OCTOBER 2018 BROAD TOWN NEWS Published by Christ Church
Sponsor this month is Mr M. Titcombe
Wednesday Oct 3
Said Communion in the Chapel
Sunday Oct 7
Harvest Family Communion
Trinity 19
Clyffe Pypard
Harvest Family Communion
Broad Town
All Age Service
F Holness / D Marshall
C Green
C Marshall
M Manley
Evening Prayer with
Act of Remembrance
Sunday Oct 14
Trinity 20
All Age Service
Broad Town
Evening Prayer with
J Drury / M Green
D Marshall
C Marshall
M Manley
Act of Remembrance
Sunday Oct 21
Broad Town
Said Communion
R Manley / S Richards
S Richards
S Richards
C Bettinson
C Marshall
Trinity 21
Clyffe Pypard
Evening Prayer with
Act of Remembrance
Sunday Oct 28
Clyffe Pypard
Said Communion
Bible Sunday
Broad Town
M Manley / C Green
J Wallis
D Marshall
C Bettinson
C Marshall
Evening Prayer with
Act of Remembrance
Coffee Rota – 7th Oct - C & J Oldfield; 28th Oct - M & R Manley
Broad Town Newsletter (BTN) takes all reasonable care to ensure that pages published are accurate. Articles and letters submitted may be the personal opinion of the author and, as such, are not endorsed by BTN. BTN takes no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by users of any of the information published on any of these pages, and such information does not form any basis of a contract with readers or users of it.
Will organisations or anyone wishing to have news, etc. included in the November edition please note that items must be submitted to
Margaret Green, 5 Eastwood Avenue, Royal Bassett, Wilts. SN4 8BX. cliveggreen@waitrose.com Tel. No 854200
One of the enduring tropes of the First World War is the emergence of the war poet using the rhythms and customs of poetry to describe the futility of trench warfare and the horrors experienced by those who served in it. Many of us will have read the works of Robert Graves, Wilfred Owen and their compatriots at school, but the tradition of war poetry is much more ancient than you might think, as is the literary evidence for what 100 years ago would have been called shellshock but what we now term combat stress and PTSD.
About 700 years before Christ, the Greek writer Homer wrote his epic poem, the Odyssey. The Odyssey describes the journey of the Greek warrior Odysseus as he spends 10 years travelling back from the Trojan War. Along the way he meets and does battle with various superhuman entities, powers and obstacles that try to impede him, kill him or divert him from his journey home. Modern commentators have suggested that there was actually no intention to depict Odysseus as making a physical ten-year journey. But that, instead, he had returned home along with the rest of the troops but once home endured 10 years of mental anguish because of what he had experienced in the Trojan War. In effect, what scholars are suggesting is that Odysseus spends 10 years physically at home suffering from combat stress before he can mentally arrive back to the peaceable home that he left and that all the obstacles that he has supposedly encountered along his voyage are actually all allegories of mental battles that he has had to overcome.
I suspect that combat stress of some sort has existed ever since man took up arms against man. The good news however is that it is starting to be taken seriously and, that as time goes on, more and better treatments are made available to those who suffer it. The time of people hiding behind the traditional stiff upper lip and not acknowledging the mental trauma that war and military operations bring with them is starting to melt away. A few years ago, the chief fundraiser for combat stress told a story at a dinner I was at. An elderly gentleman turned up at their Scottish rehabilitation clinic door seeking help. He had been a Lancaster pilot during the Second World War. When the staff at Combat Stress asked what they could do for him, he told them that he needed help; it turned out that he had been in need of help ever since the Second World War but felt that he could not ask for it for various reasons. When asked what those reasons were, he said that it was simply not something the people of his generation talked about or acknowledged and so he had filled this life with all the normal things, a wife, family, work, whilst all the time he hid and tried to cope with the trauma that he held within himself. He came to Combat Stress after his wife had died, but not because she had died – it was because he could no longer hide behind the excuse of looking after her rather than himself. In fact, as he said, his own children were now grown up and retired and no longer needed his support and so he did not even have that excuse. He felt that it was, at last, time for him to seek help so that he could face death himself after being healed of the pain that he had carried for so long. He no longer had the excuse of distractions and familial duty to keep him from the treatment that he needed. It was, he also said, due to the fact that combat stress was now being talked about, recognised, no longer such a taboo subject and that proven treatments were helping sufferers to lead full lives again.
