I write this on the eve of the day I think of as my Sabbath Rest day, which isn’t a Sunday. I look forward to that day as a time to change the rhythm from the working week; a day that offers opportunities for a different pattern of activity and sometimes a chance to enjoy doing ‘nothing’. Calling it ‘nothing’ sounds negative and sometimes leads to thinking that I ought instead to be doing ‘something’.
In truth, I think this is much more like the pause at the end of a slow, steady breath which is a place of profound and efficient stillness before breathing returns to the next steady pulse in or out. It has the same sense of joyful completion that I get at the end of a perfectly executed swimming stroke or when the last item of cutlery is put away after the washing up. It is the moment of ‘nothing’ in which I notice that what is given is enough.
The pause of the one day in seven gives beauty to the week past and renewal for the week forward. Constancy in the pattern of days, weeks, months and years is a source of peace and content, a firm foundation for the moments of extreme effort or times that require sustained resilience.
Fairly recently I was asked if I had enjoyed a year with less work with the churches closed. I thought how much difference there is between a time of chosen, set aside rest – whether sabbath or holy day/ holiday and the time of enforced restraint and limitation that I have experienced over the last fifteen months or so, some of which no doubt will continue into the weeks and months ahead.
I have been surprised at the depth of weariness this time of enforced inaction brings in its wake. The psalmist’s cry: How long O Lord, how long has often risen in my prayers. By contrast times of chosen sabbath or holy holiday open space in which gratitude returns and resources me for the fret and frenzy of daily life.
May you too find ways to balance enforced inaction and chosen rest so that thankfulness is renewed
Would you like to join our friendly and supportive team of governors at Broad Town School? We are looking for an additional governor to be part of our governing board at our welcoming and inclusive school. No previous experience of being a governor is needed as you will be trained and supported, all you need is a commitment and willingness to make what is an important contribution to our community. You would be involved in termly meetings that take place in late afternoons and also have a valuable opportunity to work with members of staff on a particular focus of school life. A DBS check is a requirement but otherwise no other qualification is necessary. If you are interested and would like to find out more, please contact Thank you.
The summer term seems to race by after the May holiday and the next event to look forward to is our Sports Day. The arrangements will be different this year as we still have to comply with social distancing but the staff will make sure that it is a wonderful day for the children. The warmer weather means that the children are making the most of our outdoor learning facilities and we were delighted to have benefited from a grant from the Parish Council Community Fund that has contributed to enhancing our Forest School. We have even been singing outside, joining in a specially commissioned song with 7000 other children in Wiltshire. There is a lovely video of us singing on our school website.
The summer is also a time of hellos and goodbyes. Our Chair of Governors, John Oldfield, is retiring from his role as Chair and we will miss his dedication, experience and wisdom. We hope that he will keep in touch with us and come in to see us when possible. We welcome Miss Lyall to our staff, who has joined us to work in the afternoons and is already settling in well. Finally, we must say goodbye to our Year 6 children who will move on to secondary school in September. Although we are sad to see them leave, we wish them a bright and happy future in their new schools. We wish everyone a fabulous summer, our new term starts on 1st September.
We have engaged a new Parish Clerk, Antonio Piazza, and he is looking forward to meeting residents in the course of his duties. We also welcome Sue Hughes who has joined us as our seventh Councillor.
The appeal against the refusal for planning application 19/03874/OUT (Residential development of up to 10 entry-level affordable dwellings on the land south of the school) has been upheld – the full decision paper is available on the Wiltshire Planning portal.
The decision is not based on need (indeed it states that the Royal Wootton Bassett community area has exceeded its requirement for housing supply), and furthermore it acknowledges that it conflicts with the development plan and would cause harm to the rural character and appearance of the area. It also accepts that there is no evidence of any parking problem and that not only are the associated village green and car parking area not tangible benefits but their ultimate delivery is by no means certain. Detail such as street lighting is left to be dealt with under reserved matters.
The only reason this was approved is because within Wiltshire County as a whole there is only 4.29 years of housing land supply, triggering Paragraph 11 (d) of the National Policy Planning Framework which provides that permission should be granted.
Community Fund
The Good Energy Community Fund will be reviewing grant applications from community groups in September. These will need to be submitted for review by the advisory panel by the start of August so it would be wise to start drawing up any applications now.
It is great that our meetings have started again and the numbers of our members coming along goes to show how much we have missed getting together. So far we have had a Bring and Swap evening where members brought plants, books, cakes, garden produce and even some fruit gin to swap with each other; and a really nice meal at The Crown at Broad Hinton where we were very well looked after.
The programme of events from July onwards is being prepared and we plan to have another adventurous meeting at 7.30 p.m. on July 21st at Broad Town Brewery (with huge thanks to Jason). As well as enjoying the beautiful views we will have a talk from The Bobby Van and a chat over tea and cake. A big thank you to everyone who has been involved in making the arrangements. Why not join us! We would love to welcome new members to our meetings on the third Wednesday of every month.
Contact Lorraine on for more information.
FOODBANK The next collection at the Village Hall will be on Sat. 3rd & Sun 4th July, 9am – 5pm. Following a conversation with the Royal Wootton Bassett Food Bank Coordinator we have decided to continue with monthly collections until further notice. Food banks continue to be very busy and there are still people struggling to feed themselves and their families.
At the recent AGM, the committee voted to keep the Village Hall closed until all Covid restrictions are lifted. (Hopefully 19th July!)
As the current lockdown restrictions have been extended to later in July, we are very sorry to confirm that the coffee mornings will not restart until September.
If we get a good spell of weather, we may be able to organize a ‘pop up’ coffee morning in the car park organized via phone call/e mail. Enjoy the summe
"Thank you to all the willing volunteers who turned out on a hot Sunday
13 June to weed and lime the White Horse. Having not been limed in 2020 it has now been returned to a brilliant white and is noticeable throughout the Village. We have received many favourable comments.
Particular thanks are due to the Broad Town Brewery for generously sponsoring the event, helping on the day and most importantly, providing appropriate refreshments".
July 4th 10.30am Communion
July 11th 10.30am Communion
July 25th 6.00pm Evening Worship.
We are sad to report the recent deaths of 3 long standing members of our community: Ivor Turk Darren Atkins (Dazman) Peggy Bird
May they Rest in Peace.
DEADLINE FOR NEXT B. T. News is 24th JULY 2021

News items to Margaret Green:
Requests for electronic or paper copies of future B T News, to Ray Manley: Tel: 731564