Broad Town News - the Broad Town Village Newsletter

                                                                                                     Keeping everyone in touch with what is going on in and around our parish.



Many thanks to everyone who gave their time (and energy!) to the churchyard working party in June. The churchyard looks lovely and your efforts are much appreciated. We thank Simon, Rupert & Jim for climbing the hangings to build and light the beacon and everyone who joined the D-Day 80th anniversary commemoration at the Hall.


Please come and support our fundraising coffee morning on Wednesday July 10th . We will be raising money for Broad Town School, and there will be a RAFFLE, so please come along to meet and chat and to enjoy some amazing cakes, whilst helping to raise money for this very local cause. There will also be a Made in Broad Town sales table selling items such as garden bunting and cane toppers, fabric memo boards, soft toys and small fabric bags so please come and have a browse! Thank you to everyone who came along to our June coffee mornings. Our second July coffee morning will be on Wednesday July 24th . Coffee mornings are always on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month, from 10 – 12 noon in the village hall, so come along to enjoy delicious homemade cakes, sausage rolls, coffee, tea and hot chocolate. Everyone welcome, and if you’re new to the village, it’s a great way to meet some friendly faces, so please give it a try.


The majority of past box holders now donate directly but from the 8 boxes still collected in the Village a magnificent sum of £234.58 was collected in April. The Hospice have asked for their thanks to be passed on.


Sadly a depleted workforce for our June work morning. Nevertheless, lots achieved and our thanks go to the seven villagers who gave up their time and worked so hard. Our thanks also go to the Bailey family for all they do and the Turk family who have restored the 3 benches. There are others (who we don’t know by name) who spend time on a voluntary basis helping to keep up the appearance of the Churchyard. The next work morning will be on 6th July, 10.00 – 12.00. More Volunteers desperately needed. Refreshments provided.


        The next Village collection will be on 6th and 7th July from 9.30am to 4.00pm at the Village Hall. Items needed… Baked Beans, Bottles of Squash, Long Life milk and juice, Small jars of Coffee,Sugar, Tinned fruit and tomatoes, Tinned puddings, Angel delight and Jellies. With School holidays approaching, please be as generous as you are able.


7th July Communion at 10.30am

28th July Evening Worship at 6pm


New Horizons - From my bedroom window I have a great view of both Preston Hill and Hambledon Hill. The Wessex Ridgeway Path passes across them, which spurred me, during my period of study leave earlier in the year, to walk that entire path from Marlborough to Lyme Regis. It took me across many new horizons, across the Wiltshire Downs around Salisbury Plain and down through the Marshwood Vale to the coast. It was a great walk albeit very boggy in places given the February rain. The Summer gives us the chance to explore new horizons, whether it be to revisit somewhere close by enjoying some sunshine, or to explore a new place on holiday or a day out. The Bible invites us to enjoy the splendour of creation, to admire God’s handiwork and to take time out with him reflecting on the past and the future. This summer will also bring a new political horizon, as we pray for our newly elected leaders and continue to pray for the wellbeing of our own country and the peace of the world. Horizons help us journey on through life in hope, with the assurance that the God of the universe cares for us all very deeply. It is by asking Christ to walk with us through each day, whatever that may bring that we find true contentment, and often some unexpected surprises on the way. This next month let’s commit to doing just that and begin each morning with the words of the psalmist. ‘This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it’ Psalm 118:24 - Bishop Kar


Food for Thought will be at the Village Hall on Friday 28th June serving their delicious Fish and Chips from 5pm until 8pm. The Social Club will be open at 5pm allowing people to enjoy a drink with their meal.


Thank you to everyone who helped at our stall at the Broad Town School Fair. The weather really wasn’t on our side, but a valiant effort was made to ensure that the stall was set up on time and that it kept running throughout the duration of the event. £50 was taken which will be added to the total made at the Bushton Plant Sale, to be divided between Dressability Swindon and Julia’s House Children’s Hospice.

Glass Painting on June 19th.  We enjoyed a very creative morning glass painting. Thank you to Terri who gave up her time to give us a demonstration on painting techniques and then allowed us all to ‘have a go’, and it was great to be able to produce colourful and functional items to take home.

