NOVEMBER 2018 BROAD TOWN NEWS Published by Christ Church
Sponsors this month are the Parish Council
Sunday Nov 4
Family Communion
All Saints
Clyffe Pypard
Broad Town
All Age Service
M Manley / F Holness
R Manley
C Oldfield
C Oldfield
Reflection with Act of Remembrance
Wednesday Nov 7
Said Communion in the Chapel
Sunday Nov 11
Broad Town
Remembrance Service
M Green
D Marshall
C Oldfield
C Oldfield
Clyffe Pypard
Remembrance Service
Remembrance Service
Remembrance Service at the War Memorial
Sunday Nov 18
Broad Town
Said Communion
R Manley / C Green
C Green
C Green
M Green
J Rendell
2nd Before Advent
Clyffe Pypard
Evening Prayer
Sunday Nov 25
Broad Town
Benefice Communion &
C Marshall / J Drury
J Wallis
D Marshall
M Green
J Rendell
Christ the King
Patronal Festival
Coffee Rota – Nov 4th - J Rendell; Nov 25th - F & R Holness.
Broad Town Newsletter (BTN) takes all reasonable care to ensure that pages published are accurate. Articles and letters submitted may be the personal opinion of the author and, as such, are not endorsed by BTN. BTN takes no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by users of any of the information published on any of these pages, and such information does not form any basis of a contract with readers or users of it.
Will organisations or anyone wishing to have news, etc. included in the December/January edition please note that items must be submitted to
Margaret Green, 5 Eastwood Avenue, Royal Bassett, Wilts. SN4 8BX. Tel. No 854200
We will be coming towards the end of our marking of 100 years, 100 days as November begins and I have found that the experience of that time from 3 August until 10 November has deepened and challenged my thinking about what it means to mark the centenary of Armistice Day 1918.
Perhaps in part because many who have fought and lived through wars do not speak easily of what they have seen and remembered, the focus on these centenary years seems to have encouraged many people to explore, research and remember their own family and local connections to the wars marked in the season of Remembrance.
In Broad Town, two of our local history detectives Andrew Law / Clive Green who became intrigued by the mention on a gravestone in the churchyard there of a mother’s son, Frank Comley, who fought in the 1914-8 war but yet was not named on the war memorial in church. It turns out that Frank had emigrated to Halifax, Nova Scotia and then enlisted from Canada, rather than as a local Wiltshire man. I’m always struck by the courage and determination of those who moved from these islands in search of a better life in the days before air travel and the internet made remaining in touch across such distance relatively easy. It also reminds me that our connections cross counties, countries and continents both in the past and in the present. It won’t take much thought about your family, friends and neighbours in these villages to discover connections from migration and leisure to many of the continents of the world. I’m often thankful for these connections of trade and culture as I drink my cup of tea and eat food enriched by this network of travel.
But this is even more so as I give thanks for the legacy of a small group of people from a foreign culture, who during a period of occupation by a foreign empire, experienced a transformation of their traditional religion through the life, teaching and death of a first century leader. This leader inspired the idea that in the end across the richness of our differences it is not our economic status, or our national or ethnic background, nor our gender that determines our identity but our commitment to follow a spiritual path of love, truth and peace.*
In all the amazing connections that bridge our planet it is this connection of my faith with its earliest followers that adds hope that through the losses of war, and the viciousness of hatreds a path towards peace and justice can yet be found.
*Galatians 3:28
The Reverend Rachma Abbott Priest in Charge, Woodhill Benefice.
The Vicarage Clyffe Pypard, SWINDON SN4 7PY. 01793 731134
Mary was born in 1938 in Portsmouth but, as the house was bombed out in the war, she came with her parents to Highworth. It was whilst working in a café that she met Joe and married him; moving to Broad Town in 1958.
Mary was a much-loved member of the staff of Broad Town school - during her 40yrs there she was caretaker, dinner lady and bus manager. She worked under a total of 5 heads.
This year Clive and I attended the Harvest Lunch at the Moose Hall in Eastcott Road. The Lodge had very kindly donated £500.00 to the Broad Town Church to help with the cost of the new floor.
