Dear Reader, I write this in advent, looking forward to Christmas and the New Year.I think the question on a lot of people’s minds is – where did 2021 go? I think it’s worth reflecting on that question. What has this year meant for you and your family? Because the fact is that the years fly by and if we never pause and reflect we don’t really give ourselves the chance to appreciate the good things we need to be thankful for and the times when we have needed every piece of courage and fortitude to carry us through.
My thoughts are particularly with those who have lost someone this year, who have been ill or those who are feeling very low. It would be so easy to let the dark days of winter, Covid19 and these experiences affect our whole outlook. Take heart, remember that whatever you must face you are never alone. God is always there with you. Like the angels watching over the nativity, we are being watched over and loved by our heavenly father and the hosts of heaven in everything that we do and live through. The birth of the Christ child is a great sign of hope for the world. Each year we remember the story. The young couple without a place to stay in Bethlehem. The kindness shown by a stranger, the Inn Keeper, who found them a warm and dry place in the Manger among the livestock. There Jesus is born and the world lights up with the hope and joy this child brings into the world. The shepherds watch in wonder and the angels sing, ‘Glory to God in the Highest, and peace to his people on earth’.
I wish you every blessing this Christmas, with joy and good health in the New Year.
God Bless, Revd. Karen
Associate Priest
Benefice of Lyneham and Woodhill
12th December - 6.00pm - Carol Service, do come to join in the singing of usual Christmas carols. Let’s raise the roof!
19th December - 10.30am - Communion
25th December - 10.30am - Communion
You are invited to put your Christmas messages on the tree or in the shelter from December 5th
Our 2021 chosen Christmas Charity is: “Brighter Futures” C. T. Scanner Appeal for the new Radiotherapy Unit, which is due to open in 2022. You will see collecting buckets and tins at various village events during the festive season. Please give generously if you can. Thank You.
For Christmas Cards Only, Special Stamps 30p for 2021 available in Royal Wootton Bassett from: -
*Sainsbury’s, Borough Fields
*Church Croft, St Barts, High St (10am-noon Mon-Sat)
*Radways the Cobblers, The Arcade, High Street
*Rootz, Hairdressers Woodshaw.
Items must be posted in the Special Green Post Boxes at The Library, Borough Fields & at locations above marked *
Swindon Scouts Post Delivery Area Ashbury, Badbury, Bassett Down, Blunsdon, Broad Hinton,Broad Town, Bourton, Burderop, Bushton, Chiseldon, Clyffe Pypard,Coleshill, Cricklade, Greatfield, Greenhill, Hampton, Hannington,
Highworth, Hodson, Hook, Inglesham, Liddington, Lydiard Millicent,
Purton, Royal Wootton Bassett, Swindon, Salthrop, Sevenhampton,
Shrivenham, South Marston, Stanton Fitzwarren, Tockenham,
Watchfield, Wroughton,
Don’t Forget - ONLY use Special Green Scout Xmas Stamps on cards posted in Scout Post Boxes
Do NOT use the special Scout Stamps in Royal Mail Post Boxes
(the recipient will have to pay a surcharge)
Last Time for Posting 4pm on Tuesday 14th December
Scout stamps are also available from Clive Green , phone 85420
It has been decided that from February 2022 future editions will be sent electronically which has worked well since the pandemic began and will not only save money but will help to reduce our carbon footprint. Approximately 100 copies are sent by email, others view it on the B T Website and a very small number (who have no internet) get paper copies. If you need a paper copy in future please contact Ray Manley Tel: 731564. It is also an opportunity to review the format and if anyone has suitable editorial skills and would like to be involved, please contact Ray for more information.
Please contact Ray Manley if you will need a paper copy of the newsletter in future or to give him your email address so that you can get a copy direct. The newsletter will also be on the village website.
JOHN HARTLEY 28.7.1956 - 4.11.2021
Sadly, we report the recent death of John Hartley – May he Rest in Peace.
Our condolences to Sandra and all the family.
“Those we love don’t go away. They walk beside us every day.....”
Like many other organisations, our income during the pandemic has been drastically reduced and it has not been possible to hold any fundraising events to improve this position. Shortfalls of £1,700 in 2019, £7,226 in 2020 and £7,500 in 2021 (estimated) will result in a total of £ 16,426 being owed to Salisbury Diocese for our Parish Share, which goes towards paying our clergy (training, housing, pensions, salaries) with no means to pay this.
We are very grateful to many people who already support the Church, with regular giving, one off donations, 100 Club and carrying out voluntary work which helps reduce our expenditure. However, we now have to find alternative ways to increase our income by an estimated amount of £8,000 per annum to keep the Church open and be able to continue to serve the community.
We recognise that many household incomes are already fully committed and in some instances reduced but if there is any way you feel you can help, please contact to discuss in confidence, with either Clive Green (treasurer), Tel: 854200 or Ray Manley, Tel; 731564.
