BroadTownNewsEditorAccount posted on January 04, 2021 12:01
Christmas 2020 was like nothing we’ve seen before and the festive season, with all the Covid restrictions, made many of the traditional events impossible BUT the Community Spirit of Broad Town shone out brightly to make our Village Christmas a memorable one
Thanks to everyone who made this happen and in particular: Steve Crocker – WI -
Margaret & Jim – Toni & Darren – The Parkin Family – Open the Book Team –
Pre-School – Community Coffee Morning – Margaret Green.
Thank you to Margaret Rogers and Judy for making these and also to Jenny, Heather and Christine who have been making face coverings since the beginning of the pandemic.
Thanks to Parish Council – Village Hall –and the team of ‘installers and removers ’ Blackie – Chris – Clive - Ben – Andrew – Nigel – Rupert Bastin
Thanks to Rachma for providing these and to all those who placed theirs’ on the tree and hedge.
Thanks to the Clarke family - see over for article from Sarah
Thanks to the volunteers who delivered these to homes in Broad Town, Cotmarsh and Thornhill.
And finally a big thank you to B T School for the Class Banners outside the School.
Our chosen Charity for Christmas was the Prospect Hospice.
Face Coverings and Nativity donations £340 – Festive Family Walk £80
TOTAL £420 – Thank you to everyone who donated.

Next Foodbank Collection at Village Hall – Sat 9th & Sun 10th January - 9am to 4pm
There are still many people struggling to “make ends meet” so please be as generous as you can with all the usual items.

Deadline for next Broad Town News is 23 January 2021
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Broad town festive family walk over the Christmas period. I hope you enjoyed finding the clues along with fresh air/ rain and exercise.
Money raised was £80 to the Prospect Hospice.
25 entries were returned 20 having the correct answers so well done.
Congratulations to the Parkin Elves who won a bottle of Prosecco, tin of biscuits and 2 children’s books.
The Answers:
1. letters on a Saturday - 8 am
2. H - fire hydrant
3. Where do you buzz from A to B - connect 2 taxi
4. Who is in the stable - all characters from nativity
5. What happened to the W horse in 1939 - it was covered in hedge trimming, soil and turf.
6. Friendship, honesty etc is found - BT school garden
7. Where do acorns grow - BT pre-school
8. High in sky and heard - church bell
9. The royal residence home - Queen Elizabeth cottage.
10. Baubles colour at EFH - red
11. Where can you find a shell - Rodmarton house
12. A house that is also a castle - Barbary house
13. A local townhouse - Marlborough house
14. A county within a county - Wiltshire house
15. Not usual road sign how far is Marlborough- 9miles
16. What is on the wall of 56a - pebbles
17. Colour of private post box - white/cream
18. The bench commentated what the millennium
19. How old is the farmhouse - 1668
20. A house pink in colour but not in name - BT farm house (also took Withy Windle)
21. 3 diamonds - front door 3 downs rook
22. Where can you find a square within a black diamond? - the Vicarage garage wall
23. Elderly incumbent house - the vicarage
24. Mix red and white for this house name - pink house
25. Who likes chestnuts? The squirrel sign at chestnut house
26. A tree in which season? Elm spring
27. A Scottish mountain or fling? Highlands
28. What will you find at 94a - the old shop
29. The home of a shoemaker - hush puppy cottage
30. The CHT defibrillator is in memory of - Rosie Mc Claren
31. A pet making an escape - dog on thatch roof of muse cottage.
32. A fruity church name - Chapel Orchard
33. Original chapel stone date? 1868
34. No longer hay storage - The Rickyard
35. How many chimneys at the laurels - 3 stacks 4 pots
36. Fill your heart and home - with joy of Xmas
Wishing you all a healthy and happy new year
Keep Well & Stay Safe