Broad Town News - the Broad Town Village Newsletter


Keeping everyone in touch with what is going on in and around our parish.




We would like to invite you all to join us after the summer break on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month in the village hall, come and have a cuppa and a chat! Our usual tempting selection of coffee/tea/hot chocolate, homemade cakes and sausage rolls will be available. Our September coffee mornings will be from 10am to 12 noon on Wednesday 14th and Wednesday 28th so please come along to enjoy our homemade refreshments!

Please note that during our September 28th coffee morning we will be fundraising for Macmillan as it's the week of Macmillan's World's Biggest Coffee Morning. There will be a raffle so please come along and support this very worthy cause.




On Fuel for Life’s Journey. Waiting at a petrol station I have been musing on the need for refuelling and the challenge of having enough fuel to keep going. These last few months mean that I won’t be alone in watching the meter and the oil tank and hoping that when I can’t put off refilling any longer it will be affordable to do so. Hidden behind the doors of some homes in these pretty Wiltshire villages there will be people consumed with worry about heat and light for the winter, even in the warmth of these summer and early autumn days. I’m also very grateful that after twenty-six years of ministry, eighteen of these as an ordained minister I am being given the opportunity for a spiritual refuelling with a three month sabbatical - I’ll be back for Christmas services but I will be away in silence, solitude, study, prayer and time for the refreshment with family and friends for October, November and December. This feels, as times of respite often do, as if it has come only just in time - my own physical and emotional energy have been at a low ebb over recent months – I am aware of getting older and time to take stock and gather fresh resources for whatever lies ahead is a gift even more treasured having been so long awaited. Being over-stretched about how to manage has been shown to reduce the capacity of human beings to think creatively about solutions to the challenges they face – debt, hunger and anxiety can all erode the best within us. As I unwind into the blessing of a longer sabbath time I anticipate the relief of both breathing out and breathing in. Breathing out and releasing the stale breath of grief and pent-up frustrations. Breathing in; in-spiring the gifts of the holy spirit so that at the end of this breathing space I will notice that stillness of breath in which all is imbued with possibilities and hope to share new words of life and love. May you too, in the midst of the busyness of everyday find time to inhale the breath of the spirit that brings life, joy and peace.

Reverend Rachma Abbott


CHURCHYARD In addition to the work morning in August, a number of people have spent many hours during the month carrying out various tasks and we have received many favourable comments from villagers and visitors. Thank you to everyone who has been involved. The next work morning will be on Saturday 10th September from 9.30 to noon


HARVEST It is that time of year again. The harvest service this year will be on Sunday 25th September. The church will be open from 5pm for tea and cakes. The service will start at 6pm. It would be lovely to see you all there and so lift the roof off with the singing of the harvest hymns.


SERVICES FOR SEPTEMBER 4th Sept – Communion – 10.30am, 25th Sept – Harvest Festival – 6pm




Saturday 10th September. An opportunity to keep fit and raise funds for our village church! Half the money you raise through sponsorship is given to our village church and half to historic churches trust. Over 140 Wiltshire churches are open, many with refreshments. If you are interested contact Carolyn on 01793 852754




Dig out your Ditches and Clear your Culverts! As a general rule hedges and the ditches in front of them are owned by the adjoining landowner. Good ditch maintenance is vital in helping flood prevention. Ditches not only carry water from farmland and residential areas to the rivers, but they also provide essential water storage at periods of peak rainfall. If you are a landowner, to reduce the risk of flooding to neighbouring properties, the law requires that you maintain your ditches and drains to prevent flooding. Failure to do so may result in a legal liability for the damage that any resultant flooding may cause. Landowners should attend to the removal of silt and excessive vegetation on a regular basis and clear any blockages from culverts. Remember to check for any protected wildlife prior to working on your ditch and make sure you are aware of the route of any services such as electricity, water and broadband which may be buried nearby.

Grants available for Community Groups Remember that grants are available for Community Groups to help with any funding needs – each application is assessed by an independent advisory board prior to being submitted to the Parish Council who administer the funding from the Bluefield solar farm (previously Good Energy). Grants are also available from the solar park at the Science Museum Wroughton. Details of both schemes are available on the website



Thanks to everyone who donated goods for the August collection. Your generosity is very much appreciated.




The SID was located at Broad Acres monitoring the 24,895 vehicles heading to Broad Hinton. 30% of the vehicles went through the SID doing more than 35mph (420 of which were doing more than 45 mph in the 30mph part of the village.




Sunday 4th September at 10:30am          Holy Communion

Saturday 10th September from 9.30        Churchyard Work Morning

Saturday 10th September                       Ride & Stride

Wednesday 14th Sept at 10am                Community Coffee Morning

Saturday 24th September                       BTB OKTOBERFEST

Sunday 25th September at 5pm              Harvest tea and cakes

Sunday 25th September at 6pm              Harvest Service

Wednesday 28th Sept at 10am                Community Coffee Morning



The deadline for items for the newsletter should be with Ray by the 22nd of EVERY month Ray Manley (01793 731564 or e-mail

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