Moose International is a charitable organisation that raises money for charities and helps it’s own members when the need arises. This year Peggy Bird’s Brother-in-Law is the chairman of the Swindon Group and, having attended our coffee mornings etc, proposed to his committee that a donation be made to our restoration fund.
If anyone would like to find out more about Moose International, please contact Roy Small on 01793 701283
Graham, the deliverer, has moved so now we need some-one else to take his place. This is a round that could be split into two parts.
It starts at Springfield House at the corner with Pye Lane and goes down to the T junction. There it goes both ways. Turn left and the round goes as far as the 4 new cottages. Turn right and the round goes all the way to Lower Ham Farm. Some of the farms have a container at the start of their drives.
We desperately need some-one to take over the round as, otherwise, it will not be done.
5th Nov Charity pub quiz at The Crown, Broad Hinton
10th/11th Nov War Remembrance Exhibition
12th Nov P C Meeting
14th Nov Community Coffee Morning
21st Nov WI Stargazers
24th Nov Gentlemen’s Breakfast Club
24th Nov Hilmarton Moviola
28th Nov Community Coffee Morning
1st Dec Church Coffee Morning with Christmas Raffle
12th Dec Community Coffee Morning
13th Dec Village Carol Service
14th Dec Pre-school Nativity
14th Dec Village Carol Singing
Our thanks to everyone who came to the Harvest Supper on 6th October. It was a very enjoyable evening and we raised a
fantastic £535 for Broad Town Church.
Thank You to all who have offered items for our exhibition for the weekend of 10th/11th November. I shall be putting it all together on the evening of Friday 9th November so if your items could be brought to the Church on the afternoon of 9th November I would greatly appreciate it. If that is not possible then give me a ring on 854200 and I shall collect before then.
I am also looking for people to join the rota so that there is always some-one there. Each stint will last an hour. Thanks Margaret Green
It is that time of year again when the annual Christmas Draw tickets are on sale. All members of the PCC have tickets to sell and they will be available at the harvest supper. Tickets are £2.50 a book. Prizes this year are 1st a £50 gift card; 2nd Afternoon tea at Bowood Hotel and 3rd a £20 gift card: with various other prizes including a cuddly toy.
We now have the final details of our Astronomy talk on November 21st in the Village Hall. Owen Brazell and Robert Slack from Swindon Stargazers will present 'New Views of the Universe' with stunning photographs of the stars, planets and galaxies. Also if it is a clear night they will take us outside to point out interesting features of the night sky.
Everyone is welcome, entry for non members will be £5 to include drinks and cakes. Please phone me on 731536 or email me on to let me know if you would like to come as this will help greatly with the catering.
We are a friendly group and are always happy to welcome new members. If you are unsure if the WI is right for you why not give it a go? Our meetings are generally held in the Village Hall on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30. We are on the Broad Town Village website and on Facebook where you can find details of upcoming speakers and events. If you would like more information please call Annette on 01793 739021.
Broad Town Church now have 96 wine glasses available to borrow (for a donation for Church Funds). Enquiries to Margaret Manley Tel. 731564
Will be on Friday 14th December and we will be collecting for Brighter Futures Radio Therapy and SCBU Incubator Appeals. Further details in December B T News.
Area Board Grants
We are pleased to share the news that the Parish Council was successful in obtaining a grant from the Area Board for 50% of the cost to purchase and install new football goal posts and nets for our Playing Field. This means that we can now move ahead, so if anyone would be willing to volunteer to help with the installation please let us know.
At the same Area Board meeting, our Village Hall Committee was successful in securing a grant towards the refit of the kitchen and toilets at the Village Hall. The Parish Council was delighted to also support this project with the award of a grant of £5000 from our Community Fund. That cheque was presented at our October Parish Council meeting.
Community Fund Grant
We were also pleased to award a grant of £580 to Broad Town Primary School for their Community Outreach Project which is looking to strengthen links between the school and the village community around their planned Reflective Garden. The School have come up with some lovely ideas which will provide new opportunities for everyone to join in activities with the school and to enjoy and help create and maintain the new garden.
