Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr S. Hinson, Chairman

Cllrs R. Bourton, M. Nailon, Mrs D. Ponting, J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings

Also present: 5 members of the public, a representative of Hannick Homes, and Cllr Mrs M. Groom.

The representative of Hannick Homes gave a resume of the result of the public consultation held to show residents the suggested plan for housing in the Village, and allow them to give their views. He agreed to send the PC a written report.

Cllr Groom gave an update on the budgeting meeting held by WC, but noted that the  proposed campus at R Wootton Bassett had not been mentioned. She has protested vigourously.

The formal meeting opened at 18.55.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 12th January 2015 were signed as being a true record.

2. Finance.

Clerk noted that he had contacted A.W Services about their incorrect invoicing and had received an apology and correct invoices. A cheque for £520 was raised to settle these.

3. Community Led Planning Group.

Before discussng the draft plan the Chairman wished to place on record his appreciation of the the amount of work put into the draft report by Lorraine and Simon Billis. This was fully supported by all of the Councillors.

Regarding the draft report by the CLPG; the Parish Council had requested advice from Wilts Council to which they have yet to receive a reply. Further,  notwithstanding that the information given by the representative from Hannick Homes would be biased in their favour and pending the receipt of notes from the Company, it was decided to move this item to the March meeting to enable a full and final acceptance of the report to be made. Cllr Stubbings proposed that the draft be accepted as it is but that an alternative option is added to be the subject of a public consultation. Agreed.

4. Community Fund.

The notes on the setting up of the fund have been agreed and will be circulated. It was agreed that the Clerk compile a draft regulation of the operation of the fund for consideration by the PC.

5. Reports.

a. Neighbourhood Planning. Last meeting cancelled, no new date set.

b. Area Board and CATG. Next meeting of GATG on 15 Feb 15, and Area Board 18 Mar 15

c. Community Speedwatch. Cllr Nailon noted that a lack of local interest and support may result in the winding up of the Group. A daeline of the end of February has been set for a decision on the continuance of the scheme.

6. Communique.

Clerk is to decide content with particular reference to Cllr Stubbings report of the Cecember Area Board meeting.

7. Parish Matters.

a. Grass cutting at Redhills playing field. The contract for the coming year is now up for renewal. Recent experience has shown that it is very difficult to obtain the services of a company prepared to do this. An estimate of £1040 for the coming year from A.W Services, and whilst agreeing that the quality of work needs to be improved, it was agreed to continue the contract for the coming year. The Clerk is to write to A.W Services making this point.

The meeting closed at 19.40

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