Jingle bells, jingle bells, Community carol singing in aid of brighter futures ct scanner appeal Friday 10th December 2021, Broad Town village hall
Bar opens: 7.00pm. Carol singing from: 7.30pm
Please bring cash for the collecting buckets and the cash only bar
The annual carol singing around the village takes on a new format this year with an opportunity for everyone to join in the fun in one venue - the Village Hall. Mince pies and carol sheets provided for all plus mulled wine available from the cash bar. This year’s nominated charity is Brighter Futures, who support a range of community health settings across Swindon (including the GWH) to provide an extra special level of care making a difference for patients and their families. Monies raised tonight will go directly into the CT Scanner Appeal for the new Radiotherapy Unit due to open in 2022. Further information about Brighter Futures can be found at If you intend to join us, please email Anne Granger using by Friday 3rd December so that we have an idea of numbers in order to set tables and chairs out. Please include a mobile phone number and the number of people you are bringing with you. This will save time on arrival collecting this for Track and Trace purposes - we are sure you would prefer to head to the bar and the mince pies!
See you all there. Ho, ho, ho!
2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month (except December) 10am to 12 noon in the village hall. Coffee/tea/hot chocolate and homemade cakes! Do come and join us.
Thank you to everyone who made the November coffee mornings so busy and buzzy! Our future coffee mornings will be on: Wednesday 8th December - Christmas coffee morning. We will be raising funds for the Brighter Future CT scanner appeal for the new radiotherapy unit which is already saving so many people the exhausting journeys to Oxford.
Wednesday January 12th 2022 & Wednesday January 26th
Our best wishes for Christmas and the new year.
The Christmas Foodbank collection will be at the Village Hall on December 4th & 5th from 9am to 4pm. Christmas is a time of giving, so please give as generously as you are able, to ensure no-one goes hungry at Christmas.
Keep informed regarding the village issues coming up for discussion by your Parish Council. Visit and click ‘Subscribe’ to receive regular updates via email.
We are hopeful that we have filled the vacancy for the Parish Clerk – more news in the next newsletter.
RoSPA have carried out their annual inspection of the play area at Redhills and no significant problems were found.
The Good Energy Community Fund advisory panel and the Parish Council are happy to accept grant applications from community groups whenever the need arises, outside of the usual application timetable. More details are available on the Parish Council website.
The Parish Council are investigating tree-planting initiatives and grants. Any landowners with space for trees to be planted are asked to contact the council for more details.
Next Meeting: Monday 13th December 2020 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall. All are welcome and the agenda will be posted on our website and on the notice boards in due course.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Could you help transport people to get their Covid 19 vaccine booster? If you can please call 01380 722241 Thank you.
We’re well into the swing of having some fantastic evening meetings now, it’s as if lockdown never happened. We’d like to thank everyone who came to our Open Meeting in November for a fascinating presentation on The Golden Age of Mountaineering and Exploration - and a big thank you too for the raffle prizes donated and the lovely cakes served by our hard-working Refreshment Team.
Our December meeting will be themed around our 95 years as a Broad Town WI – we started up in 1925! We’re going to have a traditional craft session followed by our Christmas party with drinks, nibbles, and we’ll be finding an outfit to wear from one of the decades since the 1920’s. At last a chance to wear those flares or platforms at the back of the wardrobe.
Why not try a meeting in the New Year? We’re a fun bunch of ladies that enjoy sometimes serious and sometimes light-hearted presentations, craft sessions, walks and activities, often involving pubs or tea and cake. For more information contact, we look forward to hearing from you.
We have some exciting events to look forward to as we approach Christmas. We are participating in the Queen’s Green Canopy tree planting initiative that is taking place to mark Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee and saplings are expected very soon. It will be a very special tree planting event that the whole school community can share. Our Forest School activities will continue to provide outdoor learning, while wearing warm and waterproof clothing!
The children are also eagerly looking forward to a Fundraising Day with School Council designed competitions for each class – we will soon find out who can kick a football the furthest and who can hula hoop the longest – as well as circus skills workshops being held throughout the day.
In the classroom the children have been exploring what courageous advocacy means for them, looking at people who have helped to improve things for others – it is surprising how many role models we have found locally, nationally and across the world.
As we move into December, we plan to hold our Christmas services in the Church; how wonderful and special it will be to do this again.
The staff, children and governors wish the Broad Town community a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
The deadline for this edition is 21st January 2022

Broad Town Newsletter (BTN) takes all reasonable care to ensure that pages published are accurate. Articles and letters submitted may be the personal opinion of the author and, as such, are not endorsed by BTN. BTN takes no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by users of any of the information published on any of these pages, and such information does not form any basis of a contract with readers or users of it.