Mental health has, for a very long time, had a stigma about it that has made it vastly more difficult to treat because mental illness has been swept under the carpet for too long. It was a hidden malaise, something not comfortably acknowledged in society. Even in my family, I had a cousin who suffered mental health problems from childhood, but I only knew about it from whispers and intimations. I think the family as a whole breathed a sigh of relief when a Dutchman swept her off to the Netherlands because it took the problem away to another country. But the issues of mental health are all around us and always have been. In fact, they even crop up in the Bible, but often in a way that is not readily discernible. For instance, the story of Jonah in the belly of the whale is actually a story about mental health. The belly of the whale is a metaphor for depression. Those who suffer severe depression feel cut off from the world and trapped; for them the world is small and enclosed, it is dark, and they feel that they are being dragged ever further downwards, drowning as invisible tendrils of despair wrap themselves around their mind, just as Jonah describes seaweed wrapping itself around his head. Mental health needs are real and have always been with us, but they have a particular stigma that makes them hard to treat because no one has wanted to acknowledge them for such a long time and it was much worse in the army, which is why so many soldiers in the First World War were shot for cowardice and desertion rather than acknowledged as having mental health illnesses. If you mislabel with dishonour and then shoot the problem, it goes away both physically and socially because no one wants to remember someone who was shot for cowardice. That stigma is still with us, although it is getting better. But the only way that that stigma will be got rid of totally is if people are prepared to talk about their own problems as casually as they would about a broken leg. Invisible wounds are the last taboo. And I am going to break that taboo with you today.
Several years ago, I was working in a Brigade Headquarters when, what I had been carrying with me since I had come back from Iraq four years earlier, became unsupportable. I had got to the stage where, even when I was walking around Tesco’s in Tidworth and I sensed that there was someone behind me, I felt that I was going to be attacked. Finally, I found myself hiding around a corner in the brigade headquarters because the brigade commander was coming down the corridor and I was afraid of encountering him. Rationally, I knew that Brigade commanders are not in the habit of attacking their chaplains but I could not help what I was feeling. It was then that I knew that my perception of reality was completely haywire and I sought help from the medics. It turns out that having lived through 73 salvoes of rocket attacks on our camp over six months and the deaths of several comrades, I had left part of my mind in Camp Abu Naji and had never stopped feeling under mortal threat. And that that worry had warped my sense of normality. After two courses of CBT, I am now out the other side and living a normal life.
There is excellent treatment available for those who suffer from mental health problems, whether military or civilian. We just need to allow people the permission to ask for help, by removing the stigma. And the way that we can all do that is by talking about it and normalizing it. So, what do I ask of you, today? Simply to talk about it and pray about it with neither shame nor censure because we can expect help from neither medic nor God if we do not first acknowledge what our health problems may be.
Padre Keith Barry, Garrison Chaplain at MOD Lyneham.
Once again we are very grateful for all those people who attended the work morning in September and at other times during the month. We are all very pleased at the progress we have made throughout the summer and hope to maintain this in the future. Thank you to everyone who has been involved.
6th Oct Harvest Supper
8th Oct Deadline for Good Energy Fund Applications
10th Oct Community Coffee Morning
15th Oct PC Meeting
20th Oct Hilmarton Moviola
24th Oct Community Coffee Morning
27th Oct Gentlemen’s Breakfast Club
21st Nov BT WI Star Gazers evening
1st Dec Christmas Coffee Morning and annual Raffle Draw
It is that time of year again when the annual Christmas Draw tickets are on sale. All members of the PCC have tickets to sell and they will be available at the harvest supper. Tickets are £2.50 a book. Prizes this year are 1st a £50 gift card; 2nd Afternoon tea at Bowood Hotel and 3rd a £20 gift card: with various other prizes including a cuddly toy.
We still don't have the final details for our astronomy meeting on November 21st. The Swindon Star Gazers are meeting tomorrow night to finalise things, but that will be too late for this newsletter! If you are interested in hearing about our night skies though please put the date in your diary. All villagers are welcome, entry will be £5 to include drinks and cakes.
It was lovely to see so many of you at our first CCM in September after the August break. Totals from our MacMillan coffee morning will be in the next newsletter.
