Parish Council Documents


Present: Cllr R. Bourton, Chairman, Cllrs S. Billis, J. Brain, N. Crocker, Mrs J. Newman.

Apologies were received from Cllrs J. Pullen and Mrs V. Stubbings.

Cllr Newman gave the Council a preview of the presentation which the Parish Plan Steering Group will give to the public at the special meeting on 26th March 2010.

1. The minutes of the meeting held on 8th February 2010 were signed as being a true record.

Matters arising. Flooding near East Farm. Clerk gave a brief report on progress so far, with the estimate that the work should be completed by the week ending 12th March 2010.


2. 67 Broad Town Road. Rear Extension. No objections had been received.

3. 10/00021/FUL. Tanara, Broad Town Road. Erections of Stables etc, with manege, plus change of use from Agricultural to Private Equestrian. There were  no objections. A notice has been placed on the Notice Board.


5. A cheque for the Clerk's salary of £202.22 was approved.

6. A cheque payable to the Village Hall Management Committee for annual rent of £20 was approved.

7. It was agreed to donate £20 to Victim Support.

Parish Matters

8. Fencing at Redhills. The holes in the chain link fencing had still not been repaired. This is the responsibility of W.C. Clerk will report it again, and chase it up.

9. Fireworks. Once again the P.C. had received complaints about fireworks being let off at unreasonable hours late in the evening. It would appear that the person involved does not think this is anti-social.

10. Road Works. Concern was expressed at the progress of the work on the main sewer on Broad Town Road. The signage from the very beginning has not been clear. It has led to much more traffic through Thornhill, particularly heavy vehicles. With the wet weather at the start, the road verges are now churned up mud. Further, the re-instatement on the edges of the main road where the work has been completed does not appear to be of a good enough standard to sustain the weight of the heavy traffic that uses this road. Also the manhole cover at the northern end of the work is several inches proud of the road surface.

Clerk will forward these complaints to W.C., particularly that the verges through Thornhill must be re-instated as part of this project.

11. Annual Parish Meeting. It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting, at which villagers can give a report on their activities and find out what else is going on, will be held on Monday 12th April 2010. The Annual Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Monday 10th May 2010.

(signed) Roy Davey, Clerk

9th March 2010

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