Broad Town News - the Broad Town Village Newsletter




Last year our very own Horticulturist Judy Rendell came up with the fantastic idea of cheering up the village with planters. A lot of hard work went into planning/acquiring the plants and successfully securing funding. Rosie Law and Judy Rendell rallied round enlisting the help of school children who had a barrel of laughs planting the 7 planters in time for the jubilee weekend Of course the hard work has only just begun because the well distanced planters all now need watering and re-planting as seasons come & go. Jean Pearce, Judy Rendell, Rosie Law & Joan Buckingham kindly water the planters regularly retaining their splendour for us all to enjoy. Carrying water the 3,300 feet between the planters it comes as no surprise to hear Judy openly admit to being “happy when it rains”! Thank you to the mystery mowers who regularly mow around the planters. These previously unkempt parts of the village are now looking pitch perfect, colourful, loved and cared for.



Coffee/tea/hot chocolate, homemade cakes and sausage rolls! Our July coffee mornings will be from 10am to 12 noon on Wednesday 13th and Wednesday 27th so please come along to enjoy a chat and some delicious refreshments! A huge thank you to everyone who came along to support our Jubilee Coffee Morning on Friday June 3rd. As the sun shone it was fantastic to see so many villagers and friends all joining together in the suitably decorated village hall on this special occasion. Many thanks also to everyone who baked cakes to help create the largest selection of tempting treats to be seen in a long time, which were thoroughly enjoyed by everyone who attended! We are pleased to report that through the generosity of your donations the magnificent sum of £400 was raised on the day which has now been sent to the Ukraine Appeal. We look forward to seeing everyone again at our regular Wednesday coffee mornings.




Communion 3rd July - 10.30am.  Communion 17th July - 10.30am.  Evensong 24th July - 6pm

Churchyard work morning There was a very good turnout at the beginning of June enabling us to carry out grass cutting, strimming, hedge cutting, weeding, other tasks and of course time for coffee, biscuits and chat. Thank you to everyone who came along and to other people who go at other times to keep the Churchyard neat and tidy.

Next work morning 9 July.


100 Club - Congratulations to the following winners

May 1st Roy and Doreen Small 2nd Joan Buckingham 3rd Rupert Bastin

June 1st  Anonymous (Donated winnings to Church Funds) 2nd Hazel Harris and Betty Bastin 3rd Christine Marshall Thank you to everyone for supporting this and if anyone wishes to join, please contact Fiona Holness Tel: 850562 email:



Thank you to everyone who donated goods to the June Foodbank Collection - your continued support is very much appreciated. Look out for the date of the next collection.



The Jubilee Shelter, which is still in place, has received lots of favourable comments but our thanks must go to the children of B T School and Pre School for their wonderfully creative artwork.



Thank you to the 40+ lovely locals who gave up their time and energy to provide the Jubilee beacon, village planters, village tidy up, shelter, coffee morning, quiz, live concert, decoration and parties - memories to last us a lifetime



A register listing all civilians in Great Britain was compiled on 29th September 1939 to produce identity cards, issue ration books, administer conscription and to monitor and control the movement of the population caused by WW2 military mobilisation and mass evacuation. If you are interested in researching who lived in your house in 1939 the BT history website has a copy of the register for Broad Town. The register can be seen listing by house number from Broad Town Road, Broad Town and Thornhil



Village tidy-up for the queen’s platinum jubilee

This proved to be a popular and productive morning’s work and many thanks are due to all the volunteers who toiled in the sun to make the village hall car park and village pavements look much tidier and more loved

Jubilee Beacon lighting

The Beacon at the top of Broad Town hill was lit successfully on time and could be seen from miles around - many thanks to the residents who made this a memorable event.

Annual audit


The Parish Council (Caroline our Clerk has been burning the midnight oil) have successfully completed the annual audit with only a few observations and recommendations. As per the provisions of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 and the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, Broad Town Parish Council will be making its Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) for the year 2021-22 available for inspection by any interested person, together with all accounting records; books; deeds; contracts; bills; vouchers; receipts and other documents relating to these records. If you have any issues to raise or wish to see the full accounts please contact the Parish Clerk on In accordance with the guidelines the full accounts will be available to view for 30 days between 1st July and 30th July 2022.



“As a general rule for every 1 mph reduction in average speed, collision frequency reduces by around 5% “(Taylor, Lynam and Baruya, 2000). Our flashing SID has decreased the mph of the majority of vehicles passing by anything up to 5mph depending on time of day. Working 24/7 the SID recorded the speed of 282,291 vehicles. On average 922 cars pass through the village every day. 3,400 vehicles exceeded 45mph in the 30mph part of the village. The percentage of speeders is greater in the RWB end of the village compared to the Broad Hinton end. Even with SID’s help in reducing speed for some, there are still far too many drivers exceeding the 30mph limit. SID will continue to provide information for traffic experts in Highways and the Police to help us achieve our aim of vehicles driving through Broad Town at or under 30mph. Thank you Ben & Rupert; for regularly re-locating the SID and re-charging its batteries.



Broad Town Brewery plan to have a Vintage Roost car festival return towards the end of August this year with vehicles old and new arriving from all genres, with music and food provided by Wiltshire bands and vendors. Our amazing Oktoberfest will return right at the very end of September (as a good Oktoberfest should) with an Umpah band and Steins to celebrate the day in style. Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all updates and the latest new. Jason Bayliffe (Mobile : 07889 078648)



Hello Broad Town!! As some of you will know, I decided to retire a couple of years ago only doing a little bit of decorating. About eight months ago I decided to stop altogether only continuing with my pest control business. The insect season is not quite in full swing but calls for wasps and fabric/carpet moths is slowly building. I received a call from a local resident, to see if I would do some decorating for them, and as insects are not in full swing, I agreed. Well, I really enjoyed doing the work and decided I would continue to do the odd job, on a very part time basis, within the village. So, please feel free to call me, for either service, if you think I can be of assistance.

Best Wishes Glen Mobile: 07545 573002



The deadline for items for the newsletter should be with Margaret or Ray by the 22nd of EVERY month

Margaret Green (01793 854200 or e-mail

Ray Manley (01793 731564 or e-mail

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