Speed Indicator Devices
We know that speeding traffic through the Village is a major concern for us all and over the past year the Parish Council has been working with Wiltshire Council’s Highway division to develop the most appropriate approach to try and address this. Mobile Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs) have come out as the most practical and effective solution and from all the discussions we are now confident that we will be able to secure a significant contribution to funding SIDs from the Community Area Transport Group. As a result we now need to build a firm implementation and maintenance plan including assessing the right locations to site the mobile SIDs. We appreciate that this will need careful consideration and will be looking to consult with residents living close to any proposed location.
Parish Steward Scheme.
Wiltshire Council has made it clear that with tight budgets, more and more basic regular maintenance will fall to the Parish Steward Scheme. As a result we want to ensure that we have a good long list of activity to keep him busy and regularly visiting Broad Town. If we don’t indicate work to be done he will go elsewhere. So if you see minor repairs required around the Village please send details to the Parish Clerk (, these will be passed onto the Parish Steward for action. Please title your request ‘Parish Steward Work’ and remember the Steward only has access to hand/power tools.
Electoral Review of Wiltshire Council Division Boundaries
Wiltshire Council has formally reviewed the composition of their division boundaries with the objective of ensuring a more equal number of electors in each division. Their proposal is that Broad Town would be grouped with Lyneham & Bradenstoke, Tockenham and Clyffe Pypard. The new division boundaries have no physical impact on Broad Town and Broad Town would remain part of the Cricklade and Royal Wootton Bassett Community Area. The most significant difference would be a change in our Unitary Councillor. The Parish Council is content that this change continues to ensure that the interests of our Village are well represented at Community Area and County Council level
Playing Fields
We are currently looking to repair or replace the chain link fencing around the playing field which is in a poor state of repair. If you are a local tradesman who would like to quote for this work please contact the Parish Clerk for further details.
The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Monday 12th November at 18.30pm in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided.
Dates for November: Wednesday 14th November: Wednesday 28th November
Our last coffee morning of 2018 will be on Wednesday 12th December.
Money from this coffee morning will be sent to the Brighter Futures Appeal who are raising funds for a radiotherapy unit and up to the minute incubators for SCBU (the special care baby unit) at the Great Western Hospital.
Thank you so much to everyone who came to the Macmillan Coffee Morning. Your generosity enabled us to send £183 to Macmillan Cancer relief. As much of this was gift aided the final sum will be even greater.
Indonesian Tsunami Appeal – it was suggested that we raise money for this appeal which we did at our 10th October coffee morning. Again, thanks to your generosity £100 was sent to the fund. It has been a busy but rewarding time!
Friday 14th December Broad Town Village Hall at 2pm. ALL WELCOME refreshments will be available to purchase.
Sally and Jason have taken over The Crown at Broad Hinton and run a pub quiz on the first Monday of each month in aid of Prospect. The next one is on Monday 5th November. Teams of up to 6 people. £2 each.
Hilmarton Parish Church Hall, Saturday 24th November
The Book Shop (PG)
7pm for 7.30pm, 75 comfy seats, refreshments and a wine sale licence, tickets £6 from Breda Cottage, 34 Church Road, Hilmarton 760312 (opposite chapel) or
Hilmarton Moviola also has a Facebook page.
For more info call Geoff Procter on 01249 760312
Just a quick word to remind you all that I am around for general help and support on a wide variety of issues including transport, mobility and safety around the home and reducing the feeling of loneliness. Give me a call on 07557 922020 and leave a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Ellen Blacker Health and Wellbeing Champion
This is a reminder that we have a defibrillator in the Village. It is sited outside the Village Hall and is available for anyone to use in the unfortunate situation of someone they are with having heart failure. It is simple to use and talks you through what you have to do. It is a requirement though, that you RING 999 FIRST to get help on the way as soon as possible. The ambulance service will also tell you what to do and support you while you wait for the ambulance. If you are within 200m of the Hall they will automatically tell you about the defibrillator and tell you the access code. If you are further away but have someone who could fetch it for you quickly, you will need to ask them for the access code.
