JULY 2018 BROAD TOWN NEWS Published by Christ Church
The Sponsors this month are the WI
Date/Day Time Church Service Readers Sidesman Chalice Cleaner Flowers
Sunday Jul 1
Clyffe Pypard
Benefice Communion
St Peter
and Patronal Festival
Wednesday Jul 4
Said Communion
Sunday Jul 8
Trinity 6
All-Age Service
Broad Town
Evening Service
R Holness / R Manley
D Marshall
C Marshall
P Lewis
Sunday Jul 15
Broad Town
Said Communion
M Green / C Green
C Green
C Green
C Bettinson
C Bettinson
Trinity 7
Clyffe Pypard
Evening Service
Sunday Jul 22
Clyffe Pypard
Said Communion
Trinity 8
Broad Town
C Marshall / F Holness
R Manley
J Drury
C Bettinson
C Bettinson
Evening Service
Sunday July 29
Benefice Communion
Trinity 9
Coffee Rota – 29th July - J & C Rendell
Broad Town Newsletter (BTN) takes all reasonable care to ensure that pages published are accurate. Articles and letters submitted may be the personal opinion of the author and, as such, are not endorsed by BTN. BTN takes no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by users of any of the information published on any of these pages, and such information does not form any basis of a contract with readers or users of it.
Will organisations or anyone wishing to have news, etc. included in the August edition please note that items must be submitted to
Margaret Green, 5 Eastwood Avenue, Royal Bassett, Wilts. SN4 8BX. cliveggreen@waitrose.com Tel. No 854200
This year marks the centenary of Armistice Day of World War 1, which was known at least for a while as the Great War. All of the villages and towns of England and beyond will be marking this in November but at St Laurence’s Church, Hilmarton our remembering will begin early. 100 days early.
From August 3rd 2018 we will be remembering for 100 days. One day for each of the 100 years.
Monday to Saturday at 8pm there will be a short act of Remembrance – with the Last Post, 2 minutes silence, Reveille and the Kohima Epitaph. Followed by an opportunity for people to add something to a Remembrance memorial book – perhaps a name, a drawing, a poppy, a copy of a photograph of a family member who served (whether from Hilmarton then or connected to Hilmarton through those who live and work there now) maybe even a poem or a white feather, thus creating from those of us alive now a reflection of our remembering of war and peace.
For some people the deepest connection to Remembrance might be a later conflict or a more recent loss – for the ‘war to end all wars’ certainly hasn’t done that yet. The 100 days is also a reminder that in marking a war beyond living memory we seek to build peace rather than glorify war; and that our respect for those who served during 1914-1918 (whether by choice or as conscripts, whether in the forces or on the land) will be different in every way from the deep grief of the living for those who have served and died in wars and conflicts since for whom memory may remain all too real.
Pat Rhodes and village crafters have also been knitting red poppies and are aiming to knit over 800 so that there will be one poppy for every 1000 of the fallen. I’m sure she would love some extra people to knit.
Kate Slater, dairy farmer’s daughter and illustrator will be working with local children at Broad Town School thanks to a grant from the Spackman Charity on something that will reflect the themes of memory and war; peace and landscape; and we hope with the children at Hilmarton School too. She will also be creating some work for display in St Laurence’s.
On Sundays the Act of Remembrance will mostly be part of the evening service or a separate service at 8pm if there isn’t a normal evening service. These will include a short reflection on war and peace – among those who will speak will be Richard Broadhead, Historian; Dr David Whetham, Reader in Military Ethics in the Defence Studies Department of Kings College, London and the Reverend Canon Andrew Studdert-Kennedy. Dates and times are still being confirmed and there will be a booklet with the details nearer the time. http://www.kateslaterillustration.com/
The Reverend Rachma Abbott Priest in Charge, Woodhill Benefice.
The Vicarage Clyffe Pypard, SWINDON SN4 7PY. 01793 731134
Feeling energetic? Maybe this is the time to take part in a sponsored cycle, ride or walk in this year’s Ride and Stride.
Visit Wiltshire’s beautiful churches and chapels to raise money for Broad Town Church and The Wiltshire Historic Churches Trust.
For more information/sponsor form contact Carolyn Crocker 852754
9th July PC Meeting
11th July Community Coffee Morning
14th July Church Coffee Morning
15th July Rearranged date - Vintage Vehicle event
21st July Hilmarton Moviola
25th July Community Coffee Morning
25th July School Leavers Service and End of Term
4th Sept Back to School
The sale of goods from the Royal Wootton Bassett stall on 6th June raised £380.
We would like to thank everyone for supporting this event by donating, purchasing, helping to set up and clear up.
A huge thank you to Judy Rendell for organising this event and for those who supported her to make this a great success.
On the 15th June the Chippenham Male Voice Choir entertained us in the Church and helped to raise £220. It was a very enjoyable evening, thanks again go to Judy Rendell for organising this. We are also very grateful to all the other people who helped on the night and to the team who erected the marquee beforehand.
