Parish Council Documents


Present.  Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman. Cllrs R. Bourton, M. Nailon, Mrs D., Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V., Stubbings.

Also present: 80 members of the public

There werte no Declarations of Interest.

Network Rail gave a presentation on the planned closure of local road bridges to enable electrification to be carried out. It is planned to build a temporary rosad before the bridge on Marlborough Road is closed, and work should not commence before this is in place. Work on the 'skew bridges' will be carried out after this.

The meeting was opened at 19.00 hrs.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th December 2014 were signed as being a true record.

2. Planning.

a 14/11808. Upper Ham Farm. Use of land for outdoor pursuits. Supported, but the mention of possible flooding in the application should be investigated before approval.

b. 14/46794. Hambrook Farm. Ground mounted solar panels. No objections

c. 14/110848. 29 Broad Twown Road. Extension for exercise pool. Fully supported.

d. 14/11479. 67 Chapel Lane. New dwelling. Withdrawn. A revised application, 14/12128 will be circulsted.

3. Finance.

a. The precept for 2015/16 was set at £3625.

b. It was noted that the annual subscription for SLCC, £65, had been paid.

c. Two cheques were raised:

i. R.J.Davey, £237.24 - salary and expenses Oct-Dec

ii. HMRC.  £50.60 for PAYE

4. Community Fund. Advice was awaited before setting out the purposes and limitations of the fund, which will accrue to the Village once the solar farm at Goldborough Farm is operational.

5. Reports.

a. Neighbourhood Planning. Report of the meeting of NEW-V Support Group noted.

b. CLPG. The draft report has been forwarded to Matt Pearson for comment, and will be brought before the PC at the February meeting for consideration.

6. Parish Matters.

a. Parking on Chapel Lane. Inconsiderate parking still occurring.

b. The Community Led Planning Group draft on the future planning for the Village will be dicussed at the next Parish Council meeting. Copies will be held by the Clerk.

c. Hedges at Whiteways. In order to assist WC and to avoid further damage to the road, a local landwoner was willing to assist.

d. Badgers at Whiteways active again.

e. Thornhill. Road between the pumping station and \common Farm is in very poor condition, and still flooding.

f. A comment from the Chairman of Cliffe Pypard regarding planning matters on the boundaries of the two parishes was noted.

g. Clerk is to liaise with WC regarding work required to be completed by the lengthsmen.

7. Communique. To include:

a. Network Rail presentation

b. CLPG report.

c. Vacancy on PC.

d. Parking on Chapel Lane.

The meeting closed at 19.40 hrs.

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