MAY 2018 BROAD TOWN NEWS Published by Christ Church
The Sponsors this month are “Sparkle for Markle”
Wednesday May 2
Said Communion
Sunday May 6
Family Communion
Thursday May 10
Benefice Communion followed by Breakfast
Ascension Day
Sunday May 13
Easter 7
All-Age Service
Broad Town
Evening Service
D Marshall / R Holness
D Marshall
J Rendell
M Manley
Sunday May 20
Broad Town
Said Communion
C Green / M Green
C Green
C Green
J Rendell
C Marshall
Clyffe Pypard
Evening Service
Sunday May 27
Clyffe Pypard
Said Communion
Trinity Sunday
Broad Town
C Marshall / F Holness
J Wallis
J Drury
M Manley
C Marshall
Evening Service
Coffee Rota – 27th May C & J Oldfield
Broad Town Newsletter (BTN) takes all reasonable care to ensure that pages published are accurate. Articles and letters submitted may be the personal opinion of the author and, as such, are not endorsed by BTN. BTN takes no responsibility for the consequences of error or for any loss or damage suffered by users of any of the information published on any of these pages, and such information does not form any basis of a contract with readers or users of it.
Will organisations or anyone wishing to have news, etc. included in the June edition please note that items must be submitted to
Margaret Green, 5 Eastwood Avenue, Royal Wootton Bassett, Wilts. SN4 8BX. Tel. No 854200
A poem by Robert Frost called Mending Wall has been much on my mind recently (this will probably be less surprising to readers in Hilmarton). It opens this way:
Something there is that doesn't love a wall,
That sends the frozen-ground-swell under it,
And spills the upper boulders in the sun;
And makes gaps even two can pass abreast.
And I can certainly bear witness to the fact that frozen ground and snow seemed to contribute to the overnight slumping down of the churchyard wall at St Laurence’s. A churchyard is a place where grief and love coalesce taking physical form in the memorial stones, grassy hummocks and flowers, reminding me that bruised hearts and feelings can be easily wounded by the changed appearance and the placing of old bricks and capstones.
And yet there is also delight in seeing the beauty of the bricks afresh now that they are stacks of single bricks rather than a whole wall. It seems that they were mostly made locally in the days when the Village had its own brickyard. There is also gratitude for the kind thoughtfulness of neighbours and the skills and effort of those making it safe and beginning the work that will make it possible for the wall to be rebuilt.
I find myself thinking about boundaries between places and people – for as it also says in the poem: “Good fences make good neighbours”* for I’m doing a bit of tidying – boxing some things up for putting away in the loft and some to be given away – and that reminds me that I rather like pretending that there are clear boundaries and separation between things – it can make stuff - the big stuff of life and love as well as the clothes that I don’t use or need - feel more manageable or controllable if the boundaries around ‘mine’ or ‘yours’ - the walls between things – stay where I want them and don’t fall down but ‘something there is that doesn’t love a wall.’
As I look at bricks and admire the resilience of the apple tree that held it up as it tumbled down I’m wondering if in my own life there are walls that should come down or fences to put up to balance safety and openness; peace and neighbourliness.
May you find the protection of good boundaries and the openness of a wide horizon this month.
*if you read the poem you may ponder what the poet thinks about the truth of this proverbial saying.
The Reverend Rachma Abbott Priest in Charge, Woodhill Benefice.
The Vicarage Clyffe Pypard, SWINDON SN4 7PY. 01793 731134
Congratulations to the school for the “Good” Ofsted report. We are sure the Staff and Pupils have all worked very hard to achieve this result, especially with the moving goal posts.
On 25th May the new GDPR come into force. This replaces the present Data Protection Act.
The Church is currently working to make sure that it’s procedures are compliant. We will send more information once we have it.
30th April Annual Parish Meeting
7th May Bushton Plant Fair
9th May Community Coffee Morning
12th May Plant Sale
12th May Churchyard Working Party
14th May Parish Council Meeting
19th May “Sparkle for Markle” Royal Wedding Celebrations
19th May Hilmarton Moviola
20th May Rearranged date for White Horse Liming
23rd May Community Coffee Morning
25th May End of School Term 5
26th May Gentlemen’s Breakfast Club
27th May Vintage Vehicle event
1st June Quiz Night
4th June Back to School
13th June Community Coffee Morning with Broad Town School Choir
23rd June Churchyard Working Party
27th June Community Coffee Morning
25th July End of School Term 6
On May 12th 2018 Judy Rendell has very kindly offered to sell plants at her home - the Elizabethan Cottage. This will be for General Church funds.
If anyone has surplus plants or vegetables to donate to the stall, please contact Judy on 01793 731341.
Unfortunately the usual May Church coffee morning has had to be postponed and will now take place in July.
The proposed dates for this year are 12 May, 23 June, 7 July, 18 August and 15 September. We meet from 9.30am to mid-day and refreshments are provided. For further information, please contact Ray Manley, Tel 731564.