Thank you to all the volunteers who spent time tidying the Churchyard on 23rd June and those who went at other times during the month. The next organised work morning will be on 7 July.
This is a reminder that we have a defibrillator in the Village. It is sited outside the Village Hall and is available for anyone to use in the unfortunate situation of someone they are with having heart failure. It is simple to use and talks you through what you have to do. It is a requirement though, that you RING 999 FIRST to get help on the way as soon as possible. The ambulance service will also tell you what to do and support you while you wait for the ambulance. If you are within 200m of the Hall they will automatically tell you about the defibrillator and tell you the access code. If you are further away but have someone who could fetch it for you quickly, you will need to ask them for the access code.
Broad Town Village Hall from 09.30-11.30am (Term time only)
Can you spare a couple hours each week to help? The current committee will be leaving the group this term so we need your help to keep this fantastic playgroup running.
Duties from volunteers would include:
- Booking the hall
- Help set up and close the hall
- Bringing snacks and refreshments
- Collecting weekly subs and paying into the playgroup’s account.
If you think you could help or would like further information, please call in or visit our Facebook page: Bumps and Beyond Mother & Toddler Group to contact us.
No volunteers means the play group will have to close ☹
We are a friendly group and are always happy to welcome new members. If you are unsure if the WI is right for you why not give it a go? Our meetings are generally held in the Village Hall on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. We are on the Broad Town Village website and on Facebook where you can find details of upcoming speakers and events.
If you would like more information, please call Annette on 01793 739021.
It was a real treat listening to Broad Town School choir sing to us in June. The coffee morning was busy and buzzing and we raised £125 for the School Reflective Garden. Thank you to everyone who made this possible. It was great to see so many new faces - do come and join us again!
Dates for July. Wednesday 11th July & Wednesday 25th July.
There will be no coffee mornings in August.
We open again on Wednesday 12th September. Enjoy the Summer.
For the 100 years since the 1st World War, we would like to put on an exhibition at the Church. It will be on the weekend of Fri. 9th to Sun. 11th Nov 2018. We are asking the villagers if you have any mementos inherited from relatives which you would be prepared to lend to the exhibition. Please could you get in touch with Margaret Green either tel. 854200 or by e-mail margaretgreen@waitrose.com. More details later.
Flood prevention
After the recent very heavy rain, the Parish Council discussed what immediate remedial action needs to be taken. It was agreed that Wessex Water would be contacted to inspect the drains and ensure that they are clear. It was also agreed that the Environment Agency should be informed of the scale of the flooding the village has experienced. Advice would be sought from the Flood Warden at Wiltshire Council to help the Parish Council create a Flood Resilience Plan and support would be requested for any additional preventative measures required. The Council is aware of the ongoing problem with the blocked culvert at the top of Pye Lane. It is on Wiltshire Council’s work list and we will continue to push for action.
Call the Environment Agency incident hotline on 0800 80 70 60 to report flooding, blockages in water courses and other environmental incidents.
Call the Floodline number on 0345 988 1188 for advice and information about flooding.
We reviewed our recent Internal Audit report and are delighted to say that there has been significant progress in our adopting compliant ways of working for the Parish Council and improved transparency. As a result we will be able to submit a very positive assessment in our Annual Return and Governance Statement. A big thank you goes to Linda Roberts, our Parish Clerk, who has led this work for us.
Planning application
The Parish Council had a lengthy discussion about the Planning application for the garage block behind 49 Redhills. The Council would like to thank the local residents who have outlined the issues with this application which we were able to discuss and elevate to Wiltshire Council. We have stated our objection to the application with firm grounds and have asked for a view from Highways before the application is taken any further.
Traffic Calming Speed Indicator Devices (SIDs)
An application to the CATG (Community Area Transport Group) for funding support for SIDs was made at their meeting on the 6th June. We are awaiting their response and hope to have news soon.
Community Fund
We are delighted that we have been able to award 5 grants totalling over £8,000 over the last year and would like to remind any existing or new community group that we will be looking to review new applications for grants at our September meeting. If you need any help with your application, then please contact the Parish Clerk or any member of the Parish Council.
The next Parish Council meeting is on Monday 9th July at 6.30pm in the Village Hall and as always everyone is welcome. Tea, coffee and biscuits are served.
FOUR WAYS: OUR COMMUNITY PUB in Broad Town Village Hall
BINGO EVERY SUNDAY – eyes down 7.30pm; last ball 9.30pm approx! Support your local non-profit, unlike commercial Bingo, every pound you flutter is returned to our players: stakes from £1.25, prizes can be over £50. More participants = bigger winnings! Never played? It’s easy for beginners – we’ll show you how!