Dates for October. Wednesday 10th October. Wednesday 24th October – as some schools are on half term there will be children’s activities
In VILLAGE HALL – Saturday 6th October – 6.45 for 7pm
TICKETS £10 Children under 16 £5 - 3 COURSE MEAL - BAR - RAFFLE
Tickets on sale now from Margaret and Ray Manley - Tel. 731564
Community Fund Grants
At our September meeting we were able to consider 2 applications for grants from our Community Fund from the Good Energy solar farm. The first was from the Brighter Futures Radiotherapy appeal. Although a very worthy cause and one to which many in the village have already given generously, this is unfortunately outside of the parameters of our Community Fund where applications need to be for initiatives with direct impact in the community of Broad Town. The second application was for Broad Town Community Coffee Mornings to cover the cost of hiring the Village Hall for another year and we were delighted to award that grant to facilitate the continuation of what has become a well loved and valued part of our Village life.
We acknowledged at our meeting that we hadn’t been clear that the Parish Council is required to publish its meeting agenda at least three working days before its meeting and so any grant applications that we received after that date couldn’t be considered at the September meeting. We know that there are 2 applications which were being worked on with the view to submit them just before our meeting and rather than make them wait until March when we would normally review new applications we all agreed that those 2 applications should come to our October meeting for consideration. As a result, if there is anyone else with a grant application that would like to be considered outside the usual cycle then please send your application to the Parish Clerk no later than 8th October.
Wiltshire’s White Horses
Existing interpretation boards for Wiltshire’s White Horses will soon be replaced across the county pending production of the signs. The signs will be updated with QR codes with links to further information about the horses and the White Horse Trail.
We will let you know when Broad Town is receiving ours!
The Revised National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) has been published and a useful summary has been provided by Wiltshire Council and is available on the Parish Council page of the website.
Notice of Casual Vacancy in the Parish Council. Applications are invited and details are on the website and noticeboards.
Parish Steward Scheme.
Don’t forget if you see minor repairs required around the Village send details to the Parish Clerk (broadtownparishclerk@gmail.com), these will be passed onto the Parish Steward for action. Please title your request ‘Parish Steward Work’ and remember the Steward only has access to hand/power tools.
The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Monday 15th October at 18.30pm in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided.
So far not much has come for the exhibition in November of the 1WW so I am asking if anyone has any memorabilia for any conflict since then which they are willing to lend to the Church. If you would like to write down your remembrances of either the 1WW or 2WW to put those in the exhibition I would be very grateful.
Thank you so much. Margaret margaretgreen@waitrose.com or 01793 854200
FOUR WAYS: OUR COMMUNITY PUB in Broad Town Village Hall
BAR EVERY FRIDAY 8.15pm-late – OPEN TO ALL! Classic 60s-90s music vids or sports on our two-metre cinema screen. Draught pints of Wadworth 6X £2.60; various ciders, lagers, wine, spirits, fruit juice, squash, fizzy drinks, Aero hot chocolate, Tetley tea, Nescafe cappuccino, coffee & decaf always available. Our fully licensed bar is available for your village hall event (usually four weeks’ notice required please, may be flexible in cases of unforeseen events). Contact: Trevor on 01793 731699
email fourwaysbroadtown@gmail.com
‘Like’ us on facebook.com/FourWaysBroadTown
BINGO EVERY SUNDAY – eyes down 7.30pm; PLEASE NOTE NEW EARLIER FINISH: last ball 9pm-ish! Support your local non-profit: unlike commercial Bingo, every pound you flutter is returned to our players. We regularly have over 20 players per session - with room for plenty more - so come along: more posteriors on seats means bigger prizes. Modest stakes, winnings can be over £60! Participants from beyond Broad Town always especially welcome. Never played before? It’s easy for beginners – we’ll show you how!
Sally and Jason have taken over The Crown at Broad Hinton and run a pub quiz on the first Monday of each month in aid of Prospect. The next one is on Monday 1st October. Teams of up to 6 people. £2 each.
Hilmarton Parish Church Hall, Saturday 20th October
The Hatton Garden Job (15)
7pm FOR 7.30pm, 75 comfy seats, refreshments and a wine sale licence, tickets £6 from Breda Cottage, 34 Church Road, Hilmarton 760312 (opposite chapel) or
Email hilmartonmoviola@hotmail.co.uk
Hilmarton Moviola also has a Facebook page.