- Due to the wet weather it was decided to postpone the liming of the White Horse in April as the surface of the Horse was slippery and potentially unsafe.
- A new date has now been chosen and weather permitting it is intended to lime the Horse on Sunday 20 May. The plan is to meet at the end of Chapel Lane at 0930 or at the Horse at 1000hrs.
- Protective equipment will be provided at the site in the form of eye protection and a face mask. All participants are requested to wear appropriate footwear and work gloves. If possible they should also bring a tool that can be used for removing weeds or for spreading the lime.
- The event will be open to all those who wish to be involved with the only stipulation being that participants should be physically fit and in good health.
- Would anyone who is available on this rearranged date and who wishes to be involved please contact Andrew Law on 731472 or . Fuller details will then be provided to all volunteers.
We have been thrilled by all the support from people in the Village, and now have over 30 vehicles confirmed. There is a great mix from supercars to pre-war cars and tractors. Thank you to everyone who has committed to bring a vehicle. (If you intend to come along in a vehicle to show and haven’t already got in touch please do contact me so I can plan accordingly)
We will be putting up signposts should you wish to walk from Broad Town to Cotmarsh on the footpaths. There are several ways to go – but we will signpost the route from Redhills. There will also be parking in our field should you prefer to drive. Even if you cannot make it to the event – you might like to look out for the procession of all the cars driving up Broad Town hill as a finale. We will leave Cotmarsh at approximately 4.30pm.
During the afternoon we will have free refreshments to enjoy (hot dogs from our own free range rare breed pork and home-made cakes) and hope you will give generously to The Alzheimer’s Society the charity we are supporting in memory of Andy’s Mum. You can donate by cash or text on the day – but you might find it easier to donate through our Just giving page (which can also add an extra 25% through gift aid)
Please contact us if you have questions and we look forward to seeing many of you on the 27th!
Andy and Sarah Larkins 07771775171
We are a friendly group and are always happy to welcome new members. If you are unsure if the WI is right for you why not give it a go? Our meetings are generally held in the Village Hall on the third Wednesday of each month at 7.30pm. We are on the Broad Town Village website and on Facebook where you can find details of upcoming speakers and events.
If you would like more information, please call Annette on 01793 739021.
Broad Town was busy on Saturday 14th April as 36 residents criss-crossed their way around the Village, dining at various houses all in the aid of charity!
The evening kicked off with a reception at The Old Vicarage in Pye Lane, where each couple were given a secret envelope with details of their dining venues for the evening. Guests visited 3 different houses over 4 hours with all 36 winding up at No 1 Pye Lane for the Final Dram!
Fantastic food, great company and lots of laughs was the overwhelming view of all who took part. Thanks to everyone who contributed to the evening.
A fantastic £460 was raised with proceeds being split between Broad Town Church and Brighter Futures Radiotherapy Appeal.
Dates for May:
Wednesday 9th May
Wednesday 23rd May
Advanced notice June 13th - this will be a fundraiser for Broad Town School to help towards the cost of creating a Reflective Garden. The school choir will be coming along to the coffee morning to sing for us at 11am. Anyone who was at the Harvest Supper knows what a treat this will be! Come and listen as you enjoy a drink and cake!
We are having a stall again this year at Royal Wootton Bassett on 6 June, to raise funds for the Church. We need items to sell such as, Books, Cakes, Bric a Brac, Good Quality Clothes, Toys & Games and Plants. If you would like to donate anything, please contact either Judy Rendell, Tel. 01793 731341 or Margaret Manley, Tel. 01793 731564.
Family Music Quiz
So you think you know your music?.....
Family Music Quiz 
Friday June 1st
Broad Town Village Hall 7.30-11.00pm
Open to families, friends and neighbours! Teams of 4 - 8 Entry £2 pp.
Questions on all musical genres – classic, metal, pop, theme tunes: Q’s across every decade from 50’s- to present day!
Joker rounds; picture and sound clues. Air Guitar competition in the Interval !
Put your own team together or just turn up on the night and we’ll put you in a team.
Hosted by Broad Town Social Club. Bar Available ..Tickets on the door.
Charity Raffle –donations gratefully received.
All profits to Julia’s House Children’s Hospice Devizes.
Don’t forget the Royal Wedding “Sparkle for Markle” celebrations in Broad Town on the 19th May. There will be events for everyone to enjoy, starting with a Litter Pick to make the Village “Sparkle” with refreshments for our Litter Pickers! Meet at the Church at 10am – we will be litter picking up until 11.30am.
After a chance to pop home to watch the Royal Wedding we are holding a Family Picnic on Redhills Playpark between 2pm and 4pm to celebrate and to officially open the Playpark, with prizes for children in fancy dress and some surprise visitors. Bring your own picnic and join in the fun. All welcome.