BAR EVERY FRIDAY 8.15pm-late – EVERYONE WELCOME Table tennis, pool, dartboard and table football – FREE TO PLAY. Classic 60s-90s music vids or sports on our two-metre cinema screen. Draught pints of Wadworth 6X and Becks, wine, spirits, fruit juice, squash, fizzy drinks, Aero hot chocolate, Tetley tea, Nescafe cappuccino, coffee & decaf always available. Hosting your own event in the village hall? Our fully licensed bar can be stocked and staffed daytime/evening according to your needs: at least four weeks’ notice, please! Contact: Trevor on 01793 731699 email fourwaysbroadtown@gmail.com • ‘Like’ us on facebook.com/FourWaysBroadTown
The next film on Saturday 21st July is “Darkest Hour” (PG) at 7.30pm in Hilmarton Parish Church Hall. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets £6
Advance tickets: Breda Cottage (34 Church Road, Hilmarton,) or email hilmartonmoviola@hotmail.co.uk For more information and to reserve tickets call 01249 760312. 75 upholstered seats and a licensed wine bar
Also, on HILMARTON MOVIOLA FACEBOOK and http://www.moviola.org/hilmarton/
We chose to postpone the car event in May due to a forecast that looked truly dreadful. Many owners (who seemed to be also keeping a watchful eye on the forecast) were contacting us with concerns about bringing their cherished vehicles out in the stormy weather that was promised.
Of course, in true British weather tradition the afternoon was actually dry and sunny, after a rainy morning (very frustrating to say the least!)
We have been really touched by all the support and generosity people have shown to date and hope that everyone will be able to come along on the rearranged date of 15th July. (Instead of the August date we originally communicated).
In case of bad weather: If the weather is bad on 15th it is unlikely we would hold the event. But by then we will have defrosted c300 sausages and rolls, so anyone who would like some will be very welcome to collect a bag (for your dinner that night perhaps?)
15th July will be our last attempt at holding the car show – as soon after this we are moving, having spent nearly 19 happy years in Cotmarsh.
Fingers crossed we will see you on 15th July 2pm-4.30pm in the sunshine.
With regards Andy & Sarah Larkins andy@eleko.co.uk 07771775171
As I write this, we are just at the end of Dementia Awareness Week. Lots of things going on all over the country telling people about dementia – what it is, how it feels for people living with dementia and how those without it can understand and help. Brilliant!
Sadly, dementia isn’t confined to one week per year, it’s every day and so I thought I would share something I saw published by the Alzheimer’s Society called “Seven Small Actions. One Big Difference”. These are seven actions that came up most often in their research among people affected by dementia. They are simple actions we can all take in our everyday lives which, while they might seem small, will have a big impact. The more we do them, the more they will become the norm, and the more people with dementia will be able to carry on living the lives they want to.
- Talk to me. Don’t be worried about talking to me. I’m still me.
- Listen to me. Take time to listen and involve me in the conversation. I can still teach you a thing or two.
- Include me. Keep on inviting me out. Friends still mean the world to me.
- Ask if I need help. If I seem confused, ask if I need help. These little things help me stay independent.
- Be patient. Be patient with me and I’ll show you how I can still do things, it just might take me longer than it used to.
- Ask me about my dementia. Don’t be afraid to ask me questions. When you take the time to understand my dementia, I know there’s someone on my side.
- Help my carer too. Support my partner and others who care for me. My dementia affects them too.
If you would like to know more about dementia or come to an information session, let me know. Meanwhile, if I can help in any way, call 07557 922020 or email ellen.blacker@wiltshire.gov.uk. I look forward to hearing from you!
PS, although I love my job, I do only work part time so please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
Ellen Blacker, Health and Wellbeing Champion.
Run workshops at the Village Hall on every first Friday and third Saturday of the month from 10am to 3pm. All are welcome including painters who are beginners. The cost is still £5 per person per session which includes tea/coffee and biscuits but do bring a packed lunch. Help will be given to those who request it.
Contact Jim Dowton 850029 or Roy Davey 731154.
Hi Just thought I’d remind all of you that I’m in the Village. It’s Glen Morley the Painter and Decorator. I undertake interior and exterior work, to a very high standard. Everything is completed to the level I would have in my own home. Please feel free to call me at any time for a free consultation and VAT free estimate. My numbers are: Landline: 01793 739227 Mobile: 07545 573002. Please leave a message if I’m unable to answer.
Never-ending to-do list? Not enough hours in the day? Too much paperwork? Need a spare pair of hands? LET ME HELP!
Hi, I’ve lived in Broad Town for over 15 years and have a broad range of skills covering both business/office experience and practical, hands-on abilities.
If you need help with services such as: business support; de-cluttering & waste removal; Personal Assistant/Secretary; typing; general housekeeping; IT assistance, PowerPoint presentations; party invitations; garden maintenance; Excel spreadsheets painting; pet/horse care; general errand running, or anything else - please ask!
If I can’t do it, I’ll try and find someone who can.
I have full DBS/CRB clearance and £1m public liability insurance and references are available.
Examples of rates are available on my web site www.louisegirlfriday.co.uk. Please email louise@louisegirlfriday.co.uk or call 07748 752625 (land line 731858) to discuss your requirements. Thank you. Louise.