This facility, which by law, is only for the delivery of Christmas Cards, is again being provided this year as in previous years. The cost of the special stamp is still 30p (now self-adhesive). They can be purchased in Royal Wootton Bassett from Bevirs, Solicitors, High Street; Haines & Smith, Opticians, High Street; News Plus, Gainsborough Avenue; Radway’s the Cobblers, The Arcade, High Street & Rootz, Hairdressers, Woodshaw. The last date for posting mail into the Scout Post is TUESDAY 11th DEC at 4:00pm and all items must be posted in the special green post boxes which can be found at Sainsbury’s, Borough Fields, Haines & Smith, Radway’s, News Plus & Rootz. Please DO NOT USE Scout Post stamps on cards posted through Royal Mail post boxes. They are not valid and the receiver will have to pay a surcharge.
The area covered for delivery of Scout Post is: -
Swindon, Badbury, Bishopstone, Blunsdon, Burderop, Chiseldon, Draycott Foliat, Elcombe, Hannington, Highworth, Hinton Parva, Hodson, Inglesham, Langton Park, Liddington, Overton, Red Barn, South Leaze, South Marston, Stanton Fitzwarren, Stratton St Margaret, Thorney Park, Wanborough, West Leaze, Wichelstowe, Wroughton, Royal Wootton Bassett, Purton, Lydiard Millicent, Greatfield, Greenhill, Hook, Broad Town, Bushton, Clyffe Pypard, Tockenham, Cricklade, Latton, Ashton Keynes, Broad Hinton, Berwick Bassett, Uffcott, Winterbourne Bassett, Winterbourne Monkton, Shrivenham, Watchfield, Bourton, Idstone, Ashbury, Kingston Winslow.
In addition, stamps are available from Clive Green, 5 Eastwood Avenue, Royal Wootton Bassett. Tel No. 01793 854200
The next Gentleman’s Full English Breakfast Club meeting will be on Saturday 24th November. As usual this takes place at the Crowns Café, MOD Lyneham. The speaker at this event will be Ian Murray-Clarke from the Crowns Cafe. The topic of the talk is still to be confirmed.
Contact David May, if you would like to attend.
My name is Ben Davis - my family and I moved to Broad Town just over three years ago. We are really enjoying living in the Village.
I am a plumbing and heating engineer, registered with OFTEC (for oil) and Gas Safe (for gas). Going forward, I would like to reduce the amount of time spent driving (and sitting in traffic) around North Wiltshire and increase my local customer base.
My services include: Boiler breakdown and repairs, annual boiler servicing, boiler and oil tank replacement, general heating faults and maintenance, and general plumbing. Please feel free to call me anytime for further information.
01793 317758 or 07920 042880
Hi Just thought I’d remind all of you that I’m in the Village. It’s Glen Morley the Painter and Decorator. I undertake interior and exterior work, to a very high standard. Everything is completed to the level I would have in my own home. Please feel free to call me at any time for a free consultation and VAT free estimate. My numbers are: Landline: 01793 739227 Mobile: 07545 573002. Please leave a message if I’m unable to answer.
Never-ending to-do list? Not enough hours in the day? Too much paperwork? Need a spare pair of hands? LET ME HELP!
Hi, I’ve lived in Broad Town for over 15 years and have a broad range of skills covering both business/office experience and practical, hands-on abilities.
If you need help with services such as: business support; de-cluttering & waste removal; Personal Assistant/Secretary; typing; general housekeeping; IT assistance, PowerPoint presentations; party invitations; garden maintenance; Excel spreadsheets painting; pet/horse care; general errand running, or anything else - please ask!
If I can’t do it, I’ll try and find someone who can.
I have full DBS/CRB clearance and £1m public liability insurance and references are available.
Examples of rates are available on my web site Please email or call 07748 752625 (land line 731858) to discuss your requirements. Thank you. Louise.
Run workshops at the Village Hall on every first Friday and third Saturday of the month from 10am to 3pm. All are welcome including painters who are beginners. The cost is still £5 per person per session which includes tea/coffee and biscuits but do bring a packed lunch. Help will be given to those who request it.
Contact Jim Dowton 850029 or Roy Davey 731154.