With deepest regret
I can’t hear blackbirds, robins, wrens, owls, thrushes or even pheasants today
Because the developer’s diggers and dumpers have started to lay
How sad, no more hay
Even sadder, every man and his dog (except me) had their say
I hope the developer’s workers have a packed lunch
Because Broad Town has no shop for brunch
Or indeed a pub for them to have a munch
All because the planning agent packed such a punch
I hope the workers didn’t cause a fuss
When they realised we don’t have a bus
I view the antics to date with disgust
I have every reason to mistrust
The traffic lights made me late for work - I’m irked
Decades of road improvements just haven’t worked
The promised benefits could be so easily shirked
I was a believer, but now I’m feeling a bit of a berk
Nobody explained that the promise of a resident only vote
Could simply go up in smoke
No doubt a lack of the odd bank note
All this upset and nonsense really gets my goat
I didn’t know we had 9 places where others could build
Or even if we want our village to be filled
The bureaucrats have been so skilled!
I wish I had taken an interest because regrettably I’m now not thrilled
Don’t be hoodwinked - Is it right that we sit back and say “Broad Town is now just this way”? Please make sure you have the complete picture before you have your say?
Dear Parish Council,
ü Please let me see where and what ALL of the 9 options are
ü Please give me the opportunity to decide and vote on which of the 9 options I want.
ü Please give me the opportunity to vote on whether I like/accept the plan being put forward by you on my behalf.
ü The 8,000 voters from larger parishes like Purton, Lyneham and Lydiard will overwhelm Broad Townians! I DON’T feel it is right to wait or rely on the final referendum to have our say. I would like Broad Town to be given the power to accept or reject its own plan at this final stage.
Yours sincerely,