on its taste from "vile" to "not as bad as I thought it would be". Caroline assured us that the worse we found the taste the more good it would do us.
4) The next meeting will be on Wednesday 18th November at 7.30pm in the village hall and will be a change from the advertised talk. We will look forward to hearing about the growing and use of herbs in cooking and medicine from Mrs D Whittle.
Well, what an amazing response to the questionnaire! We knew we'd had a huge return (more than double the average expected for questionnaires of this kind), but we didn't know just how much rich information you'd provided until we captured the data. You clearly care very much about our parish. Because our goal is to record all your views accurately it has taken some time to input every questionnaire into the database.
The next step is for us to have the data analysed by an IT Data Analysis expert living in the parish who is generously volunteering their time to take the data, analyse it and put it into a format we can all understand and use when we develop our Parish Plan. Given your immense efforts we want to allow plenty of time to do the great job our data deserves, so keep an eye on this space for further updates.
The Steering Group want to thank you all again for such a fantastic response to the questionnaire, sharing your views so openly and providing us with a wealth of valuable input for our Parish Plan. It makes all the time and effort we've put into it so worthwhile and demonstrates just what a small parish can achieve when we all pull together.
So what's next? Well, we are planning a community event to communicate the results of the data analysis, as we know you want to hear the outcome of this work. We are beginning to compile our Parish Plan, which is a large piece of work. We have proven already there is a rich variety of skill within the parish, so if anyone has writing, editorial or graphic design skills and would like to help we would love to hear from you. Please contact Mark Cowtan on 739247.
Will organisations or anyone wishing to have news, etc. included in the December edition please note that items must be submitted to Mrs M Green, 1 Broadacres, Broad Town,
BY 6pm FRIDAY 20th November. It is regretted that submissions after that time cannot be included.
ADVANCE WARNING. The December / January is a double issue as usual. Do not forget to get your January items ready a little earlier or you will miss out.