Our July meetings will take place on Wednesdays the 3rd and 17th, from 10 – 12 noon in the village hall, all welcome, the £2 suggested donation is voluntary. We will also be having a sales table at the fundraising community coffee morning on Wednesday July 10th, so please support that event too! On July 17th Carolyn will be leading a session on hand painted cards and gift tags, so come along and have a go our sessions are on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings of the month, new crafters and hobbyists are always welcome! Please email us if you have any questions. Email: Linda Boyden lindaboyden12@gmail. com; Helen Greer


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Annual Audit. The Parish Council have successfully completed the annual audit with only a few observations and no recommendations. The Auditor’s report is available on the PC website in the Funding & Accounts page. Notice of Public Rights for Inspection of Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2024 BROAD TOWN PARISH COUNCIL AU DIT As per the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, Broad Town Parish Council has made its Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year 2023-24 available for inspection by any person interested, together with all accounting records; books; deeds; contracts; bills; vouchers; receipts and other documents relating to these records. If you have any issues to raise or wish to see the full accounts please contact the Parish Clerk on In accordance with the guidelines the full accounts will be available to view for 30 working days between 12th June and 23rd July 2024. Maintenance of Watercourses and Flood Prevention Following one of the wettest winters on record, there has been an increase in flooding incidents around the county. While some of these cannot be prevented following the huge volume of rain we have faced, many flooding incidents on highways and other areas can be prevented with good maintenance from the landowner. Most ditches and minor watercourses in Wiltshire are the responsibility of the ‘riparian landowner’, which is the person who owns the land on either side of the watercourse. The landowner has both the rights and responsibilities for the ditches, or other watercourses flowing through or alongside their property. We recommend that landowners have a plan for their property, with detailed information on the watercourses, so that areas of high risk can be identified, and appropriate maintenance work can be planned. It is at the benefit of all landowners to maintain their watercourses to prevent issues occurring in other areas. If a landowner’s watercourse is likely to cause issues upstream, maintenance will need to be carried out immediately. Many spring-fed ditches will have water flowing through them throughout the year, and if water is being held above the designed ditch depth, this will require immediate attention, as the landowner will need to ensure that the ditch’s capacity is maximised. While water may still flow through the ditch during heavy rainfall, even a flowing ditch will struggle if not regularly cleared. Piped highway drainage and private drainage will discharge into watercourses, and these pipes should be above the water line, and above the base of the watercourse. If this is not Parish Council occurring when inspected by the council, work may be needed to ensure that the drainage is running freely. Another indication that maintenance is required is if the depth of the ditch is above the culvert base. To undertake work to a watercourse, for example, a pond, lake, or diversion, planning permission may be required, and the landowner will need to check the permission to ensure they are compliant with the design, maintenance, and other such requirements. Landowners should regularly inspect their watercourses and have a maintenance plan in place, as they are responsible for surface water and soakaways once it crosses the property boundary.


The SID has been located at the Broadacres monitoring Southbound traffic (heading to Broad Hinton) The SID counted 26,619 vehicles passing which equates to approx. 951 a day. 24% of vehicles were speeding

The Police enforcement sessions have resulted in 31 speed awareness courses, 4 fines / points plus 2 court actions. *Note the SID captures traffic travelling in one direction. Metrocount results indicate average daily totals of 1,989


28th June Food for Thought Fish & Chips 5pm to 8pm.

3rd July Made in Broad Town 10.00am to 12 midday.

6th July Churchyard work morning 10.00am to 12 midday.

7th July Communion 10.30am.

6th and 7th July Foodbank 9.30am to 4.00pm.

10th July Community Coffee Morning 10.00am to 12 midday.

17th July Made in Broad Town 10.00am to 12 midday.

24th July Community Coffee Morning 10.00am to 12 midday.

28th July Evening Worship 6pm.


                                                                    PLEASE NOTE that all copy to be included in the next edition should be emailed to:  

                                       by the 22nd of EVERY month. For any queries, please contact Ray Manley 01793 731564

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