AUGUST 2018 BROAD TOWN NEWS Published by Christ Church
We do not have a sponsor this month
Wednesday Aug 1
Said Communion
Friday Aug 3
100 years, 100 Days - Reflections of War and Peace
Sunday Aug 5
Family Communion
Trinity 10
Broad Town
All-Age Service
C Green
C Green
M Green
C Crocker
Clyffe Pypard
Evening Service
Sunday Aug 12
Benefice Communion & Patronal Festival
St Laurence
Remembrance Reflection
Sunday Aug 19
Broad Town
Said Communion
M Manley / S Richards
S Richards
S Richards
M Green
M Green
Trinity 12
Clyffe Pypard
Evening Service
Sunday Aug 26
Clyffe Pypard
Said Communion
Trinity 13
Broad Town
R Manley / F Holness
J Wallis
D Marshall
J Rendell
F Holness
Evening Service
Coffee Rota – 5th August - J & C Rendell, 26th August - F & R Holness.
Broad Town Newsletter (BTN) takes all reasonable care to ensure that pages published are accurate. Articles and letters submitted may be the personal opinion of the author and, as such, are not endorsed by BTN. BTN takes no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by users of any of the information published on any of these pages, and such information does not form any basis of a contract with readers or users of it.
Will organisations or anyone wishing to have news, etc. included in the September edition please note that items must be submitted to
Margaret Green, 5 Eastwood Avenue, Royal Bassett, Wilts. SN4 8BX. Tel. No 854200
This evening I used one of the great privileges of ministry. I went and lay down in church. Anyone can do that when the church is open, but often other people worry about how they are supposed to behave in church and the joy of being a priest is I’m absolutely certain that any behaviour that helps me focus on or meet with God is fine.
And one of the things that keeps me going are those moments of silent meditation and contemplation.
So, I lay on the carpet in the aisle by the choir stalls and began in sensation.
The feel of the stone underneath the rug on my back; the sense of space and height, noticing the beauty of the roofbeams like ribs, the sound of birds in the churchyard, the noise of my breathing; the smell of damp and small moments of muscular discomfort at the base of my neck.
In time my imagination and thinking brought many fragments to mind: the ribcage of the roofbeams and the spine of the stone floor made me imagine myself held in the lung of God, carried on the breath of the Holy Spirit, and then I saw way up high a cabbage white butterfly and was reminded of the peacock I had seen alight on a gravestone and then close its wings on my way to St Peter’s Clyffe Pypard through the churchyard.
My reflections were on beauty, grief and nature. After a little more time, I moved beyond imagination and thinking to a time of word-free, image-free contemplation.
Then I got up and said evening prayer to find these verses in the psalms for the evening:
Yea the sparrow hath found her an house, and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young: event thy altars, O Lord of hosts, my King and my God. Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be always praising thee. (Psalm 85 verses 3 & 4)
The words seemed to be speaking much more deeply than they would have done without the time of silence and of laying myself down in church to find myself in the arms of the Love that made the world. Silence has its place in many of the great religious traditions of the world, and whether or not you have faith I invite you in this season of summer holiday to find some time to lie down in silence and pay attention to the beauty around you.
The Reverend Rachma Abbott Priest in Charge, Woodhill Benefice.
The Vicarage Clyffe Pypard, SWINDON SN4 7PY. 01793 731134
On Sunday 26th August at 10.30am. The Venerable Sue Groom, Archdeacon of Wiltshire, will be leading our worship at Broad Town Church and will also be blessing our new roof. Everyone is welcome to join us at this service and we can then thank everyone who supported us in completing this project.
In July we said an unexpected farewell to Simon Billis (Please refer to Parish Council article).
13th Aug Parish Council Meeting
26th Aug Morning Service taken by Archdeacon the Ven. Dr. S. Groom
4th Sept Back to School
8th Sept Church Coffee Morning and Ride & Stride
Unfortunately, we are receiving unwanted attention from travellers. They are washing under the tap in the Churchyard and leaving empty sachets around. We have contacted the police but until they are caught with no clothes on there is no offence committed. So, if you find them in that state do not hesitate to contact the police. Your help will be appreciated.
Last month a team of 10 – “Rosie’s Ramblers” , completed an arduous but beautiful 13 mile hike along the Jurassic Coastline from Worth Matravers to Studland Bay. We joined up to 500 hundred other walkers all raising money for Julia’s House Children’s Hospice and in particular their brand new facility in Devizes. It was a long 6 hour walk with some steep ascents but we all got to the end, albeit with a few cuts, scrapes and quite a few blisters! Since then our fundraisers have been busy chasing up our final donations and we’re extremely pleased to announce our final total (26.6.18) a fantastic - £2575.45 !!! An enormous and heartfelt thank you, to everyone who sponsored us, who came along to our Music Quiz fundraising evening, and who donated prizes. A special thanks to all the business people in the village who went above and beyond – Chris Moore Building Services; Broad Town Motors; Broad Town Social Club; Cloth of Gold; Complete Glazing Services; BTD Plumbing& Heating.
