Broad Town News – May 2022

Keeping everyone in touch with what is going on in and around our parish.
Parish Council Update
Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 16 May in the Village Hall
We look forward to seeing you at the Annual Parish Meeting starting at 6.30pm on Monday 16 May in the village hall. This is an opportunity for various community groups to describe what they have done over the last year and their plans for the forthcoming year.
Parish Councillor Vacancy
Regretfully Sue Hughes has resigned from the Parish Council due to other commitments. If anyone in the village is keen to become a Councillor please get in touch with the Clerk at More details are available at
Village Tidy-Up for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee - Saturday 28th May 10.30am
Join us for a village tidy up and litter pick up. We have been equipped with litter picker tongs and gloves by the Wiltshire Area Board and will provide bin bags to teams of willing helpers. We are also looking for volunteers with spades and shovels to weed the pavements (please wear a Hi-Viz). If you know an area which is in desperate need of a clean-up please let us know by email at
More details will be available on the website at
There have been some reports of fly-tipping which seems to be on the increase. Any instances can be reported using the My Wilts app or via the website
Christ Church Services
1st May - Communion at 10.30am
22nd May - Evensong at 6.00pm
29th May - Communion at 10.30am
Churchyard Work Mornings
Thank you to everyone who came to the work morning on 9 April and at other times during the month. The next work morning is planned for 7 May.
Community Coffee Mornings
(2nd & 4th Wednesday every month)
Coffee/tea/hot chocolate, homemade cakes and sausage rolls!
Our May coffee mornings will be from 10am to 12 noon on Wednesday 11th and Wednesday 25th so please come along to enjoy a chat and some delicious refreshments!
Please note that there will be a special Jubilee coffee morning on Friday June 3rd from 10am to 12noon in the village hall as part of the village Jubilee bank holiday weekend celebrations, all villagers welcome! More details to follow in the June newsletter.
Broad Town Celebrates HM Queen Platinum Jubilee 2nd- 5th June
The Big Lunch
Sunday 5th June
6 weeks to go until Broad Town celebrates . Will you be having a street party with friend/neighbours? Would you like to borrow some trestle tables or bunting ?
Let me know call Rosie 01793 731472 or email
With the Parish Council, Social Club and other community groups, we have been working on a timetable for village celebrations in June. Both nationally and locally, the focus is very much on communities coming together to celebrate.
If you and your neighbours want to organise your own street party, the village have a good stock of bunting , trestle tables & chairs which can be loaned out; The WI have a limited supply of tableware which they are happy to provide on a first come first served basis.
In the week leading up to 2nd June, the village shelter will be decorated with art work from the village school and pre school.
- Thursday 2nd June – Lighting of Beacons (upper and lower end of village).
- Friday 3rd June – 10.00 am – 12.00 A special Village Coffee Morning hosted by the regular Community Coffee Morning and assisted by the WI. Contact Margaret Manley 731564.
- Friday 3rd June – PM “A Right Royal Quiz” 7.30 start. By kind permission of the Social Club, the village quizmasters will be setting questions to test your knowledge of all things Royal! Free entry . Either prebook your table (teams of 6/8 ) or contact us and we’ll put you in a team . Bar Open Contact: Rosie Law (07828023941
- Saturday 4th June – Once again the Social Club will open their doors to screen the Jubilee concert live from Buckingham Palace Gardens . Timings tbc. Bring your own snacks and join the party!
Get involved and make memories to last a lifetime
- There’s still a need for volunteers to lime the White Horse on Sunday 15th May. The plan is to meet at the end of Chapel Lane at 0930 or at the Horse at 1000hrs.
- Protective equipment will be available at the site in the form of eye protection and face masks. All participants are requested to wear appropriate footwear and work gloves. If possible, they should also bring a tool that can be used for removing weeds or for spreading the lime.
- The event will be open to all those who wish to be involved with the only stipulation being that participants should be physically fit and in good health.
- Those who have already contacted me need not do so again otherwise anyone who wishes to be involved should contact Andrew Law on 01793 731472 or . Fuller details will then be provided to all volunteers
Please join past and present staff & families in celebrating our amazing preschool here in Broad Town.
On the 15th of May we will be celebrating our 40th anniversary with a Ruby Garden Party here at Broad Town Preschool, from 2pm-5pm.
Entry is free and there will be food, games, prizes, a bar and live music amongst other entertainment.
It would be great to see as many old and new faces as possible to celebrate our fantastic preschool and it’s staff and children.
Broad Town Preschool committee
Around the Parish
Broad Town Brewery
Jason Bayliffe will be having two private parties in the Broad Town Brewery grounds on the 7th and 14th May for family friends.
The deadline for items for the newsletter should be with Margaret or Ray by the 22nd of EVERY month
( Ray Manley (01793 731564 or e-mail )
Right ‘Royal’ Quiz
Friday 3rd June
Broad Town Village Hall
7.30pm (doors open 7pm)
- Teams of 6 max - if you haven’t got a team we’ll put you together with others)
- Questions on a wide “royal” theme you don’t have to be an expert on royalty!