For more info call Geoff Procter on 01249 760312
Where did summer go? I’m here in the office just after the August Bank Holiday and feeling chilly wondering what happened to summer? It was so very hot in June and early July then seemed to cool off when the schools closed for the summer, such a shame for the holiday season! The thermometer tells me that its not that cold, but even the weather man used that “Autumn” word yesterday. Hope that this winter has no visits from the “Beast from the East”. Watch out next month for details on the Surviving Winter Grant programme – how to donate to it and how to seek a grant to help with the cost of winter fuel. Give me a call for more information or to log your interest now.
I don’t want to scare monger, but recently, I have been made aware of some more phone scams doing the rounds. I visited a lively group recently who were well up to fending off nuisance phone calls which seem to happen in ever increasing numbers. But these scammers are crafty folk! By introducing themselves and appearing to be “friendly” they can gain your confidence and before you know it you may have told them your full name, address, bank details, PIN number and even the time of day that you will be home and by default, the time when the house will be empty – and emptied of your valuables! Now I don’t want to scare anyone, but if you receive an unexpected call from anyone purporting to be from the bank, building society, Council, Water Authority, Microsoft. The list goes on. you have a choice. Put the phone down on them immediately or, if you are concerned that it may be genuine, ask for the matter to be put into a letter. Genuine callers will always respect your wishes and they will have your address on their file without needing to ask you and will be happy to post details of the matter to you. Never be afraid of being rude to cold callers – they have invaded your privacy after all!
Meanwhile, I am around for general help and support on a wide variety of issues including transport, mobility and safety around the home and reducing the feeling of loneliness. Give me a call on 07557 922020 and leave a message. I only work part time but will get back to you as soon as possible.
Ellen Blacker Health and Wellbeing Champion
This is a reminder that we have a defibrillator in the Village. It is sited outside the Village Hall and is available for anyone to use in the unfortunate situation of someone they are with having heart failure. It is simple to use and talks you through what you have to do. It is a requirement though, that you RING 999 FIRST to get help on the way as soon as possible. The ambulance service will also tell you what to do and support you while you wait for the ambulance. If you are within 200m of the Hall they will automatically tell you about the defibrillator and tell you the access code. If you are further away but have someone who could fetch it for you quickly, you will need to ask them for the access code.
The next Gentleman’s Full English Breakfast Club meeting will be on Saturday 27th October. As usual this takes place at the Crown Café, MOD Lyneham. The speaker at this event will be Dr John Baker. The topic of the talk is still to be confirmed.
Contact David May, davemay104@yahoo.co.uk if you would like to attend.
My name is Ben Davis - my family and I moved to Broad Town just over three years ago. We are really enjoying living in the Village.
I am a plumbing and heating engineer, registered with OFTEC (for oil) and Gas Safe (for gas). Going forward, I would like to reduce the amount of time spent driving (and sitting in traffic) around North Wiltshire and increase my local customer base.
My services include: Boiler breakdown and repairs, annual boiler servicing, boiler and oil tank replacement, general heating faults and maintenance, and general plumbing. Please feel free to call me anytime for further information.
01793 317758 or 07920 042880
Hi Just thought I’d remind all of you that I’m in the Village. It’s Glen Morley the Painter and Decorator. I undertake interior and exterior work, to a very high standard. Everything is completed to the level I would have in my own home. Please feel free to call me at any time for a free consultation and VAT free estimate. My numbers are: Landline: 01793 739227 Mobile: 07545 573002. Please leave a message if I’m unable to answer.
Never-ending to-do list? Not enough hours in the day? Too much paperwork? Need a spare pair of hands? LET ME HELP!
Hi, I’ve lived in Broad Town for over 15 years and have a broad range of skills covering both business/office experience and practical, hands-on abilities.
If you need help with services such as: business support; de-cluttering & waste removal; Personal Assistant/Secretary; typing; general housekeeping; IT assistance, PowerPoint presentations; party invitations; garden maintenance; Excel spreadsheets painting; pet/horse care; general errand running, or anything else - please ask!
If I can’t do it, I’ll try and find someone who can.
I have full DBS/CRB clearance and £1m public liability insurance and references are available.
Examples of rates are available on my web site www.louisegirlfriday.co.uk. Please email louise@louisegirlfriday.co.uk or call 07748 752625 (land line 731858) to discuss your requirements. Thank you. Louise.
Run workshops at the Village Hall on every first Friday and third Saturday of the month from 10am to 3pm. All are welcome including painters who are beginners. The cost is still £5 per person per session which includes tea/coffee and biscuits but do bring a packed lunch. Help will be given to those who request it.
Contact Jim Dowton 850029 or Roy Davey 731154.