The next Church coffee morning will be on the 8th September, the same day as the Ride and Stride.
There will be the Raffle, Refreshments and Sales Table; as well as the convivial companionship and conversation. We look forward to seeing you all there.
Feeling energetic? Maybe this is the time to take part in a sponsored cycle, ride or walk in this year’s Ride and Stride.
Visit Wiltshire’s beautiful churches and chapels to raise money for Broad Town Church and The Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust.
For more information/sponsor form contact Carolyn Crocker 852754
This is a reminder that we have a defibrillator in the Village. It is sited outside the Village Hall and is available for anyone to use in the unfortunate situation of someone they are with having heart failure. It is simple to use and talks you through what you have to do. It is a requirement though, that you RING 999 FIRST to get help on the way as soon as possible. The ambulance service will also tell you what to do and support you while you wait for the ambulance. If you are within 200m of the Hall they will automatically tell you about the defibrillator and tell you the access code. If you are further away but have someone who could fetch it for you quickly, you will need to ask them for the access code.
We are a friendly group and are always happy to welcome new members. If you are unsure if the WI is right for you why not give it a go? Our meetings are generally held in the Village Hall on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. We are on the Broad Town Village website and on Facebook where you can find details of upcoming speakers and events.
If you would like more information, please call Annette on 01793 739021.
Just a reminder that there will be no coffee mornings in August.
Bushton and Clyffe Pypard WI invite you to a coffee morning on Saturday 25th August from 10.30am in the garden of Finches, Clyffe Pypard in aid of DOORWAY a local charity for the homeless -refreshments, bring and buy, cakes, garden produce and more - ALL WELCOME. If wet, in St. Peter's Church
For the 100 years since the 1st World War, we would like to put on an exhibition at the Church. It will be on the weekend of Fri. 9th to Sun. 11th Nov 2018. We are asking the villagers if you have any mementos inherited from relatives which you would be prepared to lend to the exhibition. Please could you get in touch with Margaret Green either tel. 854200 or by e-mail More details later.
Tribute to Councillor Billis
It was with great sadness that we started our meeting on 9th July with tributes to Councillor Simon Billis who sadly died on 27th June. Simon was a great asset to the Parish Council and his death represents a great loss to our community and the Parish Council. Simon was a proud, passionate and hardworking Councillor. He undertook many Council tasks with enthusiasm and energy, and had a real drive to get things done, and to make a positive difference for the village he represented. Simon posted the notices of meetings on the notice boards and uploaded Parish Council information including agendas and minutes onto the village website. He regularly contributed to the village newsletter, he was part of the team who undertook a footpath audit, sorted out the goal posts for the playing field, researched how the Parish Council could purchase Speed Indicator Devices to address the problems of speeding traffic, represented the council at Area Board Meetings and CATG meetings and much more, all for the benefit of the community. The Parish Council offered their sincere condolences to his wife Lorraine and family.
Redevelopment of the Garages at Redhills
The Council noted its disappointment and that of the local residents that planning approval had been granted with some conditions for the redevelopment of the Garages at 49 Redhills. Given the ongoing concerns around the ability for vehicles to safely access and leave both the garages and also houses adjoining the access lane, the Parish Council are requesting a meeting with the Highways Officer at the site. The Council will also request a formal response from Wiltshire Council to the many concerns raised by residents and by the Parish Council which have not been directly responded to.
Bridge at Thornhill
Wiltshire Council have confirmed to the Parish Council that the work on the bridge is now complete and that they believe the result will provide suitable flood mitigation for the local residents. The Council heard the views of worried residents and agreed to ask for more technical details on the works and on the flood scenario modelling, and to contact the Environment Agency for advice. We will also request support from the Parish Steward to ensure ditches are cleared along the duration of the stream.
Planning Public Inquiry – Land at and adjacent to Appleford, Thornhill
Local residents are advised of the Public Inquiry into the use of the above land as a lorry driving instructor centre. Anyone wishing to express their views should do so to the Wiltshire Council Planning Inspectorate before 6th August, 2018 quoting reference APP/Y3940/C/18/3193744.
Please note that the Inquiry will only consider comments received directly by it and will not take into account any previously registered views.