Our final event to complete the celebrations will be a FREE evening Family Celebration Party in Broad Town Village Hall between 7.30pm and 11.45pm with a cash bar and disco. Tickets need to be reserved and are going fast - numbers are limited so don’t leave it too late to reserve yours.
All Broad Town residents are invited to come to these free events, simply bring your own food to the Picnic and the Party. All children to be accompanied by an adult.
Fetch out the bunting and we can all make Broad Town look extra special for the festivities!
To reserve your place at the Evening Party e-mail or phone Annette on 01793 739021 (please note that children must be accompanied by an adult).
If you would like to offer your help to set up / support / clear up at any of the events, please email or call us. All offers will be very welcome.
Our thanks to the Parish Council and the Good Energy Solar Farm Community Fund for granting the funding to enable this event to be held and to the Village Hall, the Social Club and the Church for their support.
The Parish Council extend a warm invitation to the community of Broad Town to the Annual Parish Meeting to be held on Monday 30th April at 6.30pm in Broad Town Village Hall.
Refreshments will be served.
The Annual Parish meeting is not a Parish Council meeting. It is a meeting of the Parish electorate and is a relatively informal event for the community. Electors can contribute to the agenda and this meeting will celebrate local activities and debate current issues in the community. Local groups and organisations are invited to report to the community on their activities over the year and proposals for the forthcoming year. The meeting will publicise what is going on in the Village and help identify what the community thinks are the most important things for the future. We very much hope that you are able to attend and we look forward to hearing from you on any agenda items you may have.
At the Parish Council meeting held on 9th April 2018 the revised standing orders were agreed and adopted. Also agreed were the Financial Regulations of the Council.
Application for funds for the new goal posts on the Redhills playing field will be made to the Premier League and FA who have a small funds grant scheme which if an application was successful would fund the replacement of goal posts up to a maximum of 50%. An application for funding will also be made to the Area Board.
The next Parish Council meeting is on 14th May 2018 at 6.30pm in the Village Hall.
We are delighted to welcome this choir to Broad Town Church to sing for us on Friday 15th June at 7.30pm. Proceeds from this event will go to Broad Town Church, helping to keep the Church open. For further information and tickets, please contact Judy Rendell, Tel. 01793 731341 or Margaret Manley Tel. 01793 731564. Tickets £5 (including 1 glass of wine and nibbles)
The next film on Saturday May 19th is “Finding your feet” (12A) at 7.30pm in Hilmarton Parish Church Hall. Doors open at 7pm. Tickets £6
Advance tickets: Breda Cottage (34 Church Road, Hilmarton,) or email For more information and to reserve tickets call 01249 760312. 75 upholstered seats and a licensed wine bar
Here I am, holed up in my little office and the phone rings yes, you guessed it, another call from some lovely lady asking if I would like a new boiler/windows/insulation or whatever. Of course, its yet another cold call. Apart from the disturbance, loss of train of thought on what I was doing etc, no real harm done. But when a friend was called by someone who wanted to talk about a recent car accident, my friend became very worried as she wondered if it was a family member who was involved. The caller would give very little information to my friend because, of course, they were fishing for business and had no idea whether or not there had been an accident. Much more concerning than mine, but again, no long term harm.
Then there are the callers who tell you that your computer is under threat and to please log in and follow their instructions so that they can help fix it for you. Well, how helpful is that? Except there is nothing wrong with your computer and the callers aim is to gain access to your computer files with your personal info and passwords etc. Recently I took a call purporting to be from my bank, lovely cheery chap who asked me to confirm my identity. Excuse me, but he called me so I asked him for his identity and phone number so that I could call him back! Strangely enough, he wasn’t keen to disclose that information!
Sadly these things do happen and people in our community have been scammed out of thousands of pounds. I think its our nature to be “polite” to others and the con artists rely on this. My advice to you? If it’s an unexpected call, no matter how genuine they sound, beware. Never give out passwords, never let them gain access to your computers or tablets etc. If they are genuine, they can always write to you by post. Of course if they ask for your address, chances are they really don’t know you and if you give them your address you will be receiving a forest worth of junk mail!
Remember: “There is no such thing as a free lunch” (well there are a couple of exceptions on that, but its rare)
Meanwhile, if I can help in any way, call 07557 922020 or email I look forward to hearing from you!
PS, although I love my job, I do only work part time so please leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
The next Gentleman’s Full English Breakfast Club meeting will be on Saturday 26th May. The speaker at this event will be Mrs Honor Page. She will be telling us about London’s Livery Companies.
Contact David May, if you would like to be sent further details when available or to attend.
Run workshops at the Village Hall on every first Friday and third Saturday of the month from 10am to 3pm. All are welcome including painters who are beginners. The cost is still £5 per person per session which includes tea/coffee and biscuits but do bring a packed lunch. Help will be given to those who request it.
Contact Jim Dowton 850029 or Roy Davey 731154.