The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Monday 13th August at 18.30pm in the Village Hall. Everyone is welcome and refreshments will be provided.
100 CLUB
June and July saw more lucky 100 Club winners. Due to a new member joining us, July saw an increase in the prize fund with a first prize of £34.
In June the winners were as follows:
1st Prize – Annie Crocker
2nd Prize – Hilary Bradley
3rd Prize – Ray Manley
In July
1st Prize was won by Richard Holness
The 2nd and 3rd Prize winners wish to remain anonymous as they kindly decided to donate the winnings back to the Church.
Remember the more people who join the more money you can win or donate to good causes of your choice and it only costs £1 per week (£4 per month or £48 per year)
For more information about joining please contact Fiona Holness on 07833 683444 or 01793 850562.
Finally, Good Luck to all Members for next month’s prize draw and if you join us, next month ‘It could be you’!
FOUR WAYS: OUR COMMUNITY PUB in Broad Town Village Hall
BAR EVERY FRIDAY 8.15pm-late – EVERYONE WELCOME Table tennis, pool, dartboard and table football – FREE TO PLAY. Classic 60s-90s music vids or sports on our two-metre cinema screen. Draught pints of Wadworth 6X and Becks, bottled cider, wine, spirits, fruit juice, squash, fizzy drinks, Aero hot chocolate, Tetley tea, Nescafe cappuccino, coffee & decaf always available. Plus a good range of crisps, nuts and porky scratchings!
BINGO EVERY SUNDAY – eyes down 7.30pm; last ball 9.30pm approx. Support your local non-profit: unlike commercial Bingo, every pound you flutter is returned to our players: stakes from £1.25, prizes can be over £50. More participants = bigger winnings! Never played? It’s easy for beginners – we’ll show you how!
Hosting your own event in the village hall? Our fully licensed bar can be stocked and staffed daytime/evening according to your needs: at least four weeks’ notice, please! Contact: Trevor on 01793 731699 email • ‘Like’ us on
“Save the Date” - 6th October – 7pm – In Broad Town Village Hall.
3 course meal - Bar – Local Entertainment
Enquiries / Tickets – Margaret Manley – Tel. 731564
More details in next month’s Broad Town News
Thank you to everyone who supported us on 15th July. We had 44 cars, 9 tractors and 2 bikes in attendance. The weather was kind to us, and we estimate approximately 200 people came to the field and enjoyed the various cherished vehicles on display.
People were very generous, and we were thrilled that the event raised £1610.48 for The Alzheimer’s Society. (£1090 could pay for a dementia support worker to spend one hour each week for a year with someone affected by dementia)
Thank you to everyone who was kind enough to donate. Andy and Sarah Larkins
Polite notice to all villagers about lighting bonfires during the day. As everyone is aware the weather has been exceptionally hot and we've all got our windows open to get a bit of air or washing out on the line and just out of courteousness if people have the need to burn their rubbish then to do it later in the evening.
Just a quick word to remind you all that I am around for general help and support on a wide variety of issues including transport, mobility and safety around the home and reducing the feeling of loneliness. Give me a call on 07557 922020 and leave a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Ellen Blacker, Health and Wellbeing Champion.
Run workshops at the Village Hall on every first Friday and third Saturday of the month from 10am to 3pm. All are welcome including painters who are beginners. The cost is still £5 per person per session which includes tea/coffee and biscuits but do bring a packed lunch. Help will be given to those who request it.
Contact Jim Dowton 850029 or Roy Davey 731154.
Hi Just thought I’d remind all of you that I’m in the Village. It’s Glen Morley the Painter and Decorator. I undertake interior and exterior work, to a very high standard. Everything is completed to the level I would have in my own home. Please feel free to call me at any time for a free consultation and VAT free estimate. My numbers are: Landline: 01793 739227 Mobile: 07545 573002. Please leave a message if I’m unable to answer.
Never-ending to-do list? Not enough hours in the day? Too much paperwork? Need a spare pair of hands? LET ME HELP!
Hi, I’ve lived in Broad Town for over 15 years and have a broad range of skills covering both business/office experience and practical, hands-on abilities.
If you need help with services such as: business support; de-cluttering & waste removal; Personal Assistant/Secretary; typing; general housekeeping; IT assistance, PowerPoint presentations; party invitations; garden maintenance; Excel spreadsheets painting; pet/horse care; general errand running, or anything else - please ask!
If I can’t do it, I’ll try and find someone who can.
I have full DBS/CRB clearance and £1m public liability insurance and references are available.
Examples of rates are available on my web site Please email or call 07748 752625 (land line 731858) to discuss your requirements. Thank you. Louise.